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= ICM Release Notes - Release 7.8 =
= ICI Release Notes - Release 7.15 =
== Overview of Release 7.8 ==
== List of Enhancements 7.15 ==
The 7.8 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform. It strives to improve user experience and intuitiveness by continually improving the ICM user interface. It offers rich visualization and discovery methods for Agreements by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Substantial changes have been made to improve the Search and Saved Search functionalities for better visibility. The tagging of Associated document saved search in Agreement Templates and ability to define Rules have also been enhanced for better usability. The bulk actions functionality is now extended to multiple entities.
The 7.15 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Intelligence (ICI) platform. It strives to enhance user experience, intelligence, analytics, intuitiveness and usability by continually improving ICI functionalities and the user interface.
With this release, the Power Business Intelligence (BI) integration allows you to generate reports on multiple datasets. Reports are further modified to improve insight by enhancing names, formats, etc. It also augments the Icertis Experience by providing better redirecting options to Salesforce users, sending notifications in localized languages to Adobe Sign users, allowing DocuSign users to send Associated documents along with the main Agreement, and enabling end-to-end management of Contract lifecycles across Coupa and the ICM platform through synchronized data exchange and configurable integration.
The key enhancements of this release include:
The key enhancements of this release include:
*Incorporating Artificial Intelligence apps in the ICM platform to enable real-time negotiation by looking up similar Agreements or Clause text at the time of the Agreement review, applying natural language processing and machine learning to discover Obligations from the Agreement without having to read the entire document, and offering rich visualization for Agreements to make them searchable, readable, and understandable.  
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Enhancements to the ICI Application'''</span>
*Revamping the ICM user interface to improving the user experience by standardizing tabs, accordion headers, etc., and sending ICM email notifications in different languages based on the users’ language preferences.
**'''''User Experience'''''
*ICM now provides support to the Agreement workflow as per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 to improve usability.  
***To ensure that the agreement document is generated with the correct clauses and metadata, we now can preview an agreement from the pre-draft stage to the Approved stage, enabling a comprehensive review before publishing the contract.&nbsp;
*Performing Bulk Actions to create new Agreements and Masterdata, and updating Associations along with Agreements or Amendments within ICM itself.  
***Improved usability for the global user base and their individual UI language preferences via expanded localization coverage which now includes support for localized “Reason Codes”.  
*Allowing tagging of Associated document saved search in the Agreement Template and making significant changes to improve the Search functionality in ICM.
***Friction-free collaboration enabled via the Collaboration Portal’s external user interface which now enables external users to search contract requests, agreements, associations and masterdata records.&nbsp;
*Providing the capability to tag the saved search result of Associations that are assembled as a table in the Agreement Template/document.  
***Improved document review process where the display order for clauses in the ICI web and in Icertis Experience for Word match the order in which the clauses are configured in the respective template and generated agreement. &nbsp; &nbsp;
*Enhancing Rules to support inclusion, exclusion, and modification of Clauses in an Agreement, supporting multiple rulesets for Template Selection and Clause Assembly Rules, and locking/unlocking rules when updating them to prevent data loss.  
***Improved usability whereby the attribute multi-selection interface, when creating an agreement, can be configured as either radio buttons or checkboxes to tailor the agreement creation experience per the contract type.&nbsp;
*Improving the Icertis Experiences for Coupa, Salesforce, Adobe Sign and DocuSign by:
***Amendments to an agreement are now viewable in a grid-view in addition to the current tile view. This provides more information and enables standard grid view functionalities such as search, filter, and export.&nbsp;
**Enabling users to exchange data to manage end-to-end Procure-to-Pay, Source-to-Contract and Masterdata sync lifecycles between Coupa and the ICM platform.  
***Improved usability where the sequence of values displayed in a masterdata lookup drop-down can now be configured to have the most frequently accessed values available at the top of the list.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;   
**Improving usability by providing users an option to be redirected to the ICM Contract Details page or the Salesforce Record page from where the creation process was initiated.
**Improving user experience by providing support to send notifications to signatories in the localized language when using Adobe Sign, instead of sending the notification in English to all users.  
**Allowing users to send Associated documents along with the main Agreement for signatures using DocuSign. 
*Extending support of Template Variables when using the Microsoft Word Add-in (.Net version) to be able to add, modify and remove Template Variable tags in the Template.  
*'''''Workflow Enhancements'''''
*Modifying the Agreement Cycle Time Report, Attribute Value Report, Detailed Report, My Pending Requests Report and the User Login Report.  
**Greatly improved system availability during Publish operations where now only the contract types being published are not available during this system operation as opposed to the whole system being unavailable.
**Improved usability including the ability to create instances of associations as part of the agreement creation wizard itself.
**To continue bringing Extension Attributes capabilities at par with regular attributes, these are now quickly viewable for easy reference in the agreement entity’s “Agreement Clauses” tab.
**Agreements can be Approved or Rejected from within an agreement notification email itself making it faster to take actions on an agreement and reducing turnaround time for approval cycles.&nbsp;
**Expanded contract request experience now includes the ability to request Contract Terminations.
**Bulk actions support now extended to Terminating agreements in bulk to support situations that require it, such as regulatory changes, or business partner insolvency. &nbsp;
**To save time when re-instantiating a terminated agreement, due to reasons such as reviving a business relationship, you can now do so by simply adding amendments to the terminated agreement rather than by having to create a new agreement from scratch.
**Simplified administration of the first run default user preference which can now be pre-set or updated for users based on their location or department.
**Simplified signature status labels of “External”, “Internal,” and “Fully Signed” are shown in agreement versions.  
**Enhanced flexibility when executing a large volume of contracts by not requiring the immediate upload of documents to change the status to “Executed”. Instead, the agreement status will change from “Waiting For Signature” to “Executed – Document Upload Pending”.
**Enabling sharing of Associated Documents as well via the email notifications that are triggered for an agreement.
**For organizational changes or employee turnover, we now provide a data management interface that enables replacing users with multiple users on supported agreement entities.
**Support for granularly defining which agreement attributes for a given contract type should be cascaded to the agreement’s amendments via the “Is Inherit On Amendments” flag at the agreement contract type and template variable level.
**In addition to the currently available functionality of all attributes to be superseded capability, we now offer the ability to selectively supersede an attribute through rules.&nbsp;
**Conditional attributes’ comparison operators now support multiple complex conditions to dynamically display attributes based on a range of business scenarios.
**Simplifying agreement workflow navigation by enabling the option to show a “No Team Available” message during workflows when a team is not needed.
**Expanded support for special characters in the Attribute display name for contract requests, agreements, associations and masterdata.
**Selectively download amendments with the corresponding parent and child associations in a zip package with corresponding sub-folders.&nbsp;
**Larger file size support when uploading (4GB) and downloading (6GB) larger files for masterdata and associations.&nbsp;
**Boost smart filter creation using string operators such as “Contains”, “Starts With”, “Does Not Contain” for the “Business Status” search facet.  
**Expanded support for automating the bulk upload of clauses and templates reducing the dependency on manual approvals and delays in onboarding clauses and templates.
**Enhanced configurable labels for peer associations that define the contractual relationship. (such as, “Related To”, “Linked To”, “Addendum Of”, “Addendum To”, “Parent To”, “Child To”, and so on.).  
== ICM Application Enhancements ==
<span style="color:#008000;">'''333317 – Enhancements to Bulk Actions'''</span>
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Mobile App Updates'''</span>  
**Enhancing the “Refresh” functionality for “Tasks” and “Commitment” tabs to continually show the latest changes in the status for mobile app users. 
The Bulk Actions functionality is further enhanced so that you can create and update multiple entities directly within ICM. When uploaded, these records become part of the ICM workflow and can be managed within ICM itself. Earlier, you could only Add Amendments. With this release, you can:
*Create new Agreements and Masterdata.
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Enhancements to ICI API 2.0'''</span>  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:333317 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
**Improving the filtering and searching capability which now supports searching text inside clauses or templates to allow more powerful deep searches especially when searching across large libraries.&nbsp;  
*Update existing Amendments and Agreements.&nbsp;  
**Improved labeling of internal, external, and fully signed copies of agreements for easy identification of an agreement version.  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:333317 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
**Defining and updating clause groups as per business requirements for easy categorization and management.&nbsp;  
*Create/update Associations with Agreements or Amendments.
*Process multiple batches in parallel, instead of sequentially processing them.  
*Get drop-downs in the Workbook for static and dynamic lists to select from. For example, Type Of Paper, Workflow Action, Org Unit, Lookup/Cascade Attributes, etc.
*Easily differentiate each column in the Workbook for mandatory, user selected, Information fields due to the color-coding.<br/> &nbsp;  
<span style="color:#008000;">'''345526&nbsp;– Power BI Integration with ICM'''</span>
ICM integration with Power Business Intelligence (BI) provides real-time analytics and ad-hoc report generation capabilities to the user. Access to the ''Advanced Analytics'' tile on the Dashboard is controlled through ''Privileges'' defined in ''Security Groups''.
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Enhancements to ICI Add-ins'''</span>
**'''''Icertis Experience for Word'''''
***Improving the filtering and searching capability with support for searching text inside clauses or templates to allow more powerful search especially when searching across large libraries.&nbsp;
***Improving labeling of internal, external, and fully signed copies of agreements for easy identification of an agreement version.
***Defining and updating clause groups as per business requirements for easy categorization and management.&nbsp;   
With this release, this capability has been enhanced so that:
As a User, you can:
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Enhancements to Artificial Intelligence Applications'''</span>
**Multiple enhancements to the AI-powered legal playbook capabilities:
***Improved usability by enabling larger window views of the “Details” page and also including deviations.&nbsp;
***All the playbook positions for a contract type now have the option to search and filter.&nbsp;
***Administrators can create a new playbook record or update the existing one from within Icertis Experience for Word itself. 
**Improving the clause delineation logic so that users can rearrange the AI identified clause boundaries. You can now merge or split discovered clauses or selected text in a clause and also create sub-clauses within the discovered clause.
**Extending the clause hierarchy discovery feature to support text PDFs in addition to .docx documents.&nbsp;
**Improving library clause recommendations for discovered clause based on learnings from user’s action in previous discoveries.&nbsp;
**Providing support for additional languages including “French”, “Dutch”, “Norwegian” and “Swedish” in AI apps.
**Enabling users to flexibly leverage AI on-demand by manually triggering attribute discovery on an agreement from the “Attributes” page to accelerate workflows. Discovered values will be auto-filled in empty attributes, instead of redundant manual entry.
**Enhancing and optimizing the performance of Machine Learning services to simplify deployment and run the workload on-demand while significantly reducing infrastructure management needs. 
*Access self-generated reports quickly from the ''My Reports'' section on the ''Advanced Analytics'' page.
*Access global reports from the ''Global Reports'' section of the ''Advanced Analytics'' page, if the Administrator provides access through ''Security Groups.''
<div class="image-green-border">''[[File:345526 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]''</div>
*Generate a report based on multiple datasets. For example, ''Agreement, Clause, or template''.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345526 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
As an Administrator, you can:
*Provide access to Advanced Analytics reports through Security Groups. These reports will appear in the ''Global Reports'' section of the ''Advanced Analytics'' page.  
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Enhancements to Reports'''</span>
**Introducing the “Tagged Attributes Report” enabling administrators to understand the complete profile of an attribute and its utilization across clauses and templates. This will help the Legal/admin users to assess the impact of configuration changes to the clauses and templates.&nbsp;
**Introducing the “Notifications History Report” for an entity, enabling users to track what notifications were sent to which recipient and when. This provides better visibility and compliance for the users.
**Providing the ability to filter the “Agreement Deviation Report” and “Agreements Pending Execution Report” by “Agreement Status”.
**Enhancing the “Clause Summary Report” to display information on Extended Clause Attributes as well.
**Adding an “Organization Unit” filter in the “Cycle Time Report” to enable deeper analysis. &nbsp;
**Adding a new column in PowerBI for “Agreement Code” which navigates the user to the agreement in ICI.
**Multiple localization enhancements within reports.  
<span style="color:#008000;">'''242205 – Sending ICM Notifications in the recipient's preferred language'''</span>
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Improving the Icertis Experience'''</span>
**'''''Signature Workflow'''''
***Improving the electronic signature process when using DocuSign to provide a unified flexible signature workflow. This hybrid (manual and/or electronic) signature process enables users to add and modify signatories, preview the DocuSign console, and tag signatories in the console. Support has also been provided for Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES).
***Enabling the ICI platform to support more than one E-signature vendors at the same time, to execute agreements and amendments, thus improving flexibility for users.
***Supporting parallel signatures in DocuSign to reduce the overall turnaround time for the complete signature process.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp; 
**'''''Icertis Experience for Salesforce'''''
***Providing the ability to send success and failure alerts for improved monitoring of messages.
***Triggering document assembly for automatic data sync and displaying completion notification.
***Supporting OAuth in Salesforce adapter for a more secure authentication and authorization process.<br/> &nbsp; 
**'''''Icertis Experience for MS CRM'''''
***Providing server-to-server OAuth support, so that the adapter and the task service will use ‘client Id’ and ‘secret key’ from AKV, invoking the MS CRM APIs.   
ICM now offers the standard ICM Email notification in different languages. When ICM sends a notification email to multiple recipients with multiple language preferences, a single email notification goes to all the recipients that contains the same message. However, the subject line and content in the email body is displayed in different languages. The language that the most recipients prefer is set at the top of the email subject and body.
The ICM Administrator can create Notification Templates only in English on the ICM UI. The localization of the Notification email is achieved through a technical configuration. It is applicable to all ICM entities and events.
*<font color="#800080">'''Enhancements to Platform Tools'''</font>
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:242205.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
**Enhancing ICI to allow administrators to promote additional configurable entities from pre-production to target environments. These include organizations and organization groups, users and user groups, security groups, role action mapping, currencies, reasons, attribute group, SLA matrix, notification category, default search columns, cascade team, application settings, global and admin saved searches. 
'''44803 – Addition of Filters and Clear All buttons'''
In this release, the&nbsp;''Filters'' and ''Clear All'' buttons have been added across all Index pages, Lookup and Search pages, and the Select User Grid view. The ''Filters'' button extends the view of the displayed results, whereas the ''Clear All'' button clears all the added filters in one go to display the unfiltered list.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:44803.png|1050px|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''275819 – Secondary Owner role extended for User Entity'''</span>
The ''Secondary Owner'' has now been extended to User Entity for a user or user groups. This makes it easier for the Administrator to make the required changes for a user or user groups, instead of having to login multiple times to do so. You need to configure actions for User Information entity and Secondary Owner via Role Action Mapping on the user interface.
*<span style="color:#800080;">'''Additions to Icertis Software Development Kit for Partner Enablement'''</span>
**With this release, the following SDK documentation has been upgraded for this release – ICI Coding Guidelines, ICI Customization and Use Cases, Working with ICI Tasks, Working with ICI Hooks, ICI Developer Library, Local Environment Setup using ICI Binaries and Self-Serve Tools.  
The Secondary Owner can be added to the User Entity:
These release notes provide an overview of the enhancements to ICI, the mobile app, the ICI experience for integrations, and so on.
*Through a configuration key.
*From the ICM user interface.
*Using Excel Add-in.
*Using Legacy Upload.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275819.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''337801 – Accessibility support for Agreement Workflow'''</span>
With this release, ICM has provided accessibility support for Agreement workflow as per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, thus enhancing the user experience and improving usability.
== <span style="font-family: GothamMedium, sans-serif; font-size: 1.4em;">ICI Application Enhancement Details</span> ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''514613 – Introducing the ability to preview agreements before publishing'''</span>
Previously, contract owners had to create the first version of an agreement to get a comprehensive view of the agreement.
With this release, a preview functionality is being introduced, so that the primary owner or contract creator can review whether the selected template is appropriate, the rule-based clauses have been correctly added to the agreement, among other factors, and make changes to the agreement before the version is created. The preview document would also include tagged associated documents, coming through inline or inheritance associations.
A preview section is available on the “Verify” stage of agreement/amendment creation, before publishing or updating the document. The PDF preview is for indicative purposes only and is not an agreement version. The preview is available till the Approved state of the agreement/amendment.
'''Note: '''This functionality is configurable. It is not available by default and can be enabled or disabled for chosen contract types.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 1.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 1]]</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''337750&nbsp;Formatting for Rich Text Area'''</span>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''575640 Creating associations on the create or edit wizard of agreement'''</span>
With this release, default values associated with the rich text area table is retained during document assembly and document preview. These values are configured as ''RichTextArea'' Attribute type when creating a Contract Type. The same is applicable when creating or editing Agreements, Amendments, Associations, Masterdata, Templates and Clauses.
Previously in ICI, contract authors had to create associations for agreements after the agreement is already created. However, in practical terms associations such as annexures, supporting documents, SLAs, product specifications, rate tables, and so on, are all an inherent part of agreement information that is critical to the business, and some associations are required to be created along with the agreement.
The rich text values are displayed on clicking the ''View'' icon on the ''Summary, Details ''and ''Verify'' pages of all entities. In addition to the plain text, the default value can contain rich text with various formats, fonts, colors and tables. The table supports hyperlinks, indentations and headers outside the table.
Hence, the ability to create association instances as part of agreement creation or update wizard is being introduced in this release. A separate page is displayed, when creating or updating the agreement or amendment, for the user to create, view, or delete inline associations. The user also has an option to select the columns and their order in the association grid.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 2.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 2]]<br/>  <br/> This new page also supports page navigation. Support is also provided to copy attribute rules, association events, and agreement assembly, in case associations are tagged in the agreement template.</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 3.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 3]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border"><span style="color:#800080;">'''549900 – Supporting localized reason code values as per logged in user language'''</span></div>
Adapting existing products to new markets through translation and localization is the key to global growth. The localized versions of the product improve the overall user experience and help to better connect with new and potential global customers.
<div class="image-green-border">ICI now extends its localization support to reason code values. Administrators can enter the translated values in the local language, for each reason code, using the “Translations Editor” tool.</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 4.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 4]]</div>
Users can see localized reason codes as per their preferred language settings.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 5.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 5]]</div>
The reason code will be displayed in English if there are no local values available in the ICI system for that specific reason code.
'''Note:''' The table does not support Description and HTML Prompt. For document assembly, the table supports up to eight columns.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:337750.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
