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Agreements Details page

From Agreements detail page, you can view present status of the agreement, all the information related to the agreements and perform certain actions depending upon your role.

The left nav of the page gives:

  • Agreement: This section all the information regarding the agreement, they are further divided into
    • Summary shows the information in sections
    • Details show the agreement information with the attribute fields. Only the primary owner can edit the attribute values in the fields.
    • Preview shows you exact look of the agreement.If the agreement is in the draft state, the preview mode will only show the attributes defined in the agreement, and if it is approved state preview mode will also show the attribute values.
    • History shows the entire lifecycle of the agreement.
  • You can add associations to your agreement by clicking the + icon. You can only add the associations if you have defined…..
  • Deviations allow you to add any changes to be made in the clauses. In case you need to
  • View the amendments only if there are any amendments made in the agreement.
  • Agreement Clauses…
  • Assemble a team which will participate in the complete execution of the agreement.
  • You can print the document or export the agreement attributes to the desired format.

You can perform following actions from an Agreement Details page::

  • Compare the changes made in the recent document with the previous.
  • Send the agreement to various users within ICM.
  • Copy the existing agreement. This option with be shown only if the agreement is in the approved state.
  • Use smart links to see any documents related to the selected agreement.

3. describe the actions available for requests in all states" For example:

If your agreement is in Draft state, you can perform the following actions:

  • Lock / Unlock: lock an agreement to prevent others to take any action on it.
  • Collaborate: Add Users to collaborate with.
  • Confidential / Non-confidential:
  • Edit:
  • Publish:
  • Delete:

If your agreement is in Published state, you can perform the following actions:

  • Download: save a copy of this Agreement to your local computer.
  • Download All to save an Agreement and Associated Documents on your local computer
  • Upload Document to upload the document in the ICM application.
  • Lock to lock an Agreement to restrict others to take action on it.
  • Edit to make changes to an Agreement.
  • Confidential to move an Agreement to the confidential organization unit.
  • Assemble Contract to include the Associated Documents (example - annexure), if any, along with the Agreement.
  • Request Review to send the Agreement to the reviewer for review. To learn more about the Request Review process, click Send a Contract/Agreement for Review.
  • Send For Approval to send the Agreement to the Approvers for approval.
Note: Upload Signed Copy button will be available for the Primary and Secondary owners as well, in addition to the Internal signatory. Even the Primary and Secondary owner can also upload the signed document on behalf of the Internal signatory. The button will be available only while the agreement is in Waiting for Internal Signatory state.