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Categories of Reports

Based on their functionality and usage, reports appearing on different tabs of the Reports tile are categorized into the following three groups:

  1. Legal & Compliance
  2. Admin
  3. Workflow

Let’s go through the reports within each of these categories:

Legal & Compliance: 

These reports provide information regarding the agreements that may have expired or may be expiring, the deviations, the clauses and the attributes. This enables you to track the impact on agreements, take initiatives to ensure compliance and take necessary actions to mitigate risks at all levels of the agreement.

These include the following reports:
Expiring Agreements
Agreement Deviation
Agreement Clause Content Report
Attribute Information Report
Expired Agreements

These reports provide information to the Admins regarding agreements, clauses, templates, cycle times, users and signature types. They help admins make informed decision about a particular user or agreement to improve performance, ensure smooth transitions and eliminate risks.

These include the following reports:
Average Agreement Turn Around Time
Clause Profiling Report
Template Clause Report
Agreement Cycle Time Report
User Profiling Report
User Login Report
Signature Type Report

These reports provide an overview of the list of roles and assignees for specified workflows. They display data about the state of an agreement, clause or template that may have pending requests, approvals or execution, along with the duration.

Clauses Pending Approval
Agreements Pending Execution
Templates Pending Approval
Agreements Pending Approval 
Pending Requests for Contract Initiation


Note: The grouping name is displayed in full and localized to the respective language preference.

Agreement specific reports are accessible from the Agreement Details page.