=== Enhancements to Rules ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''209003&nbsp;Clause Inclusion, Exclusion and Modification in an Agreement'''</span>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''614944 Initiating termination for parent agreement from the contract request'''</span>
With this release, you can configure Rules to include, exclude or modify Clauses from an Agreement.
In ICI, users create and execute a termination agreement on the main agreement instance to terminate an agreement. ICI has now extended this capability to initiate the termination from contract requests too.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 6.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 6]]</div>
Users can now enable the termination process at the contract type level using the seeded attribute "Request for Termination", select the parent contract request, and create the termination contract on a contract request. The termination instance for the contract request will have all the common attribute values inherited if the inheritance is enabled.&nbsp;
The following conditions apply to this feature:
The termination record will be displayed as a peer association under the “Association” tab for the contract request. The access privileges for the contract requests termination process is controlled through role action mapping.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 7.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 7]]</div>
*The Clause Approval Rule is evaluated for ''Edit'' and ''Upload'' actions by comparing the current Agreement with the previous version.
'''<span style="color:#800080;">506398 Enabling search for external users with login privileges</span>'''
*The Agreement created from a Template will not trigger Clause Approval Rules.
*The Clause Approver is always added based on Approval Rule and cannot be added to the team manually.
*The Clause Approval Rule is evaluated until the Agreement is approved.
*When the same Clause is tagged for both Deviation and Clause Approval, then the review and approval will be triggered at the same time.
*Selecting a different Template will remove all users from the Team and restart the Clause evaluation process assuming there is no baseline version of the Agreement.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:209003.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''275824 Extending support for multiple Rulesets to Template Selection and Clause Assembly Rules'''</span>
Previously, ICM users could create multiple Rulesets of Approval Rules for the ''Approval Rule'' type, allowing the users to manage similar Rules with ease. Now, this functionality is also extended to the ''Template Selection'' and ''Clause Assembly'' Rule type.
ICI’s collaboration portal allows external users with login privileges to access the platform and perform assigned tasks within ICI itself.&nbsp;
The name of the Ruleset remains unique throughout the system. For example, Template Selection Rulesets of the same entity cannot have the same name.
In our continuous effort to improve usability, a search option has been introduced on contract requests, agreements, associations, and masterdata index pages, so that external users can easily search records. The attributes displayed as columns of the search grid are included as facets in the filter options to perform a more refined search.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275824 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
When multiple Template Selection and Clause Assembly Rules are defined, ICM executes these Rules sequentially, and not in parallel. The ''Stop Processing More Rules ''option within a Ruleset, when set to ''Yes'', allows users to stop evaluating further Rules for the Ruleset.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275824 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
'''<span style="color:#008000;">356497 – Locking and Unlocking Rules when updating</span>'''
Previously, ICM allowed multiple users to edit the same Rule at the same time, which occasionally resulted in data loss. This has now been addressed by allowing users to lock and unlock the Ruleset from the UI, using the ''Lock'' icon on the Rules ''Grid'' view.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:356497.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
=== Enhancements to Templates ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''333437 Tagging Saved Search of Associated documents in an Agreement'''</span>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''514605 Supporting extended clause attributes in agreements'''</span>
With this release, ICM provides the capability to tag the Saved Search result of Associations that are assembled as a table in the Agreement Template/document.
In ICI, users can capture additional details for a clause in extension attributes. With this release, users can view these clause extension attributes on the agreement entity for easy reference while working with agreements.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:333437.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 8.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 8]]</div>  
=== Enhancements to the ICM User Experience ===
Users can now:&nbsp;
<span style="color:#008000;">'''345303 – UI Enhancement for Multi-Select drop-downs'''</span>
*Select and save extension attributes to display in the grid view, via the “Default Search” column functionality.
*View additional clause attributes on the “Agreement Clause” and “Clause Approver” tabs.
*View the hyperlink “Show Clause Information”, which displays all clause extension attributes along with clause attributes, in the same window.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 9.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot&nbsp;9]]</div>  
ICM now supports the Typeahead functionality for multi-select lookup and choice drop-down fields, so that users do not need to scroll through the entire list to search and select the desired values.&nbsp;This feature is available on all pages, except on the&nbsp;''Configuration'' page, for creating and modifying conditional values of multi-select lookup and choice control in Contract Type.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''514615 – Streamlining&nbsp;the approval process over emails'''</span>
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345303.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
== Incorporating Artificial Intelligence Apps in ICM ==
With this release, the following Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps have been embedded in the ICM platform to help you make informed decisions with accuracy and speed, as well as enhance user experience:
The approval process has now been streamlined by allowing approvers to directly approve or reject an agreement from within the email itself, through a hyperlink to the webpage, instead of logging in to the system to do so. External users, who do not have access to ICI can now review or approve the documents from the notification email, instead of sending offline copies to do so and then uploading them to ICI. This reduces the overall turnaround time and increases productivity.&nbsp;
*Negotiate AI
The internal users are authenticated through the SSO/IDP before opening the page where the actions are to be taken. The external users are authenticated by sending them a code in the email, which has limited validity.&nbsp;
*Obligation AI
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 10.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot&nbsp;10]]</div>
*Visualize AI
With this release:
<span style="color:#008000;">'''331508 – Negotiate AI'''</span>
*Administrators can add tag an Approve/Reject link in the notification template.
*Approvers/reviewers can download the agreement, modify it and upload it back to ICI based on the access provided.
*Approvers can approve/reject the agreement or amendment from the email, only if the task approval or review is assigned to them. Based on the access, the user can approve or reject the agreement by entering notes or reasons for rejection respectively.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 11.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot]]</div>  
The Negotiate AI app enables real-time negotiation and provides assistance at the time of the Agreement review by:
<span style="color:#800080;">'''514643 – Ordering of clauses as tagged in an agreement'''</span>
*Discovering Clause text and Attributes in the Word document of the Agreements and matching them with the Clause Library.
To improve the user experience, clauses are now displayed in the same order in the agreement document as they are tagged inside the agreement, on the “Agreement Clauses” tab, in ICI Web and Icertis Experience for Word.
*Updating these discovered Clauses and Attributes, and saving them to ICM.  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 12.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 12]]</div>
*Looking up similar Agreements to assist during the negotiation process (overall Agreement similarity).  
*Looking up Agreements with similar Clauses (particular Clause similarity).  
This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''617385&nbsp;– Ability to define additional clause group under clause entity'''</span>
'''Note:''' This app works on Microsoft Office 2016 for Windows version 16.0.4390.1000 or later, and Office .JS installed.
Previously, ICI supported 3 clause groups – “Termination”, “Legal” and “None”.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:331508.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''331509 – Obligation AI'''</span>
The process of identifying Obligations in an existing Agreement manually is tedious, time consuming and error prone. Obligation Discovery automates this process by applying Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to this problem. This enables the discovery of Obligations from the Agreement without having to read the entire Agreement text by looking up similar Obligations from the Obligations Library, and automatically extracting key metadata from the discovered Obligations.
With this release, this capability has been further enhanced so that the configurator can configure various clause group names in ICI. These clause groups can be categorized or grouped as per business requirements for better identification and negotiations during the contract workflow.
This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.
Administrators can now:
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:331509.png|1050px|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''331521 – Visualize AI'''</span>
It is difficult to search and analyze a large volume of data with Agreements and discover the meaningful relationships between contracts and associated entities. The Visualize AI feature offers rich visualization using diagrams, graphs, charts, images, and visually structured layouts to make Agreements easily searchable, readable, and understandable.
*Define and update clause groups.  
*Edit, delete, activate or deactivate clause group entities.
*View additionally added clause group values in the clause entity when creating or editing a clause.
*Search agreement records or clauses on the index page on clause group attributes with added values.<br/> &nbsp;
This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''514621 – Reviving terminated agreements'''</span>
With this release, two types of visualizations are available:
Users may terminate an agreement with the other party for various business reasons. To improve usability, ICI now provides the capability to add and execute amendments on a terminated agreement. This considerably saves time for users who may want to re-instantiate their existing relationship with the other party, as they no longer need to create an entirely new agreement and go through several workflows such as clause deviations clearance, template process, and so on.
1.'''Agreement centric:''' Visualize AI is launched for the selected Agreement allowing the user to easily navigate through the related entities and possible actions.
Adding and executing an amendment on a terminated agreement will move the agreement back to the “Executed” or “Expired” state, based on its expiry date, thus reviving the terminated agreement. The system sets an identifier attribute "Is Termination Revived" for such revived base agreements, and users can use them in search filters, notification rules while configuring saved searches, and so on.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
2.'''Saved Search centric:''' Visualize AI is launched based on the selected saved search allowing users to view a collection of Agreements grouped and aggregated as per the configuration, and to easily navigate them using the rendered graph.
'''Note:''' Saved Search centric visualization is available only for Agreements, and no other entities.
'''Note: '''By default, only primary owners and contract managers can add an amendment to the terminated agreement. The access privileges are controlled through role action mapping.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 3.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 4.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 13.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 13]]<br/> &nbsp;</div>  
== Enhancements to ICM Add-ins ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''514625 – Terminating agreements in bulk'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''337242 – Extending support of Template Variables when using Word Add-in (.Net version)'''</span>
Users may need to terminate agreements in bulk in many business scenarios such as regulatory changes, changes in product offerings, and so on. Users can now initiate the termination of agreements in bulk, thereby saving the time to terminate agreements one by one and reducing manual errors.
With this release, the capability of tagging a Template Variable to Templates has been extended to the Word Add-in (.Net version). Thus, users can now add, modify and remove the Template Variable tags in the Template.
Bulk termination is carried out using ICI’s existing “Bulk Actions” process. The termination related attributes will be pre-selected, and the Workbook for the bulk action batch will be generated with the executed agreement records from the saved search, as per the selected contract type and termination contract type.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:337242.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''413509 – Removing support for adding Rule based Clauses in the Agreement document when using Word Add-in'''</span>
With this release, the ability to add Rule based Clauses in the Agreement document when using Word Add-in is no longer supported. Rule based Clauses can only be defined at Template level.
Users can now:&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:413509.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
== Enhancements to Reports ==
<span style="color:#008000;">'''345372 – Improvements to Reports'''</span>
*Initiate the termination workflow using “Bulk Actions”, by creating and executing a new batch. &nbsp;  
*Generate and view a status report for agreements terminated in bulk.&nbsp;
*Create termination agreements for “Draft”, “Published” or “Send for Approval” states, as per the batch Workbook configuration for bulk action.
With this release, enhancements have been made to the following Reports:
'''Note:''' All prerequisite configurations applicable for the termination workflow should also be set for the bulk termination process.<br/> &nbsp;
*'''Agreement Cycle Time Report:'''
<span style="color:#800080;">'''555898 – Defining display sequence on lookup attributes at the contract type level'''</span>
**It is renamed to ''Cycle Time Report''.
**A new filter ''Entity ''has been added with the following values: Agreements, Agreements with Contract Request, and Contract Requests. 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*When the user selects ''Agreements'': <ul style="margin-left: 80px;">
</ul>  </ul>
*Amendments will also be displayed.
Previously in ICI, users could not define the display order for lookup attribute values in a drop-down on the UI that references masterdata. Users had to scroll through all the populated values to find the desired values during agreement creation. &nbsp;
*An additional column, ''Parent Agreement Code,'' has been added to the tabular data that will display the parent Agreement of the Amendment.  
Configurators can now define and maintain the display sequence for selected masterdata records, starting from 1 to n, at the contract type level, using a seeded display sequence attribute. The values will thus be displayed at the top for easier and faster selection in lookup attributes. &nbsp;
**When the user selects ''Agreements with Contract Request'':
***A chart appears that displays the Contract Type by ''Average Cycle Time'' for all Agreements that have been created through Contract Requests. Clicking the ''Contract Type'' on this chart opens another chart that displays the Contract Requests by ''Status. ''The ''Waiting for Contract Creation'' status is added with this release.
***The following columns have been added to the tabular data – ''Contract Request Code, Contract Request Name, ''and ''Contract Request Created Date.'' 
**When the user selects ''Contract Requests'':
***A chart appears that displays the Contract Type by ''Average Cycle Time'' for all Contract Requests. Clicking the ''Contract Type'' on this chart opens another chart that displays the Contract Requests by ''Status'' (''Draft, Waiting For Approval, ''and ''Approved'').    
*'''Attribute Information Report: '''
This display sequence setting is supported on the create, edit, and lookup search pages of contract requests, agreements, amendments, associated documents, extended clause entities, and template variables. The display will follow the default alphabetical order if the display sequence is not configured in masterdata.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
**The date format for the Date Attributes are now displayed in the mm/dd/yyyy format.  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 14.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 14]]</div>  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
*'''Detailed Report:'''
**The ''History'' Date format is changed to Mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM format. 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 3.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*'''My Pending Requests Report:'''
**It is renamed to ''Approved Requests Waiting For Contract Creation.'' 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 4.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*'''User Login Report:'''
**The IP Address column now captures the IP address from all possible scenarios along with the Session Start Time.  
**The ''Session Duration'' column has been removed. 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 5.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
== Integrations ==
=== Icertis Adapter for Coupa Integration ===
<span style="color:#800080;">'''558605 – Viewing amendments in grid view on the agreement details page'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''341756 – ICM-Coupa Integration'''</span>
Previously in ICI, users could only view the agreement’s amendments in a “Tile” view, when opened from the left navigation pane on the agreement “Details” page.&nbsp;
The ICM-Coupa integration allows exchange of data between the ICM platform and Coupa Spend Management platform through a configurable integration framework that uses a REST based Connector. Thus, users can manage end-to-end Procure-to-Pay, Source-to-Contract and Masterdata sync lifecycles between Coupa and the ICM platform.
ICI now allows users to view amendments in the “Grid” view, and toggle between grid view or tile view. The grid view is the default view for amendments and supports all existing grid functionalities, such as standard search, filter, column selection, pagination, export to CSV/Excel, and so on.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 15.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 15]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''561410 – Enhancing the multi-select drop-down&nbsp;'''</span>
Through this integration, you have the following capabilities:
The multi-select choice drop-down has been enhanced for better usability, data input, and post-selection data review of contract requests, agreements, amendments, and masterdata entities.&nbsp;
*As a Procurement Manager, an Agreement authored or updated in ICM is automatically created or updated in Coupa. When the Agreement is executed in ICM, it is automatically published in Coupa. It can then be used to initiate the Coupa requisition process and management of downstream steps like Purchase Orders, Invoices, etc. for any procurement contract, which can then be synced back to ICM.
Users can now:&nbsp;
*As a Sourcing Manager, when Sourcing events (RFx – RFI, RFP, RFQ, RFB) are created/updated in Coupa, the same can be pushed into ICM. Once events are closed with one or more supplier responses in Coupa, Agreements can be auto-created in ICM and they can then be authored and managed within ICM itself.
*As a System Administrator, an external object Attribute mapping can be configured for any of the Coupa entities (such as Supplier Master, Payment Master, etc.), so that the Masterdata for the required entities from Coupa can be synced to the ICM Masterdata (based on the object/field mapping definition).
*View eight options in a drop-down list (instead of six), without scrolling.&nbsp;
*View larger values with adjusted drop-down width, according to its size, in the post-selection view.&nbsp;
*View all selected values at the top of the drop-down.
*Deselect the selected values, individually or all with a single click, without opening the drop-down.<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 16.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 16]]</div>
=== Icertis Experience for Salesforce ===
<span style="color:#800080;">'''620411 – Defining IN operator when applying lookup filters'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''207220 – Allowing users to be redirected to the ICM Details page in Salesforce'''</span>
In ICI, the configurator can filter the lookup masterdata table with “Must” and “Must Not” conditions, to achieve necessary business scenarios, while configuring a lookup attribute on contract types.&nbsp;
When creating Contracts, Contract Requests and Amendments from Salesforce, Administrators can now configure whether the users should be redirected to the ''ICM Contract details ''page or the ''Salesforce Record ''page from where the creation process was initiated.
With this release, ICI provides the ability to configure a lookup attribute using the “IN” filter operator, and display selected multiple values, by referencing multiple values on another lookup master data attribute.&nbsp;
This can be configured by selecting the ''Allow Redirect ''checkbox on the ''ICM Endpoint Configuration ''page. By default, the checkbox is not selected. When selected, the user is redirected to the ''Salesforce Record'' page, else to the ''ICM Contract detail ''page.
Configurators can now:&nbsp;
*Use the "IN” operator in the lookup filter attribute on agreement contract types.&nbsp;
*View the applied filter on the “Attributes” page on the UI for the selected attribute.&nbsp;
*Standard ICI users can view only selective values in the lookup attribute as per the referenced value in another attribute. &nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 17.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 17]]</div>
=== Enhancements to Adobe Sign ===
<span style="color:#800080;">'''573339 – Managing user preferences as part of profile management'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''244360 – Sending Adobe Sign Email notifications in the recipient’s preferred language'''</span>
Users can set preferences for their ICI Web UI account such as language, color theme, time zone, and so on.&nbsp;
ICM has now improved user experience by providing support to send notifications to internal and external signatories in the localized language when using Adobe Sign, instead of sending the notification in English to all users.
ICI now provides administrators the capability to set preferences as default, for users, according to their locations or the offices they work in. This reduces the end user’s effort of setting up the ICI account with required parameters after the first log-in and presents the system with appropriate and specific pre-settings. &nbsp;&nbsp;
You can toggle the Agreement ''Preview'' to ''On ''or&nbsp;''Off''. When it is turned ''On'', you can tag the signature by toggling the ''Adobe Add Signature Tags'' field to ''Yes''. By default, this field is set to ''No''.
Administrators can:&nbsp;
*Set and manage preferences for a single user through a single user update, and for multiple users through the bulk process.
*View preference settings modifications details in the “History” tab for audit.&nbsp;
*Search users based on parameters related to preference settings.
*This feature is only available for Agreements and Amendments.
Users can:&nbsp;
