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Saved Searches

You can use the advanced search option to search for existing entities. You can save these searches and pin them as favorites for easier access.

To save your Search:

  1. Click the Search Saving your Search1.png. tile at the top right of My Dashboard. This opens Advanced Search.
  2. In the Please select Entities to search field, enter or select appropriate entities from the list and type the keywords to search in the Enter Search here field.
  1. Select from these options:
  • Metadata: the search is performed in the metadata of the selected Agreement.
  • Full Text: the search is performed within the contents of the document of the selected Agreement.
  1. Click Search RTENOTITLE icon, the results matching your keywords are displayed.
  2. To narrow down your search, under Search For, click the Select Field and select an option from the list provided. The number in the bracket indicates the number of items available containing that search term. You can select multiple options. For example, selecting the field Status, displays the count of agreements that have status as Draft, Approved, Terminated, Superseded and so on. If you select the status as Draft (select the check box next to 'Draft'), all agreements in the Draft status are displayed.
  3. A list of these agreements is displayed as a search result in the tabular format. Enhance your search using wild cards as follows:
    • *...*: Type a search term in between the star characters. It shows existing items which include the respective search term
    • *...: Prefix * to a search term. It shows existing items which end with this term
    • ...*: Suffix * to a search term. It shows existing items which start with this term
    • "...": Type a search term in double quotes. It shows existing items which include the search term
    • ...(space)...: Type multiple search terms with a space in between. It shows existing items which include the search terms


Saving the Search

If you have the search criteria defined and have fine-tuned the results you are seeing, sabve the search:

  1. Click the the Save  RTENOTITLE  icon. This opens the Save Search dialog box. Set the parameters for this saved search. 
  2. Type a name for the search. Use a name that you can easily associate with this search.
  3. Click Yes to make it a global search, if you would like to all users of the selected Security Groups and Organization Units to see it. Select No to save this search locally that is only seen by the person saving it and not by anyone else.
Note: only the Administrator can save global searches.
  1. Specify the Advanced Parameters as follows:
    • Smart Link: set it as a smart link to view all documents relevant to this search. Smart links appear as an icon in the Agreement_Details_Page
    • Dashboard Tile: select Yes if you would like to use this saved search as Dashboard Tile. Dashboard Tiles appear on My_Dashboard.
Note: a Search defined as a Smart link cannot be set as a Dashboard tile. 
  • Smart Link: set it as a smart link to view all documents relevant to this search. Smart links appear as an icon in the Agreement_Details_Page
  • Dashboard Tile: select Yes if you would like to use this saved search as Dashboard Tile. Dashboard Tiles appear on My_Dashboard.  Dashboard Tiles show entities in various stages with a numeric value. This value is calculated as a combination of column aggregate and the calculation method you choose. Give the Tile a name and specify the parameters for the numeric value. As the options suggest:
    • sum shows the total contract value of all agreements found in the search
    • average presents the average contract value of all selected agreements
    • count displays the total number of agreements found in the search

Watch the Introduction to  My Dashboard video for details on Dashboard Tiles. 




  • Column Aggregate: as per the type of saved search, the field will get populated with the options, select the required one.
  • Calculation Method: select the option from Sum, Average and Count, by default, Count will be selected.



Click Save, you can now see the Dashboard Tile created by you in the list of Saved Searches that are set as Dashboard Tiles on the Dashboard after clicking on Edit. You can drag and drop your KPI from the list to the Dashboard.

Note: If it is a global search, the admin needs to create a security group to give the the user access to see that Saved Search in the list and add it as a Dashboard Tile.


  1. Click the Save icon RTENOTITLE to save your search. This opens the Save Search dialog box.



    Related Topics: Advanced Search  |  My_Dashboard  | Create Smart Links