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Add Amendment without Parent Agreement using Excel Add-in 

You can create an orphan Amendment using Excel Add-in. To create an Amendment without Parent Agreement (orphan Amendment) using Excel Add-in, you need to set the value as true in the following key: 

  1. Log on to ICM  Excel Add-in. 
  2. Click ICM Bulk Insert tab in the ribbon to select the entity and action. 
  3. Select the entity from the Entity drop-down and then select the Action from the Action drop-down. For example, select entity as ICM_MSA_SD and select action as Add Orphan Amendment. 
  4. Click Populate Workbook. The Populate Workbook window opens. 
  5. Click Yes to populate the workbook that shows the attributes for the selected Contract Types. 
  6. Select or enter the information for the mandatory fields in the Excel Add-in. For example,
    • Status
    • Parent Agreement
    • Business Status 
    • Agreement Name 
  7. Click Validate to validate the information selected or entered for the Contract Type while creating the Amendment. If the validation is successful, a Validation Successful message appears. If the validation fails, Validation failed message appears
  8. After the validation is successful, click Upload. This uploads the information entered about the Contract Type and will be visible on the ICM user interface.



Related Topics: Adding an Amendment to an Agreement | Add Amendment without Parent Agreements using the user interface