*Only 1000 characters are allowed for the ''Default Message'' and the ''Additional Information'' combined.
*Ensure that you open a new browser window to perform the Adobe Sign Signature action after opening the Adobe Sign Email to ''Preview and Send''; else it may result in an error.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:244360.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
=== Enhancements to DocuSign ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''275831 – Ability to send Associated documents along with the main Agreement for Signature'''</span>
*Access the ICI system with appropriate details as default after the first login.&nbsp;
*Override the default preference settings as per individual preferences.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 18.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 18]]</div>  
ICM now allows the Primary Owner to select and attach individual copies of the Associated documents along with the main Agreement and send them for signatures using DocuSign.&nbsp;<br/> The Signatories view and sign these Associated documents provided the Signatory tags are added.&nbsp;<br/> When the signing process is complete, ICM synchronizes back the Associated document and generates the Version and History record by the name of the last Signatory. Parent-child Associations, which are not signed but are part of the DocuSign envelop are also synced back.<br/> Note: This feature is applicable only for parent-child Associations. The .docx and .pdf file types are supported.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''604775 – Moving agreement to executed state without uploading the document'''</span>
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275831.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
== Technical Requirements for Release 7.8 ==
The Icertis Contract Management base system can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection and a supported Internet browser. Not all features may be available in all the environments, and specific customer environments may have other requirements. The software and hardware requirements for client system as well as mobile application are listed in the table below.
Previously in ICI, users could not move agreements and amendments from “Waiting For Signature” to “Executed” state, without uploading the supporting document, in case of manually signed agreements.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 19.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 19]]</div>
With this release, users can now skip uploading the document, to move agreements from “Waiting For External Signature” or “Waiting For Internal Signature” to the “Executed - (Pending Signed Document)” state.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 20.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 20]]</div>
Users can then search or create a saved search for such agreements and upload the required documents later using the “Upload Fully Signed Copy” action. Notifications can be configured to inform users about skipped document uploads&nbsp;so that users can cover for delays occurring due to the scan and upload process while executing a large volume of documents.&nbsp;
[[File:Technical Requirements 1.PNG|Technical Requirements 1]]
This functionality is available for agreements, amendments, and orphan amendments.<br/> &nbsp;
[[File:Technical Requirements 2.PNG|Technical Requirements 2]]
<span style="color:#800080;">'''614860 – Attaching associated documents to agreement notifications'''</span>
[[File:Technical Requirements 3.PNG|Technical Requirements 3]]
ICI users can share the main agreement document as part of various email notifications that get triggered for the agreement from time to time.&nbsp;
In addition to the main agreement document, users can now also send associated documents as part of various email notifications that get triggered for the agreement from time to time. Access to these documents can be controlled based on the type of document – internal, external, or restricted. For example, some documents may only be shared with internal users, some may be shared with internal and external users, whereas some may not be shared with anyone.
With this release:
*Administrators can tag the associated document contract type in the email notification template for agreements, assignment agreements, termination agreements, and amendments.
*Users can define:
**The type of notification as internal or external.&nbsp;
**The type of associated document instance as internal, external, or restricted. 
*Based on the type of notification and type of tagged associated documents, attachments are added to the email notification.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''586492 – Defining different relationship types while associating peer instance'''</span>
ICI allows users to define the linkage type as a parent, child, or peer while associating peer entities with each other.
With this release, users can define configurable labels for peer associations between existing contracts by configuring the “Linkage Type” masterdata. The configurable labels define various business relationships in the context of contracts. For example, “Related To”, “Linked To”, “Addendum Of”, “Addendum To”, “Parent To”, “Child To”, and so on. The labels can be activated or deactivated as per business requirements.
The configurable labels support the existing two-way linkage and self-linkage types. The amendments on executed agreements will be associated as a peer, with default peer linkage type label, defined in default peer mapping for amendment.&nbsp;
Users can select configurable peer linkage type labels in the “Linkage Type” drop-down list and view them on various ICI functionalities such as: &nbsp;
*Agreement creation workflows for peer entities, assignment, and initiate termination flow.&nbsp;
*Associate and Inheritance icons.
*Bulk actions.
*Agreement creation through business APIs.
*Broadcast – “Attachments” tab and captured notes.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 21.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 21]]</div>
'''Note:''' Multiple configurable labels are not supported for parent and child linkage types, as there is specific business logic built with them in the ICI system.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 22.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 22]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''619558 – Downloading amendments using download all functionality'''</span>
ICI users can download an agreement and all its associations in a zip file using the “Download All” action available on agreements.&nbsp;
With this release, users will download amendments of an agreement with corresponding parent-child associations in the downloaded zip package. This is supported on the selective download option too.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 23.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 23]]</div>
For ease of access, each selected amendment will be downloaded with its selected associations in separate folders. The folders are named “Amendment_1”, “Amendment_2”, and so on (from oldest to latest), instead of actual amendment names. This helps to overcome the Windows limitation of supporting 260 characters in the file path and gives users the flexibility while creating association’s names.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 24.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 24]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''615291 – Configuring attributes inheritance for amendments at the contract type level'''</span>
ICI already provided the capability to exclude specific agreement attributes from being copied to amendments through technical configuration, which applied to all agreement contract types by default.&nbsp;
ICI now provides the flexibility to decide which attributes of an agreement can be copied to amendments at the contract type level, as per business requirements. Configurators can enable or disable the attribute’s inheritance for amendments, using the “Is Inherit On Amendments” flag, at the agreement contract type and template variable levels. Users can then copy these defined attribute values from base agreement to amendment during amendment creation.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 25.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 25]]</div>
*The technical configuration settings for excluding parent agreement attributes from its amendments will always take preference over the settings at agreement contract type and template level.
*The existing validations or dependencies for an attribute’s properties set for the agreement will not be inherited to amendments.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''614877 – Replacing a user with multiple users'''</span>
In ICI, administrators can replace user(s) with all associated records using the “Replace User” functionality. In practice, administrators may need to replace a user with more than one user. For example, if a user leaves the organization, the administrator may want to replace that user by dividing agreements associated with that user, in subsets, among multiple users. This would help the organization to balance the workload within its employees.&nbsp;
Administrators can now:&nbsp;
*Replace the user with one or more users, by selecting the entity and all/selective instances of that entity, and create a saved search for records to replace users. &nbsp;
*Validate the replaced user role against the assigned role.&nbsp;
*Get a notification on adding or completing a task.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 26.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 26]]</div>
This capability is available across ICI for contract requests, agreements, associations, masterdata, template and clause teams, user groups, and rules. A separate data management user interface is provided to carry out these user management actions.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''614963 – Superseding agreement values as per amendment using rules'''</span>
In ICI, users could supersede all attributes of a parent agreement configured as ‘supersedable’ with values from its amendment, either manually using the “Supersede” action or automatically through the auto-supersede task. Users can now selectively supersede individual entities based on business conditions.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 27.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 27]]</div>
The administrator can control the supersede functionality for agreements by:
*Enabling auto supersede option at the contract type level.
*Configuring the “Supersede Rule” with “Is Supersede by Amendments” or “Is Supersede by Termination” options.&nbsp;
*Selecting attributes in rule actions based on the selected Supersede On option.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 28.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 28]]</div>
Users can view the attribute’s supersede value on the agreement and the captured history as per the rule execution. When no rule is configured, the supersede functionality will work as per existing ICI behavior.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 29.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 29]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''615293 – Showing or hiding the No Team Available message'''</span>
In ICI, users may encounter specific workflow configurations, such as the self-approval process, that do not require users added to the team. The “No Team Available” message, displayed in such cases, adds to the number of non-value clicks for users to continue.&nbsp;
ICI now can suppress this message through technical configuration, thereby minimizing the number of unnecessary clicks.&nbsp;
Administrators can:&nbsp;
*Selectively enable or disable the “No Team Available” message window, at the entity contract type level, appearing at various states.&nbsp;
*Disable the “No Team Available” message window altogether, at the instance level, for all entities. The instance level settings will override the entity level settings.&nbsp;
'''Note:''' This capability is available across ICI for all entities, events, integrations and add-ins in ICI.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''618345 – Defining complex conditional logic for attributes visibility'''</span>
Previously, users could configure a conditional attribute for a contract type with simple conditions using single “equal to” operator.&nbsp;
With this release, configurators can now set multiple, complex conditions to display ICI Web UI attributes dynamically, based on business scenarios. Configurators can define conditions for attributes for all entities, except for template variables. For example, the configurator can set conditions to display an attribute based on the selection of specific values in any of the attributes mentioned in the condition. The user experience would be similar to the existing ICI conditional attribute functionality. &nbsp;
Users can now:&nbsp;
*Apply multiple and complex conditions to display an attribute by enhancing the enable expression (visibility expression) for contract requests, agreements, associations, and masterdata contract types.&nbsp;
*Support conditional expressions for extension attributes. &nbsp;
*Define conditions with different operators based on the selected attribute datatype.&nbsp;
*View the conditional attribute value according to the value entered in the attribute on which a condition is set.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 30.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 30]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''616901 – Applying facets to business status search filter'''</span>
Business statuses are prominently used across all customers as they reflect the actual status in business terms compared to the system workflow status. Previously, the ICI search functionality supported filters on “Business Status” for users to narrow down results. However, manually selecting filters often becomes a tedious task in the case of several business statuses.&nbsp;
To provide a better user experience and ease of use, faceted filters using string operators, such as “Contains”, “Exactly”, “Starts With” and “Does Not Contain” are being added to the “Business Status” filters.<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 31.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 31]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''694211 – Improving handling of exceptions for string combinations'''</span>
Previously, some combinations of special and alphanumeric characters used as input values resulted in generic exceptions.&nbsp;
ICI's parsing logic is now improved for handling string combinations with special and alphanumeric characters so that no errors are generated. This applies to all entities across ICI, where a combination of special characters, alphabets, and numbers can be used.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''732929 – Uploading clauses and templates in bulk'''</span>
New customers or new groups onboarding to ICI mostly have their templates and clauses already created in a separate file. Previously, manual efforts were needed to onboard the hundreds to thousands of templates and clauses.&nbsp;
With this release, automation has been provided for bulk import using the “Legacy Upload” tool, which will reduce any human dependency, manual approvals, and delays for onboarding templates and clauses using the current capabilities. ICI administrators can now import templates and upload clauses to ICI in bulk.
Along with the tool, an XML specification document is also released which can be used for creating tags in the input document files of clauses and templates.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''655507 – Uploading and downloading large files with the file path attribute'''</span>
ICI now provides support for larger files. This is applicable to masterdata and associations.
Users can now:
*Upload files up to 4GB under the file selection attribute.&nbsp;
*Upload files with all supported file extensions allowed in the file selection attribute.
*Download All/Download Package up to 6 GB.
ICI supports virus scanning of large files if the virus scan feature is enabled.<br/> &nbsp;
'''Note:&nbsp;'''This is not applicable for contract requests, agreements, associations with large files in the DocuSign/Adobe Sign association selection pop-up, document assembly, bulk actions, legacy upload, integrations (Salesforce, Workday, etc.), and APIs.&nbsp;The Upload/Download of the files would be supported for Azure and Windows Storage.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''618994 – Supporting special characters in agreement templates and support to skip empty columns while a saved search/association is tagged in a template'''</span>
Previously in ICI, attribute names did not support special characters apart from _ (underscore), & (ampersand), and space.&nbsp;
Now, support is provided for special characters in the attribute display name. The characters *(asterisk), - (dash),&nbsp;: (colon), ( (parenthesis open), ) (parenthesis closed), ’ (apostrophe), , (comma), and . (period) can be used in the display name of attributes for contract requests, agreements, associations, and masterdata contract types. The same attribute display name, as provided by the configurator, will now be displayed including special characters.
In scenarios where the association or saved search is tagged as a table in the agreement, and a particular column of the table does not have any data, we have introduced a functionality to skip such empty columns.&nbsp;
During template creation from Icertis Experience for Word, the configurator can add a “SkipEmptyColumns” property while tagging an association or a saved search as a table. This property needs to be added manually in the “Content Control Properties”, at any position after the contract type GUID, separated by a '|' (pipe separator). This enables empty columns to be skipped in document assembly, thereby eliminating unnecessary empty columns in the agreement version. The order of the columns in the table is determined by the attributes in the display preference of the associated document contract type.&nbsp;
Amendments to an agreement are now viewable in a grid-view in addition to the current tile view. This provides more information and enables standard grid view functionalities such as search, filter, and export.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 32.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 32]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''573336 – Displaying drop-downs as radio buttons or checkbox list for user selection'''</span>
With this release, ICI provides new controls for multi-select and single-select choice attributes.&nbsp;
Users can configure an alternate UI control for drop-downs with a limited number of values for choice attributes at contract type, global attribute, and template variable levels. This improves the user experience as the number of clicks and scrolls required to view options in a drop-down are considerably reduced and provides better readability in terms of post-selection data review. &nbsp;&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 33.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 33]]</div>
Users can select:&nbsp;
*The radio button for single-select choice attributes.&nbsp;
*The checkbox list for multi-select choice attributes.
The configuration applies across ICI for the creation and editing of agreement, amendment, associated document, masterdata, and contract request entities.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 34.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 34]]</div>
<span style="color:#4B0082;">'''593421 – Labeling agreement document versions as per signature copy'''</span>
While agreements go through various signature states till executed, users can now navigate to the “Versions” tab and easily identify which version of the agreement is internally signed, externally signed, or fully signed.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 35.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 35]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''872309 – Providing flexibility for assembling associations tagged as clauses'''</span>
In ICI, on publishing and updating actions, all clauses are evaluated, assembled and changes are reflected in the agreement document. However, if associations are tagged in clauses, on “Assemble Contract” and “Send For Approval” actions, clauses do not get assembled and associations do not get populated in the agreement document.
As part of our continuous effort to provide flexibility to ICI users and improve the user experience, a key “Core.Agreement.EnableDynamicClauseAssemblyPostCreate” has been introduced.&nbsp;
*If the key is enabled, when an associated document is uploaded, the entire document will be automatically assembled (Clause, Attribute, Associations, Saved Search) on the “Assemble Contract” and “Send For Approval” actions.
*If the key is not enabled, the ICI document will be assembled on “Publish” and “Edit Agreement” actions. Only associations will be assembled on the “Assemble Contract” and “Send For Approval” actions.
'''Note: '''By default, the key is set to false.<br/> &nbsp;
== Mobile App Enhancement Details ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''773907 – Refreshing tasks and commitments'''</span>
Icertis mobile app users perform actions such as approve, reject, and request review on contract requests and agreements. However, the status of the requests or agreements list did not automatically refresh on the mobile app.&nbsp;Enhancements have now been made to the “Refresh” functionality for “Tasks” and “Commitment” tabs to refresh on these actions and improve usability automatically.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''850259 – Updating logo and ICM to new guidelines'''</span>
As part of our new branding, “ICM” has been updated to “ICI”, and the new logo has also been added to the mobile app.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''773923 – Changing compatibility in Android 11'''</span>
Android 11 compatibility changes have been made with this release by setting the target SDK version to 30 and deprecated methods have been updated.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''773917 – Deprecating the UI WebView component for iOS'''</span>
With this release, the UI WebView component for iOS has been deprecated.<br/> &nbsp;
== ICI API Enhancement Details&nbsp; ==
<div class="image-green-border">
<span style="color:#800080;">'''704069 – Enhancing ICI API 2.0 implementation'''</span>
With this release, support has been added for the script and integrated attributes. They are available as cascaded attributes for lookup fields when configured at the contract type level.&nbsp;
This is applicable for visualizing, retrieval, creation, and updating of the instances of the following entities:<br/> Contract Requests
New visualize endpoints have also been added for the above entities to get information about their attribute and template configuration.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''756815 – Downloading associated document API'''</span>
ICI already supports downloading agreements.
As part of our efforts to continually improve ICI, new API endpoints have been added in this release to download associated documents of agreements and contract requests.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''731961 – Provisioning success or failure message for workflow operations'''</span>
A new service bus topic has been created to publish messages about workflow operations. The messages will notify if any failures are encountered during workflow actions.
As workflow APIs are asynchronous, customers using Actions API and API 2.0 get a return success code, only on the initiation of the workflow. This functionality has been improved so that messages on the service bus are received even for failure notifications.
Users will now get a definite response, with required details of the error and cause on services bus. Based on the topic notification, integration developers can take follow-up actions based on success and failure.<br/> &nbsp;
<br/> <span style="color:#800080;">'''660859 – Supporting TrackingId in APIs'''</span>
To work with ICI entities, at times, multiple API calls are needed to complete an operation.&nbsp;
For example, to create an agreement, the following APIs are called in a sequence – “GetInstance”, “SaveExternalUser”, “GetTemplate”, “CreateandPublish”, “ResumeWorkFlow” (API 1.0), “Prepare”, “Create”, “Get”, “Send For Approval”, and “Send for Signature” (API 2.0).&nbsp;
In such cases, due to heavy load, it becomes challenging for administrators to troubleshoot the operation that caused the failure of the agreement creation. An identifier has been added to resolve this issue which subsequent APIs for correlating from a logging perspective can pass.&nbsp;
The following API changes have been made to ensure that the existing implementation and code remains intact:
*Provided support for a “TrackingId” header in every logging request.&nbsp;
*Users will receive the “TrackingId” provided in the request header as part of response headers. (If the user does not send a value, then a new unique identifier will return).
