From ICIHelp8.2
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*[[My Dashboard]]
*[[My Dashboard]]
**[[Edit KPI Tiles]]
**[[Edit KPI Tiles]]
**Create a Contract/ Agreement
***[[Create a Fresh Contract/ Agreement]]
***[[Create a Contract/ Agreement from Contract Request]]
***[[Copy an Existing Agreement]]
***[[Add Supporting Documents to Your Contract/ Agreement]]
***[[Add Commitments to Your Contract/Agreement]]
***[[Set Auto-Expiry of a Contract/ Agreement]]
***[[Download and Print Contract/ Agreement Information]]
***[[Send a Message]]
**[[Edit a Contract/ Agreement]]
**Delete a Contract/ Agreement
***[[Delete a Contract/ Agreement]]
***[[Cancel a Contract/ Agreement]]<br/>
**Add Team to Your Contract/ Agreement
***[[Add and Remove Approvers]]
***[[Enable and Disable Approvers]]
**Review and Approve/Reject a Contract/ Agreement
***[[Send a Contract/ Agreement for Review]]
***[[Review a Contract/ Agreement]]
***[[Approve a Contract/ Agreement]]
***[[Reject a Contract/ Agreement]]
***[[Add Notes]]
***[[Delegate an Agreement Approval/Review]]
**Deviation in Clauses
***[[Review Deviated Clauses]]
***[[Approve Deviated Clauses]]
***[[Add Manual Deviation]]
**Execute a Contract/ Agreement
***[[Fulfill a Commitment]]
***[[Send an Agreement to External/Third Party Signature]]
***[[Electronic Signature for Own Paper]]
***[[Electronic Signature for Third Party Paper]]
***[[Manual Signature]]
**Terminate a Contract/Agreement*
***[[Post - Execution Review of an Agreement/Contract]]*
***[[Terminate an Agreement]]
**[[Add Amendment to a Contract/ Agreement]]
**Upload Agreements Using MS Excel
***[[Install ICM Excel Add-In]]
***[[Log In to ICM Excel Add-In]]
***[[Upload Agreements Using ICM Bulk Insert]]
**Associated Document
***[[Search an Associated Document]]
***[[Create an Associated Document]]
***[[Approve an Associated Document]]
*[[Agreement Management - Option 1]]
*[[Agreement Management - Option 1]]

Revision as of 17:04, 26 January 2017