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Return to Generic Integration Framework to Support ASB Interface.
Azure Service Bus (ASB) is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Data is transferred between different applications and services using messages. The ICM-ASB adapter considers the approach based on REST and OData principles that exposes a uniform, stateless interface which communicates using HTTP(S) and JSON payloads.
The ICM support for generic integration provides the ability to synchronize ICM Masterdata tables using the input from ASB. Through a technical configuration, you can specify the attributes to be used for this generic integration.
To enable synchronization between ICM and ASB, a Masterdata Contract Type should first be configured in ICM, with specific attributes for the integration. To create a Masterdata Contract Type:
The Client App Cross Reference mapping maps ICM entities (for example, ICM attributes) to client app entities.
1. Select the Category from the drop-down. For example, Default.
2. Select the Masterdata Contract Type.
3. Click Next. The Attributes page opens.
The Client App Entity Mapping maps ICM attributes (for example, attribute names used in Supplier Master) to attributes in the file uploaded through ASB.
To create mapping using ASB, select Messaging in the Integration Mode drop-down. The Client Name selected must be GenericIntegration.
In case of lookup and non-lookup attributes: The ICM Relationship Key should be set for lookup attributes and kept blank for non-lookup attributes. The Relationship Key framing should be <Master Contract Type Name> Double Underscore<ICM Attribute Name>. For example, in case of Supplier Master the ICM attribute name will be ICMSupplierCountry and the Masterdata Contract Type for this attribute will be ICMCountryMaster. Hence, relationship key will be ICMCountryMaster__ICMSupplierCountry.
Note: The file format of the template will be according to the Payload Type selected in the attributes of the Client App Cross Reference entity.
For Scheduled updation:
For EventBased updation:
A notification is displayed once the Payload is published successfully.
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