*The called API path with query string will be logged in Kibana. In Kibana, developers must look for “CorrelationID” which maps the “TrackingId” used in API.<br/> &nbsp;
'''Note: '''The implementation of the "TrackingId" is optional and the value must be GUID only.&nbsp;Supported in API 1.0 as well.
This can be used for:
*Related API Calls
*Async operations
*Bulk operations
*Status check operations &nbsp; &nbsp;
== ICI Add-ins Enhancement Details ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''668859 – Enhancing filtering and searching of clauses &nbsp;'''</span>
ICI users may need to modify an agreement as per business requirements by adding a clause. The clauses are displayed by “Clause Group” in the clause library by default and then searched by the clause name.&nbsp;
Multiple filters can now be configured at the template and clause level to help users easily retrieve relevant data. This improves usability for customers having a large number of clauses and templates in their clause and template library.
Users can now:
*Filter and search clauses and templates by clause metadata in the clause and template library respectively.
*Filter and search clauses and templates by extended clause metadata in the clause and template library respectively.
*Perform&nbsp;free-text search on the clause and template content.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 36.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 36]]</div>
== AI Applications Enhancement&nbsp;Details ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''727318 – Enhancing AI-powered playbook in Icertis Experience for Word'''</span>
ICI provides the legal playbook in Icertis Experience for Word that uses artificial intelligence to identify exceptions in the contract document and allows users to review and take corrective actions on them, and assess the risk when negotiators accept these exceptions. &nbsp;
The legal playbook is now enhanced and provides more options to work with the playbook from Icertis Experience for Word.&nbsp;
With this release:
*Negotiators can easily review the playbook exceptions found in deviated agreement clauses on the “Agreement Clause” page. &nbsp;
*Negotiators now have an option to view playbook details in a separate resizable window as the details of the playbook position for a clause can be lengthy.
*As AI may not be able to find all the playbook positions for a type of a contract, an option has been added to view all playbook positions for a selected type of the contract, with options to search and filter within, so that negotiators have a ready reference for all applicable playbook positions while reviewing the contract.
*Negotiators can view all the applicable playbook positions for a selected agreement clause.&nbsp;
*Negotiators can request approval for a playbook exception from the playbook “Details” page.&nbsp;
*Legal administrators can add a new playbook position for a type of contract or edit the existing playbook position from within Icertis Experience for Word itself.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 37.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 37]]</div>
<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''575475 – Automating user feedback during clause review'''</span>
ICI AI apps have been positioned to be intelligent assistants to help users in taking decisions when populating details for agreements. While AI discovery recommends values to users, it is expected that users would select the correct value at the time of review. &nbsp;
During clause review of a discovered clause, AI suggests a list of library clauses to be matched with the discovered clause. If a user selects one of them or selects a completely new clause from the library, the AI algorithm learns from such user actions. These learnings are incorporated in the next discoveries to improve the accuracy of clause recommendations.&nbsp;
<br/> <br/> <span style="color:#800080;">'''539492 – Rearranging discovered clauses'''</span>
Clauses found using DiscoverAI in an agreement document are displayed with clause categories in the “Clause Discovery” section on the web UI. Sometimes, AI may identify the clause boundaries incorrectly. Users can now review and rearrange boundaries for such clauses on the “Clause Discovery” page. &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 38.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 38]]</div>
In rearrangement mode, users can:&nbsp;
*Merge multiple discovered clauses into a single clause or split a large discovered clause into multiple clauses.&nbsp;
*Identify a section of the discovered clause as its sub-clause.
*Rearrange the clause hierarchy in case of misclassification by AI. Users can change clause hierarchy and identify a clause as a parent or child or peer of another clause(s).
*Change the AI recommended category of a clause. &nbsp;
*Choose to view only the parent clauses.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 39.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 39]]<br/> &nbsp;</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''770375 – Infusing attribute discovery in agreement creation workflow'''</span>
Previously in ICI, the AI attribute discovery process on agreements with third party paper was triggered on create and post-create events such as publish. Typically, users might have already entered attribute values by the time they trigger/perform the create/publish action, thereby making the attributes discovery process redundant. Also, two different attribute pages had to be maintained, with personalization and validations not being available on the attribute discovery page.&nbsp;
With this release, users can manually trigger the attribute discovery on the “Attributes” page itself, while uploading a third-party document, during the agreement creation process. Discovered values will then be auto-filled in empty attributes and users can view additional potential options for the discovered attributes.&nbsp;
Users can:&nbsp;
*View the progress of the attribute discovery.&nbsp;
*Identify AI discoverable attributes on the “Attributes” page of the agreement creation wizard.
*View the values recommended by AI for discoverable attributes.
*View the agreement document on the “Attributes” page itself, for quick validation of AI recommended values for discoverable attributes as well as attributes values already tagged in the agreement document
'''Note: '''When an attribute discovery is triggered from the “Attributes” page, a two-column attributes layout is converted to a single column layout to accommodate the agreement document view.<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 40.png|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 40]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''727312 – Clause hierarchy discovery in text PDFs'''</span>
In the previous release, clause hierarchy discovery was introduced in well-formatted .docx agreements.
With this release, the clause delineation functionality has been enhanced to support text PDF documents and Word documents that do not use any styles. This enhancement helps to get better clause delineation, eliminates a large number of incorrectly classified clauses, and allows users to review the parent clause and child clause individually.
Clause discovery processor is now trained to identify sections and sub-sections in Word and PDF documents up to 3 levels. Support for formatting-based clause delineation has also been extended to the Icertis Experience for Word, wherein the discovered clauses are displayed to the user in a hierarchical format.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''727314 – A generalized framework to support additional languages in AI apps'''</span>
In the previous release, support was provided for clause and obligation discovery for agreements in German, Spanish and Portuguese languages.
With this release, a language framework has been implemented for AI discovery which can support a large number of languages. Using this generalized framework, DiscoverAI, NegotiateAI, and DiscoverAI for legacy apps have been enhanced to support additional European languages – French, Dutch, Norwegian, and Swedish.&nbsp;
Along with the clause and obligation discovery support, AI models would be able to discover attributes too, in all the supported languages.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
== Reports Enhancement Details ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''514593 – Introducing the&nbsp;Tagged Attributes Report'''</span>
With this release, a new “Tagged Attributes Report”, which helps administrators understand the complete profile of an attribute and how it has been tagged across different clauses and templates. This provides them better visibility into attribute usage and saves them considerable time.
This report, available on the “Reports” tile, can be accessed based on the security groups’ configuration. The report can be filtered using the “Select Attribute” and “Select Entity” parameters. Based on the selected entity, the following columns are displayed – Clause/Template Code, Clause/Template Name, Contract Type, Clause/Template Version, Clause/Template Created By, Clause/Template Created On, Version Updated On, Attribute tagged as Template Variable, Attribute tagged as Clause Extended Attribute and Attribute Display Name.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''769602 – Displaying clause extension attribute summary in the Clause Summary Report'''</span>
Previously, the “Clause Summary Report” displayed “Clause Summary” and “Clause Version Summary” sections on the report index page.
In this release, the report is being enhanced to display “Clause Extension Summary” which displays details on extended clause attributes. If the clause extended entity is defined for an ICI instance, then this report will display the information of the clause extension attributes. The “Clause Extension Version Summary” will display the latest values of clause extension attributes.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
<br/> <span style="color:#800080;">'''514611 – Introducing the&nbsp;Notifications History Report'''</span>
ICI administrators can set up subscriptions for different entities, for notifications to be sent to subscribed users at the occurrence of certain events. Notifications can also be sent using the broadcast functionality. The “Notifications History Report” provides visibility into which notifications were sent, when, and to whom, by displaying an audit history of notifications for the particular entity.&nbsp;
The default report is available for contract requests, agreements, and associated documents, and is accessible through the left navigation pane of the details page, for an instance of the aforementioned entities. This report displays a list of notifications sent for an entity, including details such as the event that triggered the notification, the message body, subject, the To, CC, BCC recipient names, and email addresses; along with other details such as the attachment filename or sent date and time.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 41.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 41]]</div>
<span style="color:#800080;">'''742607 – Providing additional localization support in reports'''</span>
With this release, localization support will be provided in the Core platform, Sourcing, Obligation Management, and Insights SSRS report, in the following areas:&nbsp;
*Contract type names, if the respective entity has locale resource key values in the database.&nbsp;
*Drop-down with Yes/No values.
*Graph and Time zone tooltips, if present in the report.
*Column headers. &nbsp;
*Any error or validation messages.
*Informative messages such as “No data available”. &nbsp;
<br/> <span style="color:#800080;">'''583297 – Filtering additional reports by agreement status'''</span>
Previously the "Agreement Status" filter was available for the “Agreements Pending Approval Report”, “Expiring Agreements Report”, “Average Agreement TurnAroundTime Report” and “Expired Agreements Report”.&nbsp;
This filter is now also available for the "Agreement Deviation Report" and "Agreements Pending Execution Report". Users have the option to exclude terminated or archived agreements from this report, thus allowing them to derive the exact number and information as required.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''746607 – Enhancing the Cycle Time Report'''</span>
The “Cycle Time Report” displays the cycles for contract requests, agreements, agreements with contract requests, and the change of status for each entity from the date of creation to the date of execution, as well as the elapsed time. This enables users to get the turnaround time for tasks and take corrective actions wherever necessary.
With this release, an “Organization Unit” filter is being introduced in this report for users to derive the desired information.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''737196 – Adding hyperlink in PowerBI for agreement code'''</span>
With this release, the user creating a PowerBI report can hyperlink "Agreement Code" using conditional formatting with the Web URL option, so that on clicking an agreement code, the user is navigated to the corresponding agreement in ICI.&nbsp;
== Integration Details ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''605434 – Providing a unified flexible signature process'''</span>
Signing agreements is often a combination of manual signatures and electronic signatures. ICI now provides a unified flexible signature workflow to its customers, thus improving the overall turnaround time and reducing the efforts of printing and scanning manually signed documents.
*Introducing the hybrid signature process allows users to use manual and electronic signature mode in a single transaction.
'''Note: '''If the DocuSign console is enabled, then the user has the provision to tag the signatories after manual signatures.&nbsp;For other signature modes, ICI relies on the provisions facilitated by your signature provider.
*Enabling DocuSign console with ICI that allows users to:
**Add and modify the signatories.
**Change the signature sequence.
**Preview documents in the DocuSign console.
**Tag signatories in the DocuSign console.
**Use Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) in DocuSign.<br/> &nbsp; 
<span style="color:#800080;">'''641289 – Allowing parallel signatures using DocuSign'''</span>
Previously, DocuSign integration provided support for sequential signatures.
This capability has now been improved to allow parallel signatures, so that multiple signatories can sign the agreement simultaneously, thus reducing the overall turnaround time for the complete signature process.
Parallel signatories can now be configured using rules or the DocuSign console.<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 42.png|720px|7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 42]]</div>
<br/> <span style="color:#800080;">'''701825– Supporting multiple vendors for electronic signature'''</span>
Previously, ICI supported one signature vendor within one instance of ICI.&nbsp;
Now, users have the flexibility to not only select multiple electronic signature vendors in the same instance but also select the signature provider at the agreement level, based on the business requirements.
Users now have the flexibility to:
*Configure any number of signature providers for a single ICI instance, as per business requirements.
*Select the signature provider of choice, at the agreement or amendment level.
*Define standard rules and conditions to automatically select the signature provider of choice, based on the organizational needs.
*Use multiple accounts of the same signature provider or multiple accounts of different signature providers.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''751651 – Publishing success/failure notification message on ASB post data sync from Salesforce'''</span>
Sales agreements with customers are created in Salesforce using the ICI adapter for integration. Previously, users had to click “Assemble Contract” to sync data and reflect any agreement document changes.
With this release:
*Document assembly or notification to third party applications can be triggered by consuming the notification message posted on ASB via custom task implementation. The changes will reflect in the generated agreement document once the instance and associations are synced, without clicking “Assemble Contract”.
*Upon completion of data sync for an opportunity, the Salesforce data sync task raises a “Data Sync Passed/Failed” event on the Azure Service Bus (ASB) upon completion of data sync for each ICI entity related to the given opportunity. The message posted on ASB will display details such as Opportunity ID, ICI entity SysId and time stamp, among other information.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#800080;">'''796155 –&nbsp;Enhancements to the data flow between Salesforce/MS CRM and ICI'''</span>
Previously, when changes were made to any Salesforce entity, then the data would sync in all related ICI contracts/requests, irrespective of their state in ICI. For example, contracts in the "Waiting For External Signature" state would not be updated via ICI UI but would get updated via data sync.
With this release:
*Changes made to a record of an entity (for example, “Opportunity”) in Salesforce will not sync to corresponding ICI contracts if they are in “Waiting For External Signature”, “Waiting For Internal Signature” or “Expired” states.&nbsp;
*The data will sync only for tracking attributes if the contract is in the "Executed" state.&nbsp;
These enhancements to the data flow, done for configurability and consistency with the ICI user interface, will ensure that the ICI UI and the template document will always be in sync and there are no compliance issues.
<br/> <span style="color:#800080;">'''674469 – Generating ICI notifications and enhancing Salesforce data sync'''</span>
An alert mechanism is introduced for monitoring success and failure in Icertis Experience for Salesforce integrations, using ICI/Email notifications, so that end-users get notified about success/failure in data sync.&nbsp;
With this release:
*Customers will get success/failure ICI notification for data sync as well as reverse sync; and if there are any failures/exceptions in the sync process (data/reverse), the system will retry the respective operation, based on the configured retry count.&nbsp;
*Additional logging has been introduced for ICI-Salesforce integration messages. Depending on the message type (success/failure), the Kibana logs will contain correlation ID, status, and JSON details.&nbsp;
<br/> <span style="color:#800080;">'''679797 –&nbsp;Supporting JWT Bearer OAuth flow in Salesforce adapter with added support for Modified By use'''</span>
Effective password management is an integral part of any corporate security policy. However, there are some risks involved in using user IDs and passwords for authentication and authorization of production systems in an enterprise. Security organizations also have stringent security policies which do not approve user Id or password authentication process.&nbsp;
With this release, support is provided for JWT (JSON Web Token) Bearer OAuth, a secure authentication and authorization process. This makes the ICI integration with Salesforce more secure as the actual “Modified By” user from Salesforce is set as “Modified By” user in ICI for the corresponding ICI records during data sync.&nbsp;
When entities in Salesforce are updated by a user, the process builder sends a message to the ASB queue with minimal data such as entity Id. ICI task service picks the message, obtains integration user credentials from JSON or AKV, and makes an API call to Salesforce to fetch the changes. There are no user interactions involved in this asynchronous process, the task service uses the service user login to update the ICI records.&nbsp;
Users have the option to choose the authentication mechanism to be used. The system will provide support for backward compatibility of the old username and password flow.
<span style="color:#800080;">'''749083 – Supporting OAuth in the MS CRM adapter'''</span>
Previously, reverse data sync flow in MS CRM used service user login credentials to invoke MS CRM APIs when data was updated in ICI.&nbsp;
ICI now uses the client ID and secret key, instead of user ID and password, for the authentication/authorization process between MS CRM and ICI. The server-to-server OAuth support is provided, so that the adapter and task service will use client Id and secret key from AKV, invoking MS CRM APIs.&nbsp;
Users will have the option to choose the authentication mechanism to be used. The system will provide support for backward compatibility of the old username and password flow.<br/> &nbsp;
== ICI Platform Tools Details ==
'''<span style="color:#800080;">514636 – Enhancing P2P Tool in ICI Admin user interface</span>'''
With this release, enhancements have been made in ICI to support additional entities for a seamless P2P experience. This functionality, provided to administrators, can promote configurable entities in pre-production environments to target environments, thus reducing the manual efforts.
The following entities are now supported:
*Organizations (Orgs), Organization Groups (Org Groups)
*Users, User Groups, Security Groups
*Role Action Mapping
*Attribute Group
*SLA Matrix
*Notification Category
*Default Search Columns
*Cascade Team
*Application Settings
*Global/Admin Saved Searches
'''Note:''' Customers using ICI versions before 7.15 will need to upgrade to use this feature.
== Partner Enablement ==
<span style="color:#800080;">'''703386 – Icertis Software Development Kit for Partner Enablemen'''</span><span style="color:#008000;">'''t'''</span>
Icertis develops strategic partnerships to drive shared business growth, deliver quality implementations and maximize customer satisfaction. In release 7.12, we introduced the Software Development Kit (SDK) to provide the resources and tools needed while implementing ICI.&nbsp;
As part of our continuous efforts to support our partners, we have upgraded the following documents for this release:
*'''ICI Coding Guidelines (version 2):'''&nbsp;This document helps developers to follow specific guidelines and best practices while coding. The database coding guidelines have now been added.
*'''ICI Customization and Use Cases (version 2): '''This document explains how to perform customizations and provides some sample use cases that will help understand how to implement and execute ICI customizations. The document has been updated to support typescript.
*'''Working with ICI Tasks: '''Updated for the 7.15 release.
*'''Working with ICI Hooks:&nbsp;'''Updated for the 7.15 release.
*'''ICI Developer Library:''' Updated for the 7.15 release.
*'''Local Environment Setup using ICI Binaries:''' Updated for the 7.15 release.
*'''Self-Serve Tools:''''''&nbsp;'''Updated for the 7.15 release.
== Technical Requirements for Release 7.15 ==
The Icertis Contract Intelligence (ICI) Proposal Management application can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection and a supported Internet browser. Not all features may be available in all environments.&nbsp;
The software and hardware requirements for the client system as well as mobile application are listed in the table below.
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Operating Systems.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Operating Systems]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Browser Compatability Matrix.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Browser Compatibility Matrix]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Other Requirements.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Other Requirements]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Smartphone Mobile App.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Smartphone Mobile App]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 1.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 1]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 2.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 2]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 3.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 3]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - MS Office Plugins 1.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - MS Office Plugins 1]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - MS Office Plugins 2.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - MS Office Plugins 2]]
[[File:7.15 Technical Requirements - Security.PNG|720px|7.15 Technical Requirements - Security]]
== Known Issues ==
This section includes some issues that we are aware of and plan to resolve at the earliest:
[[File:Known Issues.PNG|720px|7.15 Known Issues]]
[[File:Technical Requirements 4.PNG|Technical Requirements 4]]
'''Related Topics:'''&nbsp;[[Agreement_Management|Agreement Management]]&nbsp;| [[Association_Management|Association Management]] | [[Compliance_Management|Compliance Management]] | [[Template_Management|Template Management]] | [[Clause_Management|Clause Management]] | [[Configuration|Configuration]] | [[Reports|Reports]]&nbsp;| [[Advanced_Analytics|Advanced Analytics]] | [[User_Administration|User Administration]] | [[ICI_Tools|ICI Tools ]]|&nbsp; [[Icertis_Business_Apps|Icertis Business Apps]] | [[AIML|AIML ]]| [[ICI_Add-ins|ICI Add-ins]] | [[ICI_Mobile_App|ICI Mobile App]] | [[Biz_Apps_Release_Notes|ICI Business Apps Release Notes]]&nbsp;|

Latest revision as of 04:14, 27 January 2021

ICI Release Notes - Release 7.15

List of Enhancements 7.15

The 7.15 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Intelligence (ICI) platform. It strives to enhance user experience, intelligence, analytics, intuitiveness and usability by continually improving ICI functionalities and the user interface.

The key enhancements of this release include:

  • Enhancements to the ICI Application
    • User Experience
      • To ensure that the agreement document is generated with the correct clauses and metadata, we now can preview an agreement from the pre-draft stage to the Approved stage, enabling a comprehensive review before publishing the contract. 
      • Improved usability for the global user base and their individual UI language preferences via expanded localization coverage which now includes support for localized “Reason Codes”.
      • Friction-free collaboration enabled via the Collaboration Portal’s external user interface which now enables external users to search contract requests, agreements, associations and masterdata records. 
      • Improved document review process where the display order for clauses in the ICI web and in Icertis Experience for Word match the order in which the clauses are configured in the respective template and generated agreement.    
      • Improved usability whereby the attribute multi-selection interface, when creating an agreement, can be configured as either radio buttons or checkboxes to tailor the agreement creation experience per the contract type. 
      • Amendments to an agreement are now viewable in a grid-view in addition to the current tile view. This provides more information and enables standard grid view functionalities such as search, filter, and export. 
      • Improved usability where the sequence of values displayed in a masterdata lookup drop-down can now be configured to have the most frequently accessed values available at the top of the list. 
  • Workflow Enhancements
    • Greatly improved system availability during Publish operations where now only the contract types being published are not available during this system operation as opposed to the whole system being unavailable.
    • Improved usability including the ability to create instances of associations as part of the agreement creation wizard itself.
    • To continue bringing Extension Attributes capabilities at par with regular attributes, these are now quickly viewable for easy reference in the agreement entity’s “Agreement Clauses” tab.
    • Agreements can be Approved or Rejected from within an agreement notification email itself making it faster to take actions on an agreement and reducing turnaround time for approval cycles. 
    • Expanded contract request experience now includes the ability to request Contract Terminations.
    • Bulk actions support now extended to Terminating agreements in bulk to support situations that require it, such as regulatory changes, or business partner insolvency.  
    • To save time when re-instantiating a terminated agreement, due to reasons such as reviving a business relationship, you can now do so by simply adding amendments to the terminated agreement rather than by having to create a new agreement from scratch.
    • Simplified administration of the first run default user preference which can now be pre-set or updated for users based on their location or department.
    • Simplified signature status labels of “External”, “Internal,” and “Fully Signed” are shown in agreement versions.
    • Enhanced flexibility when executing a large volume of contracts by not requiring the immediate upload of documents to change the status to “Executed”. Instead, the agreement status will change from “Waiting For Signature” to “Executed – Document Upload Pending”.
    • Enabling sharing of Associated Documents as well via the email notifications that are triggered for an agreement.
    • For organizational changes or employee turnover, we now provide a data management interface that enables replacing users with multiple users on supported agreement entities.
    • Support for granularly defining which agreement attributes for a given contract type should be cascaded to the agreement’s amendments via the “Is Inherit On Amendments” flag at the agreement contract type and template variable level.
    • In addition to the currently available functionality of all attributes to be superseded capability, we now offer the ability to selectively supersede an attribute through rules. 
    • Conditional attributes’ comparison operators now support multiple complex conditions to dynamically display attributes based on a range of business scenarios.
    • Simplifying agreement workflow navigation by enabling the option to show a “No Team Available” message during workflows when a team is not needed.
    • Expanded support for special characters in the Attribute display name for contract requests, agreements, associations and masterdata.
    • Selectively download amendments with the corresponding parent and child associations in a zip package with corresponding sub-folders. 
    • Larger file size support when uploading (4GB) and downloading (6GB) larger files for masterdata and associations. 
    • Boost smart filter creation using string operators such as “Contains”, “Starts With”, “Does Not Contain” for the “Business Status” search facet.
    • Expanded support for automating the bulk upload of clauses and templates reducing the dependency on manual approvals and delays in onboarding clauses and templates.
    • Enhanced configurable labels for peer associations that define the contractual relationship. (such as, “Related To”, “Linked To”, “Addendum Of”, “Addendum To”, “Parent To”, “Child To”, and so on.).


  • Mobile App Updates
    • Enhancing the “Refresh” functionality for “Tasks” and “Commitment” tabs to continually show the latest changes in the status for mobile app users.


  • Enhancements to ICI API 2.0
    • Improving the filtering and searching capability which now supports searching text inside clauses or templates to allow more powerful deep searches especially when searching across large libraries. 
    • Improved labeling of internal, external, and fully signed copies of agreements for easy identification of an agreement version.
    • Defining and updating clause groups as per business requirements for easy categorization and management. 


  • Enhancements to ICI Add-ins
    • Icertis Experience for Word
      • Improving the filtering and searching capability with support for searching text inside clauses or templates to allow more powerful search especially when searching across large libraries. 
      • Improving labeling of internal, external, and fully signed copies of agreements for easy identification of an agreement version.
      • Defining and updating clause groups as per business requirements for easy categorization and management. 


  • Enhancements to Artificial Intelligence Applications
    • Multiple enhancements to the AI-powered legal playbook capabilities:
      • Improved usability by enabling larger window views of the “Details” page and also including deviations. 
      • All the playbook positions for a contract type now have the option to search and filter. 
      • Administrators can create a new playbook record or update the existing one from within Icertis Experience for Word itself.
    • Improving the clause delineation logic so that users can rearrange the AI identified clause boundaries. You can now merge or split discovered clauses or selected text in a clause and also create sub-clauses within the discovered clause.
    • Extending the clause hierarchy discovery feature to support text PDFs in addition to .docx documents. 
    • Improving library clause recommendations for discovered clause based on learnings from user’s action in previous discoveries. 
    • Providing support for additional languages including “French”, “Dutch”, “Norwegian” and “Swedish” in AI apps.
    • Enabling users to flexibly leverage AI on-demand by manually triggering attribute discovery on an agreement from the “Attributes” page to accelerate workflows. Discovered values will be auto-filled in empty attributes, instead of redundant manual entry.
    • Enhancing and optimizing the performance of Machine Learning services to simplify deployment and run the workload on-demand while significantly reducing infrastructure management needs.


  • Enhancements to Reports
    • Introducing the “Tagged Attributes Report” enabling administrators to understand the complete profile of an attribute and its utilization across clauses and templates. This will help the Legal/admin users to assess the impact of configuration changes to the clauses and templates. 
    • Introducing the “Notifications History Report” for an entity, enabling users to track what notifications were sent to which recipient and when. This provides better visibility and compliance for the users.
    • Providing the ability to filter the “Agreement Deviation Report” and “Agreements Pending Execution Report” by “Agreement Status”.
    • Enhancing the “Clause Summary Report” to display information on Extended Clause Attributes as well.
    • Adding an “Organization Unit” filter in the “Cycle Time Report” to enable deeper analysis.  
    • Adding a new column in PowerBI for “Agreement Code” which navigates the user to the agreement in ICI.
    • Multiple localization enhancements within reports.


  • Improving the Icertis Experience
    • Signature Workflow
      • Improving the electronic signature process when using DocuSign to provide a unified flexible signature workflow. This hybrid (manual and/or electronic) signature process enables users to add and modify signatories, preview the DocuSign console, and tag signatories in the console. Support has also been provided for Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES).
      • Enabling the ICI platform to support more than one E-signature vendors at the same time, to execute agreements and amendments, thus improving flexibility for users.
      • Supporting parallel signatures in DocuSign to reduce the overall turnaround time for the complete signature process. 
    • Icertis Experience for Salesforce
      • Providing the ability to send success and failure alerts for improved monitoring of messages.
      • Triggering document assembly for automatic data sync and displaying completion notification.
      • Supporting OAuth in Salesforce adapter for a more secure authentication and authorization process.
    • Icertis Experience for MS CRM
      • Providing server-to-server OAuth support, so that the adapter and the task service will use ‘client Id’ and ‘secret key’ from AKV, invoking the MS CRM APIs.


  • Enhancements to Platform Tools
    • Enhancing ICI to allow administrators to promote additional configurable entities from pre-production to target environments. These include organizations and organization groups, users and user groups, security groups, role action mapping, currencies, reasons, attribute group, SLA matrix, notification category, default search columns, cascade team, application settings, global and admin saved searches.


  • Additions to Icertis Software Development Kit for Partner Enablement
    • With this release, the following SDK documentation has been upgraded for this release – ICI Coding Guidelines, ICI Customization and Use Cases, Working with ICI Tasks, Working with ICI Hooks, ICI Developer Library, Local Environment Setup using ICI Binaries and Self-Serve Tools.

These release notes provide an overview of the enhancements to ICI, the mobile app, the ICI experience for integrations, and so on.


ICI Application Enhancement Details

514613 – Introducing the ability to preview agreements before publishing

Previously, contract owners had to create the first version of an agreement to get a comprehensive view of the agreement.

With this release, a preview functionality is being introduced, so that the primary owner or contract creator can review whether the selected template is appropriate, the rule-based clauses have been correctly added to the agreement, among other factors, and make changes to the agreement before the version is created. The preview document would also include tagged associated documents, coming through inline or inheritance associations.

A preview section is available on the “Verify” stage of agreement/amendment creation, before publishing or updating the document. The PDF preview is for indicative purposes only and is not an agreement version. The preview is available till the Approved state of the agreement/amendment.

Note: This functionality is configurable. It is not available by default and can be enabled or disabled for chosen contract types.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 1


575640 – Creating associations on the create or edit wizard of agreement

Previously in ICI, contract authors had to create associations for agreements after the agreement is already created. However, in practical terms associations such as annexures, supporting documents, SLAs, product specifications, rate tables, and so on, are all an inherent part of agreement information that is critical to the business, and some associations are required to be created along with the agreement.

Hence, the ability to create association instances as part of agreement creation or update wizard is being introduced in this release. A separate page is displayed, when creating or updating the agreement or amendment, for the user to create, view, or delete inline associations. The user also has an option to select the columns and their order in the association grid. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 2

This new page also supports page navigation. Support is also provided to copy attribute rules, association events, and agreement assembly, in case associations are tagged in the agreement template.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 3
549900 – Supporting localized reason code values as per logged in user language

Adapting existing products to new markets through translation and localization is the key to global growth. The localized versions of the product improve the overall user experience and help to better connect with new and potential global customers.

ICI now extends its localization support to reason code values. Administrators can enter the translated values in the local language, for each reason code, using the “Translations Editor” tool.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 4

Users can see localized reason codes as per their preferred language settings. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 5

The reason code will be displayed in English if there are no local values available in the ICI system for that specific reason code.


614944 – Initiating termination for parent agreement from the contract request

In ICI, users create and execute a termination agreement on the main agreement instance to terminate an agreement. ICI has now extended this capability to initiate the termination from contract requests too. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 6

Users can now enable the termination process at the contract type level using the seeded attribute "Request for Termination", select the parent contract request, and create the termination contract on a contract request. The termination instance for the contract request will have all the common attribute values inherited if the inheritance is enabled. 

The termination record will be displayed as a peer association under the “Association” tab for the contract request. The access privileges for the contract requests termination process is controlled through role action mapping.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 7


506398 – Enabling search for external users with login privileges

ICI’s collaboration portal allows external users with login privileges to access the platform and perform assigned tasks within ICI itself. 

In our continuous effort to improve usability, a search option has been introduced on contract requests, agreements, associations, and masterdata index pages, so that external users can easily search records. The attributes displayed as columns of the search grid are included as facets in the filter options to perform a more refined search.


514605 – Supporting extended clause attributes in agreements

In ICI, users can capture additional details for a clause in extension attributes. With this release, users can view these clause extension attributes on the agreement entity for easy reference while working with agreements. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 8

Users can now: 

  • Select and save extension attributes to display in the grid view, via the “Default Search” column functionality.
  • View additional clause attributes on the “Agreement Clause” and “Clause Approver” tabs.
  • View the hyperlink “Show Clause Information”, which displays all clause extension attributes along with clause attributes, in the same window.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 9


514615 – Streamlining the approval process over emails

The approval process has now been streamlined by allowing approvers to directly approve or reject an agreement from within the email itself, through a hyperlink to the webpage, instead of logging in to the system to do so. External users, who do not have access to ICI can now review or approve the documents from the notification email, instead of sending offline copies to do so and then uploading them to ICI. This reduces the overall turnaround time and increases productivity. 

The internal users are authenticated through the SSO/IDP before opening the page where the actions are to be taken. The external users are authenticated by sending them a code in the email, which has limited validity. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 10

With this release:

  • Administrators can add tag an Approve/Reject link in the notification template.
  • Approvers/reviewers can download the agreement, modify it and upload it back to ICI based on the access provided.
  • Approvers can approve/reject the agreement or amendment from the email, only if the task approval or review is assigned to them. Based on the access, the user can approve or reject the agreement by entering notes or reasons for rejection respectively.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot


514643 – Ordering of clauses as tagged in an agreement

To improve the user experience, clauses are now displayed in the same order in the agreement document as they are tagged inside the agreement, on the “Agreement Clauses” tab, in ICI Web and Icertis Experience for Word.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 12


617385 – Ability to define additional clause group under clause entity

Previously, ICI supported 3 clause groups – “Termination”, “Legal” and “None”.

With this release, this capability has been further enhanced so that the configurator can configure various clause group names in ICI. These clause groups can be categorized or grouped as per business requirements for better identification and negotiations during the contract workflow.

Administrators can now:

  • Define and update clause groups.
  • Edit, delete, activate or deactivate clause group entities.
  • View additionally added clause group values in the clause entity when creating or editing a clause.
  • Search agreement records or clauses on the index page on clause group attributes with added values.

514621 – Reviving terminated agreements

Users may terminate an agreement with the other party for various business reasons. To improve usability, ICI now provides the capability to add and execute amendments on a terminated agreement. This considerably saves time for users who may want to re-instantiate their existing relationship with the other party, as they no longer need to create an entirely new agreement and go through several workflows such as clause deviations clearance, template process, and so on.

Adding and executing an amendment on a terminated agreement will move the agreement back to the “Executed” or “Expired” state, based on its expiry date, thus reviving the terminated agreement. The system sets an identifier attribute "Is Termination Revived" for such revived base agreements, and users can use them in search filters, notification rules while configuring saved searches, and so on.

Note: By default, only primary owners and contract managers can add an amendment to the terminated agreement. The access privileges are controlled through role action mapping. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 13

514625 – Terminating agreements in bulk

Users may need to terminate agreements in bulk in many business scenarios such as regulatory changes, changes in product offerings, and so on. Users can now initiate the termination of agreements in bulk, thereby saving the time to terminate agreements one by one and reducing manual errors.

Bulk termination is carried out using ICI’s existing “Bulk Actions” process. The termination related attributes will be pre-selected, and the Workbook for the bulk action batch will be generated with the executed agreement records from the saved search, as per the selected contract type and termination contract type. 

Users can now: 

  • Initiate the termination workflow using “Bulk Actions”, by creating and executing a new batch.  
  • Generate and view a status report for agreements terminated in bulk. 
  • Create termination agreements for “Draft”, “Published” or “Send for Approval” states, as per the batch Workbook configuration for bulk action.

Note: All prerequisite configurations applicable for the termination workflow should also be set for the bulk termination process.

555898 – Defining display sequence on lookup attributes at the contract type level

Previously in ICI, users could not define the display order for lookup attribute values in a drop-down on the UI that references masterdata. Users had to scroll through all the populated values to find the desired values during agreement creation.  

Configurators can now define and maintain the display sequence for selected masterdata records, starting from 1 to n, at the contract type level, using a seeded display sequence attribute. The values will thus be displayed at the top for easier and faster selection in lookup attributes.  

This display sequence setting is supported on the create, edit, and lookup search pages of contract requests, agreements, amendments, associated documents, extended clause entities, and template variables. The display will follow the default alphabetical order if the display sequence is not configured in masterdata. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 14


558605 – Viewing amendments in grid view on the agreement details page

Previously in ICI, users could only view the agreement’s amendments in a “Tile” view, when opened from the left navigation pane on the agreement “Details” page. 

ICI now allows users to view amendments in the “Grid” view, and toggle between grid view or tile view. The grid view is the default view for amendments and supports all existing grid functionalities, such as standard search, filter, column selection, pagination, export to CSV/Excel, and so on.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 15


561410 – Enhancing the multi-select drop-down 

The multi-select choice drop-down has been enhanced for better usability, data input, and post-selection data review of contract requests, agreements, amendments, and masterdata entities. 

Users can now: 

  • View eight options in a drop-down list (instead of six), without scrolling. 
  • View larger values with adjusted drop-down width, according to its size, in the post-selection view. 
  • View all selected values at the top of the drop-down.
  • Deselect the selected values, individually or all with a single click, without opening the drop-down.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 16


620411 – Defining IN operator when applying lookup filters

In ICI, the configurator can filter the lookup masterdata table with “Must” and “Must Not” conditions, to achieve necessary business scenarios, while configuring a lookup attribute on contract types. 

With this release, ICI provides the ability to configure a lookup attribute using the “IN” filter operator, and display selected multiple values, by referencing multiple values on another lookup master data attribute. 

Configurators can now: 

  • Use the "IN” operator in the lookup filter attribute on agreement contract types. 
  • View the applied filter on the “Attributes” page on the UI for the selected attribute. 
  • Standard ICI users can view only selective values in the lookup attribute as per the referenced value in another attribute.  
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 17


573339 – Managing user preferences as part of profile management

Users can set preferences for their ICI Web UI account such as language, color theme, time zone, and so on. 

ICI now provides administrators the capability to set preferences as default, for users, according to their locations or the offices they work in. This reduces the end user’s effort of setting up the ICI account with required parameters after the first log-in and presents the system with appropriate and specific pre-settings.   

Administrators can: 

  • Set and manage preferences for a single user through a single user update, and for multiple users through the bulk process.
  • View preference settings modifications details in the “History” tab for audit. 
  • Search users based on parameters related to preference settings.

Users can: 

  • Access the ICI system with appropriate details as default after the first login. 
  • Override the default preference settings as per individual preferences.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 18


604775 – Moving agreement to executed state without uploading the document

Previously in ICI, users could not move agreements and amendments from “Waiting For Signature” to “Executed” state, without uploading the supporting document, in case of manually signed agreements. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 19

With this release, users can now skip uploading the document, to move agreements from “Waiting For External Signature” or “Waiting For Internal Signature” to the “Executed - (Pending Signed Document)” state. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 20

Users can then search or create a saved search for such agreements and upload the required documents later using the “Upload Fully Signed Copy” action. Notifications can be configured to inform users about skipped document uploads so that users can cover for delays occurring due to the scan and upload process while executing a large volume of documents. 

This functionality is available for agreements, amendments, and orphan amendments.

614860 – Attaching associated documents to agreement notifications

ICI users can share the main agreement document as part of various email notifications that get triggered for the agreement from time to time. 

In addition to the main agreement document, users can now also send associated documents as part of various email notifications that get triggered for the agreement from time to time. Access to these documents can be controlled based on the type of document – internal, external, or restricted. For example, some documents may only be shared with internal users, some may be shared with internal and external users, whereas some may not be shared with anyone.

With this release:

  • Administrators can tag the associated document contract type in the email notification template for agreements, assignment agreements, termination agreements, and amendments.
  • Users can define:
    • The type of notification as internal or external. 
    • The type of associated document instance as internal, external, or restricted.
  • Based on the type of notification and type of tagged associated documents, attachments are added to the email notification.

586492 – Defining different relationship types while associating peer instance

ICI allows users to define the linkage type as a parent, child, or peer while associating peer entities with each other.

With this release, users can define configurable labels for peer associations between existing contracts by configuring the “Linkage Type” masterdata. The configurable labels define various business relationships in the context of contracts. For example, “Related To”, “Linked To”, “Addendum Of”, “Addendum To”, “Parent To”, “Child To”, and so on. The labels can be activated or deactivated as per business requirements.

The configurable labels support the existing two-way linkage and self-linkage types. The amendments on executed agreements will be associated as a peer, with default peer linkage type label, defined in default peer mapping for amendment. 

Users can select configurable peer linkage type labels in the “Linkage Type” drop-down list and view them on various ICI functionalities such as:  

  • Agreement creation workflows for peer entities, assignment, and initiate termination flow. 
  • Associate and Inheritance icons.
  • Bulk actions.
  • Agreement creation through business APIs.
  • Broadcast – “Attachments” tab and captured notes.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 21

Note: Multiple configurable labels are not supported for parent and child linkage types, as there is specific business logic built with them in the ICI system.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 22


619558 – Downloading amendments using download all functionality

ICI users can download an agreement and all its associations in a zip file using the “Download All” action available on agreements. 

With this release, users will download amendments of an agreement with corresponding parent-child associations in the downloaded zip package. This is supported on the selective download option too.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 23

For ease of access, each selected amendment will be downloaded with its selected associations in separate folders. The folders are named “Amendment_1”, “Amendment_2”, and so on (from oldest to latest), instead of actual amendment names. This helps to overcome the Windows limitation of supporting 260 characters in the file path and gives users the flexibility while creating association’s names.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 24


615291 – Configuring attributes inheritance for amendments at the contract type level

ICI already provided the capability to exclude specific agreement attributes from being copied to amendments through technical configuration, which applied to all agreement contract types by default. 

ICI now provides the flexibility to decide which attributes of an agreement can be copied to amendments at the contract type level, as per business requirements. Configurators can enable or disable the attribute’s inheritance for amendments, using the “Is Inherit On Amendments” flag, at the agreement contract type and template variable levels. Users can then copy these defined attribute values from base agreement to amendment during amendment creation. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 25


  • The technical configuration settings for excluding parent agreement attributes from its amendments will always take preference over the settings at agreement contract type and template level.
  • The existing validations or dependencies for an attribute’s properties set for the agreement will not be inherited to amendments.

614877 – Replacing a user with multiple users

In ICI, administrators can replace user(s) with all associated records using the “Replace User” functionality. In practice, administrators may need to replace a user with more than one user. For example, if a user leaves the organization, the administrator may want to replace that user by dividing agreements associated with that user, in subsets, among multiple users. This would help the organization to balance the workload within its employees. 

Administrators can now: 

  • Replace the user with one or more users, by selecting the entity and all/selective instances of that entity, and create a saved search for records to replace users.  
  • Validate the replaced user role against the assigned role. 
  • Get a notification on adding or completing a task. 
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 26

This capability is available across ICI for contract requests, agreements, associations, masterdata, template and clause teams, user groups, and rules. A separate data management user interface is provided to carry out these user management actions.


614963 – Superseding agreement values as per amendment using rules

In ICI, users could supersede all attributes of a parent agreement configured as ‘supersedable’ with values from its amendment, either manually using the “Supersede” action or automatically through the auto-supersede task. Users can now selectively supersede individual entities based on business conditions.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 27

The administrator can control the supersede functionality for agreements by:

  • Enabling auto supersede option at the contract type level.
  • Configuring the “Supersede Rule” with “Is Supersede by Amendments” or “Is Supersede by Termination” options. 
  • Selecting attributes in rule actions based on the selected Supersede On option. 
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 28

Users can view the attribute’s supersede value on the agreement and the captured history as per the rule execution. When no rule is configured, the supersede functionality will work as per existing ICI behavior.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 29


615293 – Showing or hiding the No Team Available message

In ICI, users may encounter specific workflow configurations, such as the self-approval process, that do not require users added to the team. The “No Team Available” message, displayed in such cases, adds to the number of non-value clicks for users to continue. 

ICI now can suppress this message through technical configuration, thereby minimizing the number of unnecessary clicks. 

Administrators can: 

  • Selectively enable or disable the “No Team Available” message window, at the entity contract type level, appearing at various states. 
  • Disable the “No Team Available” message window altogether, at the instance level, for all entities. The instance level settings will override the entity level settings. 

Note: This capability is available across ICI for all entities, events, integrations and add-ins in ICI.


618345 – Defining complex conditional logic for attributes visibility

Previously, users could configure a conditional attribute for a contract type with simple conditions using single “equal to” operator. 

With this release, configurators can now set multiple, complex conditions to display ICI Web UI attributes dynamically, based on business scenarios. Configurators can define conditions for attributes for all entities, except for template variables. For example, the configurator can set conditions to display an attribute based on the selection of specific values in any of the attributes mentioned in the condition. The user experience would be similar to the existing ICI conditional attribute functionality.  

Users can now: 

  • Apply multiple and complex conditions to display an attribute by enhancing the enable expression (visibility expression) for contract requests, agreements, associations, and masterdata contract types. 
  • Support conditional expressions for extension attributes.  
  • Define conditions with different operators based on the selected attribute datatype. 
  • View the conditional attribute value according to the value entered in the attribute on which a condition is set.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 30


616901 – Applying facets to business status search filter

Business statuses are prominently used across all customers as they reflect the actual status in business terms compared to the system workflow status. Previously, the ICI search functionality supported filters on “Business Status” for users to narrow down results. However, manually selecting filters often becomes a tedious task in the case of several business statuses. 

To provide a better user experience and ease of use, faceted filters using string operators, such as “Contains”, “Exactly”, “Starts With” and “Does Not Contain” are being added to the “Business Status” filters.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 31


694211 – Improving handling of exceptions for string combinations

Previously, some combinations of special and alphanumeric characters used as input values resulted in generic exceptions. 

ICI's parsing logic is now improved for handling string combinations with special and alphanumeric characters so that no errors are generated. This applies to all entities across ICI, where a combination of special characters, alphabets, and numbers can be used.

732929 – Uploading clauses and templates in bulk

New customers or new groups onboarding to ICI mostly have their templates and clauses already created in a separate file. Previously, manual efforts were needed to onboard the hundreds to thousands of templates and clauses. 

With this release, automation has been provided for bulk import using the “Legacy Upload” tool, which will reduce any human dependency, manual approvals, and delays for onboarding templates and clauses using the current capabilities. ICI administrators can now import templates and upload clauses to ICI in bulk.

Along with the tool, an XML specification document is also released which can be used for creating tags in the input document files of clauses and templates.

655507 – Uploading and downloading large files with the file path attribute

ICI now provides support for larger files. This is applicable to masterdata and associations.

Users can now:

  • Upload files up to 4GB under the file selection attribute. 
  • Upload files with all supported file extensions allowed in the file selection attribute.
  • Download All/Download Package up to 6 GB.

ICI supports virus scanning of large files if the virus scan feature is enabled.

Note: This is not applicable for contract requests, agreements, associations with large files in the DocuSign/Adobe Sign association selection pop-up, document assembly, bulk actions, legacy upload, integrations (Salesforce, Workday, etc.), and APIs. The Upload/Download of the files would be supported for Azure and Windows Storage.


618994 – Supporting special characters in agreement templates and support to skip empty columns while a saved search/association is tagged in a template

Previously in ICI, attribute names did not support special characters apart from _ (underscore), & (ampersand), and space. 

Now, support is provided for special characters in the attribute display name. The characters *(asterisk), - (dash), : (colon), ( (parenthesis open), ) (parenthesis closed), ’ (apostrophe), , (comma), and . (period) can be used in the display name of attributes for contract requests, agreements, associations, and masterdata contract types. The same attribute display name, as provided by the configurator, will now be displayed including special characters.

In scenarios where the association or saved search is tagged as a table in the agreement, and a particular column of the table does not have any data, we have introduced a functionality to skip such empty columns. 

During template creation from Icertis Experience for Word, the configurator can add a “SkipEmptyColumns” property while tagging an association or a saved search as a table. This property needs to be added manually in the “Content Control Properties”, at any position after the contract type GUID, separated by a '|' (pipe separator). This enables empty columns to be skipped in document assembly, thereby eliminating unnecessary empty columns in the agreement version. The order of the columns in the table is determined by the attributes in the display preference of the associated document contract type. 

Amendments to an agreement are now viewable in a grid-view in addition to the current tile view. This provides more information and enables standard grid view functionalities such as search, filter, and export. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 32


573336 – Displaying drop-downs as radio buttons or checkbox list for user selection

With this release, ICI provides new controls for multi-select and single-select choice attributes. 

Users can configure an alternate UI control for drop-downs with a limited number of values for choice attributes at contract type, global attribute, and template variable levels. This improves the user experience as the number of clicks and scrolls required to view options in a drop-down are considerably reduced and provides better readability in terms of post-selection data review.   

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 33

Users can select: 

  • The radio button for single-select choice attributes. 
  • The checkbox list for multi-select choice attributes.

The configuration applies across ICI for the creation and editing of agreement, amendment, associated document, masterdata, and contract request entities.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 34


593421 – Labeling agreement document versions as per signature copy

While agreements go through various signature states till executed, users can now navigate to the “Versions” tab and easily identify which version of the agreement is internally signed, externally signed, or fully signed.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 35


872309 – Providing flexibility for assembling associations tagged as clauses

In ICI, on publishing and updating actions, all clauses are evaluated, assembled and changes are reflected in the agreement document. However, if associations are tagged in clauses, on “Assemble Contract” and “Send For Approval” actions, clauses do not get assembled and associations do not get populated in the agreement document.

As part of our continuous effort to provide flexibility to ICI users and improve the user experience, a key “Core.Agreement.EnableDynamicClauseAssemblyPostCreate” has been introduced. 

  • If the key is enabled, when an associated document is uploaded, the entire document will be automatically assembled (Clause, Attribute, Associations, Saved Search) on the “Assemble Contract” and “Send For Approval” actions.
  • If the key is not enabled, the ICI document will be assembled on “Publish” and “Edit Agreement” actions. Only associations will be assembled on the “Assemble Contract” and “Send For Approval” actions.

Note: By default, the key is set to false.

Mobile App Enhancement Details

773907 – Refreshing tasks and commitments

Icertis mobile app users perform actions such as approve, reject, and request review on contract requests and agreements. However, the status of the requests or agreements list did not automatically refresh on the mobile app. Enhancements have now been made to the “Refresh” functionality for “Tasks” and “Commitment” tabs to refresh on these actions and improve usability automatically.

850259 – Updating logo and ICM to new guidelines

As part of our new branding, “ICM” has been updated to “ICI”, and the new logo has also been added to the mobile app.

773923 – Changing compatibility in Android 11

Android 11 compatibility changes have been made with this release by setting the target SDK version to 30 and deprecated methods have been updated.


773917 – Deprecating the UI WebView component for iOS

With this release, the UI WebView component for iOS has been deprecated.

ICI API Enhancement Details 

704069 – Enhancing ICI API 2.0 implementation

With this release, support has been added for the script and integrated attributes. They are available as cascaded attributes for lookup fields when configured at the contract type level. 

This is applicable for visualizing, retrieval, creation, and updating of the instances of the following entities:
Contract Requests

  • Agreements
  • Associations
  • Amendments

New visualize endpoints have also been added for the above entities to get information about their attribute and template configuration.


756815 – Downloading associated document API

ICI already supports downloading agreements.

As part of our efforts to continually improve ICI, new API endpoints have been added in this release to download associated documents of agreements and contract requests.


731961 – Provisioning success or failure message for workflow operations

A new service bus topic has been created to publish messages about workflow operations. The messages will notify if any failures are encountered during workflow actions.

As workflow APIs are asynchronous, customers using Actions API and API 2.0 get a return success code, only on the initiation of the workflow. This functionality has been improved so that messages on the service bus are received even for failure notifications.

Users will now get a definite response, with required details of the error and cause on services bus. Based on the topic notification, integration developers can take follow-up actions based on success and failure.

660859 – Supporting TrackingId in APIs

To work with ICI entities, at times, multiple API calls are needed to complete an operation. 

For example, to create an agreement, the following APIs are called in a sequence – “GetInstance”, “SaveExternalUser”, “GetTemplate”, “CreateandPublish”, “ResumeWorkFlow” (API 1.0), “Prepare”, “Create”, “Get”, “Send For Approval”, and “Send for Signature” (API 2.0). 

In such cases, due to heavy load, it becomes challenging for administrators to troubleshoot the operation that caused the failure of the agreement creation. An identifier has been added to resolve this issue which subsequent APIs for correlating from a logging perspective can pass. 

The following API changes have been made to ensure that the existing implementation and code remains intact:

  • Provided support for a “TrackingId” header in every logging request. 
  • Users will receive the “TrackingId” provided in the request header as part of response headers. (If the user does not send a value, then a new unique identifier will return).
  • The called API path with query string will be logged in Kibana. In Kibana, developers must look for “CorrelationID” which maps the “TrackingId” used in API.

Note: The implementation of the "TrackingId" is optional and the value must be GUID only. Supported in API 1.0 as well.

This can be used for:

  • Related API Calls
  • Async operations
  • Bulk operations
  • Status check operations    


ICI Add-ins Enhancement Details

668859 – Enhancing filtering and searching of clauses  

ICI users may need to modify an agreement as per business requirements by adding a clause. The clauses are displayed by “Clause Group” in the clause library by default and then searched by the clause name. 

Multiple filters can now be configured at the template and clause level to help users easily retrieve relevant data. This improves usability for customers having a large number of clauses and templates in their clause and template library.

Users can now:

  • Filter and search clauses and templates by clause metadata in the clause and template library respectively.
  • Filter and search clauses and templates by extended clause metadata in the clause and template library respectively.
  • Perform free-text search on the clause and template content.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 36



AI Applications Enhancement Details

727318 – Enhancing AI-powered playbook in Icertis Experience for Word

ICI provides the legal playbook in Icertis Experience for Word that uses artificial intelligence to identify exceptions in the contract document and allows users to review and take corrective actions on them, and assess the risk when negotiators accept these exceptions.  

The legal playbook is now enhanced and provides more options to work with the playbook from Icertis Experience for Word. 

With this release:

  • Negotiators can easily review the playbook exceptions found in deviated agreement clauses on the “Agreement Clause” page.  
  • Negotiators now have an option to view playbook details in a separate resizable window as the details of the playbook position for a clause can be lengthy.
  • As AI may not be able to find all the playbook positions for a type of a contract, an option has been added to view all playbook positions for a selected type of the contract, with options to search and filter within, so that negotiators have a ready reference for all applicable playbook positions while reviewing the contract.
  • Negotiators can view all the applicable playbook positions for a selected agreement clause. 
  • Negotiators can request approval for a playbook exception from the playbook “Details” page. 
  • Legal administrators can add a new playbook position for a type of contract or edit the existing playbook position from within Icertis Experience for Word itself.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 37


575475 – Automating user feedback during clause review

ICI AI apps have been positioned to be intelligent assistants to help users in taking decisions when populating details for agreements. While AI discovery recommends values to users, it is expected that users would select the correct value at the time of review.  

During clause review of a discovered clause, AI suggests a list of library clauses to be matched with the discovered clause. If a user selects one of them or selects a completely new clause from the library, the AI algorithm learns from such user actions. These learnings are incorporated in the next discoveries to improve the accuracy of clause recommendations. 

539492 – Rearranging discovered clauses

Clauses found using DiscoverAI in an agreement document are displayed with clause categories in the “Clause Discovery” section on the web UI. Sometimes, AI may identify the clause boundaries incorrectly. Users can now review and rearrange boundaries for such clauses on the “Clause Discovery” page.  

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 38

In rearrangement mode, users can: 

  • Merge multiple discovered clauses into a single clause or split a large discovered clause into multiple clauses. 
  • Identify a section of the discovered clause as its sub-clause.
  • Rearrange the clause hierarchy in case of misclassification by AI. Users can change clause hierarchy and identify a clause as a parent or child or peer of another clause(s).
  • Change the AI recommended category of a clause.  
  • Choose to view only the parent clauses.
7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 39

770375 – Infusing attribute discovery in agreement creation workflow

Previously in ICI, the AI attribute discovery process on agreements with third party paper was triggered on create and post-create events such as publish. Typically, users might have already entered attribute values by the time they trigger/perform the create/publish action, thereby making the attributes discovery process redundant. Also, two different attribute pages had to be maintained, with personalization and validations not being available on the attribute discovery page. 

With this release, users can manually trigger the attribute discovery on the “Attributes” page itself, while uploading a third-party document, during the agreement creation process. Discovered values will then be auto-filled in empty attributes and users can view additional potential options for the discovered attributes. 

Users can: 

  • View the progress of the attribute discovery. 
  • Identify AI discoverable attributes on the “Attributes” page of the agreement creation wizard.
  • View the values recommended by AI for discoverable attributes.
  • View the agreement document on the “Attributes” page itself, for quick validation of AI recommended values for discoverable attributes as well as attributes values already tagged in the agreement document

Note: When an attribute discovery is triggered from the “Attributes” page, a two-column attributes layout is converted to a single column layout to accommodate the agreement document view.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 40


727312 – Clause hierarchy discovery in text PDFs

In the previous release, clause hierarchy discovery was introduced in well-formatted .docx agreements.

With this release, the clause delineation functionality has been enhanced to support text PDF documents and Word documents that do not use any styles. This enhancement helps to get better clause delineation, eliminates a large number of incorrectly classified clauses, and allows users to review the parent clause and child clause individually.

Clause discovery processor is now trained to identify sections and sub-sections in Word and PDF documents up to 3 levels. Support for formatting-based clause delineation has also been extended to the Icertis Experience for Word, wherein the discovered clauses are displayed to the user in a hierarchical format.

727314 – A generalized framework to support additional languages in AI apps

In the previous release, support was provided for clause and obligation discovery for agreements in German, Spanish and Portuguese languages.

With this release, a language framework has been implemented for AI discovery which can support a large number of languages. Using this generalized framework, DiscoverAI, NegotiateAI, and DiscoverAI for legacy apps have been enhanced to support additional European languages – French, Dutch, Norwegian, and Swedish. 

Along with the clause and obligation discovery support, AI models would be able to discover attributes too, in all the supported languages. 

Reports Enhancement Details

514593 – Introducing the Tagged Attributes Report

With this release, a new “Tagged Attributes Report”, which helps administrators understand the complete profile of an attribute and how it has been tagged across different clauses and templates. This provides them better visibility into attribute usage and saves them considerable time.

This report, available on the “Reports” tile, can be accessed based on the security groups’ configuration. The report can be filtered using the “Select Attribute” and “Select Entity” parameters. Based on the selected entity, the following columns are displayed – Clause/Template Code, Clause/Template Name, Contract Type, Clause/Template Version, Clause/Template Created By, Clause/Template Created On, Version Updated On, Attribute tagged as Template Variable, Attribute tagged as Clause Extended Attribute and Attribute Display Name.

769602 – Displaying clause extension attribute summary in the Clause Summary Report

Previously, the “Clause Summary Report” displayed “Clause Summary” and “Clause Version Summary” sections on the report index page.

In this release, the report is being enhanced to display “Clause Extension Summary” which displays details on extended clause attributes. If the clause extended entity is defined for an ICI instance, then this report will display the information of the clause extension attributes. The “Clause Extension Version Summary” will display the latest values of clause extension attributes. 

514611 – Introducing the Notifications History Report

ICI administrators can set up subscriptions for different entities, for notifications to be sent to subscribed users at the occurrence of certain events. Notifications can also be sent using the broadcast functionality. The “Notifications History Report” provides visibility into which notifications were sent, when, and to whom, by displaying an audit history of notifications for the particular entity. 

The default report is available for contract requests, agreements, and associated documents, and is accessible through the left navigation pane of the details page, for an instance of the aforementioned entities. This report displays a list of notifications sent for an entity, including details such as the event that triggered the notification, the message body, subject, the To, CC, BCC recipient names, and email addresses; along with other details such as the attachment filename or sent date and time. 

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 41


742607 – Providing additional localization support in reports

With this release, localization support will be provided in the Core platform, Sourcing, Obligation Management, and Insights SSRS report, in the following areas: 

  • Contract type names, if the respective entity has locale resource key values in the database. 
  • Drop-down with Yes/No values.
  • Graph and Time zone tooltips, if present in the report.
  • Column headers.  
  • Any error or validation messages.
  • Informative messages such as “No data available”.  

583297 – Filtering additional reports by agreement status

Previously the "Agreement Status" filter was available for the “Agreements Pending Approval Report”, “Expiring Agreements Report”, “Average Agreement TurnAroundTime Report” and “Expired Agreements Report”. 

This filter is now also available for the "Agreement Deviation Report" and "Agreements Pending Execution Report". Users have the option to exclude terminated or archived agreements from this report, thus allowing them to derive the exact number and information as required.


746607 – Enhancing the Cycle Time Report

The “Cycle Time Report” displays the cycles for contract requests, agreements, agreements with contract requests, and the change of status for each entity from the date of creation to the date of execution, as well as the elapsed time. This enables users to get the turnaround time for tasks and take corrective actions wherever necessary.

With this release, an “Organization Unit” filter is being introduced in this report for users to derive the desired information.


737196 – Adding hyperlink in PowerBI for agreement code

With this release, the user creating a PowerBI report can hyperlink "Agreement Code" using conditional formatting with the Web URL option, so that on clicking an agreement code, the user is navigated to the corresponding agreement in ICI. 


Integration Details

605434 – Providing a unified flexible signature process

Signing agreements is often a combination of manual signatures and electronic signatures. ICI now provides a unified flexible signature workflow to its customers, thus improving the overall turnaround time and reducing the efforts of printing and scanning manually signed documents.

  • Introducing the hybrid signature process allows users to use manual and electronic signature mode in a single transaction.

Note: If the DocuSign console is enabled, then the user has the provision to tag the signatories after manual signatures. For other signature modes, ICI relies on the provisions facilitated by your signature provider.

  • Enabling DocuSign console with ICI that allows users to:
    • Add and modify the signatories.
    • Change the signature sequence.
    • Preview documents in the DocuSign console.
    • Tag signatories in the DocuSign console.
    • Use Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) in DocuSign.

641289 – Allowing parallel signatures using DocuSign

Previously, DocuSign integration provided support for sequential signatures.

This capability has now been improved to allow parallel signatures, so that multiple signatories can sign the agreement simultaneously, thus reducing the overall turnaround time for the complete signature process.

Parallel signatories can now be configured using rules or the DocuSign console.

7.15 Release Notes Screenshot 42

701825– Supporting multiple vendors for electronic signature

Previously, ICI supported one signature vendor within one instance of ICI. 

Now, users have the flexibility to not only select multiple electronic signature vendors in the same instance but also select the signature provider at the agreement level, based on the business requirements.

Users now have the flexibility to:

  • Configure any number of signature providers for a single ICI instance, as per business requirements.
  • Select the signature provider of choice, at the agreement or amendment level.
  • Define standard rules and conditions to automatically select the signature provider of choice, based on the organizational needs.
  • Use multiple accounts of the same signature provider or multiple accounts of different signature providers.


751651 – Publishing success/failure notification message on ASB post data sync from Salesforce

Sales agreements with customers are created in Salesforce using the ICI adapter for integration. Previously, users had to click “Assemble Contract” to sync data and reflect any agreement document changes.

With this release:

  • Document assembly or notification to third party applications can be triggered by consuming the notification message posted on ASB via custom task implementation. The changes will reflect in the generated agreement document once the instance and associations are synced, without clicking “Assemble Contract”.
  • Upon completion of data sync for an opportunity, the Salesforce data sync task raises a “Data Sync Passed/Failed” event on the Azure Service Bus (ASB) upon completion of data sync for each ICI entity related to the given opportunity. The message posted on ASB will display details such as Opportunity ID, ICI entity SysId and time stamp, among other information.

796155 – Enhancements to the data flow between Salesforce/MS CRM and ICI

Previously, when changes were made to any Salesforce entity, then the data would sync in all related ICI contracts/requests, irrespective of their state in ICI. For example, contracts in the "Waiting For External Signature" state would not be updated via ICI UI but would get updated via data sync.

With this release:

  • Changes made to a record of an entity (for example, “Opportunity”) in Salesforce will not sync to corresponding ICI contracts if they are in “Waiting For External Signature”, “Waiting For Internal Signature” or “Expired” states. 
  • The data will sync only for tracking attributes if the contract is in the "Executed" state. 

These enhancements to the data flow, done for configurability and consistency with the ICI user interface, will ensure that the ICI UI and the template document will always be in sync and there are no compliance issues.

674469 – Generating ICI notifications and enhancing Salesforce data sync

An alert mechanism is introduced for monitoring success and failure in Icertis Experience for Salesforce integrations, using ICI/Email notifications, so that end-users get notified about success/failure in data sync. 

With this release:

  • Customers will get success/failure ICI notification for data sync as well as reverse sync; and if there are any failures/exceptions in the sync process (data/reverse), the system will retry the respective operation, based on the configured retry count. 
  • Additional logging has been introduced for ICI-Salesforce integration messages. Depending on the message type (success/failure), the Kibana logs will contain correlation ID, status, and JSON details. 

679797 – Supporting JWT Bearer OAuth flow in Salesforce adapter with added support for Modified By use

Effective password management is an integral part of any corporate security policy. However, there are some risks involved in using user IDs and passwords for authentication and authorization of production systems in an enterprise. Security organizations also have stringent security policies which do not approve user Id or password authentication process. 

With this release, support is provided for JWT (JSON Web Token) Bearer OAuth, a secure authentication and authorization process. This makes the ICI integration with Salesforce more secure as the actual “Modified By” user from Salesforce is set as “Modified By” user in ICI for the corresponding ICI records during data sync. 

When entities in Salesforce are updated by a user, the process builder sends a message to the ASB queue with minimal data such as entity Id. ICI task service picks the message, obtains integration user credentials from JSON or AKV, and makes an API call to Salesforce to fetch the changes. There are no user interactions involved in this asynchronous process, the task service uses the service user login to update the ICI records. 

Users have the option to choose the authentication mechanism to be used. The system will provide support for backward compatibility of the old username and password flow.


749083 – Supporting OAuth in the MS CRM adapter

Previously, reverse data sync flow in MS CRM used service user login credentials to invoke MS CRM APIs when data was updated in ICI. 

ICI now uses the client ID and secret key, instead of user ID and password, for the authentication/authorization process between MS CRM and ICI. The server-to-server OAuth support is provided, so that the adapter and task service will use client Id and secret key from AKV, invoking MS CRM APIs. 

Users will have the option to choose the authentication mechanism to be used. The system will provide support for backward compatibility of the old username and password flow.

ICI Platform Tools Details

514636 – Enhancing P2P Tool in ICI Admin user interface

With this release, enhancements have been made in ICI to support additional entities for a seamless P2P experience. This functionality, provided to administrators, can promote configurable entities in pre-production environments to target environments, thus reducing the manual efforts.

The following entities are now supported:

  • Organizations (Orgs), Organization Groups (Org Groups)
  • Users, User Groups, Security Groups
  • Role Action Mapping
  • Currencies
  • Reasons
  • Attribute Group
  • SLA Matrix
  • Notification Category
  • Default Search Columns
  • Cascade Team
  • Application Settings
  • Global/Admin Saved Searches

Note: Customers using ICI versions before 7.15 will need to upgrade to use this feature.


Partner Enablement

703386 – Icertis Software Development Kit for Partner Enablement

Icertis develops strategic partnerships to drive shared business growth, deliver quality implementations and maximize customer satisfaction. In release 7.12, we introduced the Software Development Kit (SDK) to provide the resources and tools needed while implementing ICI. 

As part of our continuous efforts to support our partners, we have upgraded the following documents for this release:

  • ICI Coding Guidelines (version 2): This document helps developers to follow specific guidelines and best practices while coding. The database coding guidelines have now been added.
  • ICI Customization and Use Cases (version 2): This document explains how to perform customizations and provides some sample use cases that will help understand how to implement and execute ICI customizations. The document has been updated to support typescript.
  • Working with ICI Tasks: Updated for the 7.15 release.
  • Working with ICI Hooks: Updated for the 7.15 release.
  • ICI Developer Library: Updated for the 7.15 release.
  • Local Environment Setup using ICI Binaries: Updated for the 7.15 release.
  • 'Self-Serve Tools:' Updated for the 7.15 release.


Technical Requirements for Release 7.15

The Icertis Contract Intelligence (ICI) Proposal Management application can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection and a supported Internet browser. Not all features may be available in all environments. 

The software and hardware requirements for the client system as well as mobile application are listed in the table below.

7.15 Technical Requirements - Operating Systems

7.15 Technical Requirements - Browser Compatibility Matrix

7.15 Technical Requirements - Other Requirements

7.15 Technical Requirements - Smartphone Mobile App

7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 1

7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 2

7.15 Technical Requirements - Special Requirements 3

7.15 Technical Requirements - MS Office Plugins 1

7.15 Technical Requirements - MS Office Plugins 2

7.15 Technical Requirements - Security


Known Issues

This section includes some issues that we are aware of and plan to resolve at the earliest:

7.15 Known Issues



Related Topics: Agreement Management | Association Management | Compliance Management | Template Management | Clause Management | Configuration | Reports | Advanced Analytics | User Administration | ICI Tools Icertis Business Apps | AIML | ICI Add-ins | ICI Mobile App | ICI Business Apps Release Notes |