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= ICM Release Notes - Release 7.8 =
= ICM Release Notes - Release 7.9 =
== Overview of Release 7.8 ==
The 7.8 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform. It strives to improve user experience and intuitiveness by continually improving the ICM user interface. It offers rich visualization and discovery methods for Agreements by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Substantial changes have been made to improve the Search and Saved Search functionalities. The tagging of Associated document saved search in Agreement Templates and ability to define Rules have also been enhanced for better usability. The bulk actions functionality is now extended to multiple entities.
== Overview of Release 7.9 ==
With this release, the Power Business Intelligence (BI) integration allows you to generate reports on multiple datasets. Reports are further modified to improve insight by enhancing names, formats, etc. It also augments the Icertis Experience by providing better redirecting options to Salesforce users, sending notifications in localized languages to Adobe Sign users, allowing DocuSign users to send Associated documents along with the main Agreement, and enabling end-to-end management of Contract lifecycles across Coupa and the ICM platform through synchronized data exchange and configurable integration.
The 7.9 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform. It strives to improve user experience and intuitiveness by continually improving the ICM user interface.
The key enhancements of this release include:
The key enhancements of this release include:
*Incorporating Artificial Intelligence apps in the ICM platform to enable real-time negotiation by looking up similar Agreements or Clause text at the time of the Agreement review, applying natural language processing and machine learning to discover Obligations from the Agreement without having to read the entire document, and offering rich visualization for Agreements to make them searchable, readable, and understandable.  
*Enhancements in AI applications such as providing the Agreement/Clause Similarity functions and some UX improvements in the Negotiate AI app, supporting Obligation discovery on Templates and incorporating user actions feedback in the Obligation AI app, adding some hooks in the Visualize AI app to support custom visualization, and adding support for Table discovery in the Discover AI app.  
*Revamping the ICM user interface to improving the user experience by standardizing tabs, accordion headers, etc., and sending ICM email notifications in different languages based on the users’ language preferences.  
*Improving the ICM infrastructure to determine the Application Type (Contracting, Sourcing, Proposal, Obligation Management, and Supplier Lifecycle Management) when creating a Contract Type.  
*ICM now provides support to the Agreement workflow as per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 to improve usability.  
*Allowing multiple stakeholders to collaborate within ICM itself, thus eliminating the need for using external tools such as Email, Skype, etc.  
*Performing Bulk Actions to create new Agreements and Masterdata, and updating Associations along with Agreements or Amendments within ICM itself.
*Enhancing Search filters to include Team roles. The search capabilities have been further improved to allow searching of Agreements and Associated documents based on Clause usage, so that users can tackle the high risk Agreements first and mitigate risks.  
*Allowing tagging of Associated document saved search in the Agreement Template and making significant changes to improve the Search functionality in ICM.  
*Improving usability by allowing the comparison of any two versions of the Agreement document, displaying a banner for an announcement or scheduled event, Introducing the bulk import tool to import Templates/Clauses in bulk along with tagging and rules, enhancing bulk upload capability to create an assignment or initiate termination, provision users, and add team members when creating or updating an Agreement/Amendment.
*Providing the capability to tag the saved search result of Associations that are assembled as a table in the Agreement Template/document.
*Introducing the ability to tag the same Masterdata localized Attribute multiple times to support bilingual Templates within ICM.  
*Enhancing Rules to support inclusion, exclusion, and modification of Clauses in an Agreement, supporting multiple rulesets for Template Selection and Clause Assembly Rules, and locking/unlocking rules when updating them to prevent data loss.  
*Improving the ability to create Rules by introducing new conditions such as ''Has A Value'' and supporting Power Set conditions for multi-select data 
*Improving the Icertis Experiences for Coupa, Salesforce, Adobe Sign and DocuSign by:
*Extending support to Template Variables to be able to track the dependency between the Contract Type Attributes and Template Variables.
**Enabling users to exchange data to manage end-to-end Procure-to-Pay, Source-to-Contract and Masterdata sync lifecycles between Coupa and the ICM platform.  
*Improving Power Business Intelligence (BI) usability by making some UX related changes, displaying the Power BI Dashboard on the Advanced Analytics tile and improving the user experience.  
**Improving usability by providing users an option to be redirected to the ICM Contract Details page or the Salesforce Record page from where the creation process was initiated.  
*Refining Reports to display the Date and Time as per user preferences in addition to more reports now being available on the Dashboard as KPIs.
**Improving user experience by providing support to send notifications to signatories in the localized language when using Adobe Sign, instead of sending the notification in English to all users.
*Improving the Icertis Experience by: <ul style="list-style-type:circle;">
**Allowing users to send Associated documents along with the main Agreement for signatures using DocuSign.  
<li>Introducing a new .JS version of the ICM Outlook Plugin to be able to upload the next version of the Agreement Document and Associated Document, or creating a new Association instance and the uploading the Associated Document received over Email to the Agreement, thus reducing the overall turnaround time for the author.</li>
<li>Introducing a new field for Salesforce users named ''Field Set Name'' so that the Adapter reads the metadata and sends only the Attributes defined for the entity when the integration is triggered from Salesforce. It also allows using Attributes defined at the Template level to store critical data as part of the Agreement and sync with Salesforce, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process.</li>
<li>Collaborating with Microsoft Team to provide a seamless user experience when authoring contracts, negotiations, or when discussing ideas and exchanging files, and in turn significantly improving the cycle time.</li>
<li>Configuring the ICM Workday Adapter so that Executed Agreements can be attached as .PDF, instead of .docx.</li>
<li>Providing the capability to upload a manually signed copy of an Agreement document using the ''Print, sign and upload'' capability of Adobe Sign, and supporting redlining in Associations tagged as a Table in a Template or Agreement document, in addition to allowing the user to send supporting documents along with the main Agreement for signature when using Adobe Sign.</li>
</ul>  </ul>
*Extending support of Template Variables when using the Microsoft Word Add-in (.Net version) to be able to add, modify and remove Template Variable tags in the Template.  
These Release Notes provide an overview of enhancements to ICM and the ICM Experience for Integrations. Refer to the detailed Wiki documentation for explanation and capabilities of these and all other ICM features and functionalities.
*Modifying the Agreement Cycle Time Report, Attribute Value Report, Detailed Report, My Pending Requests Report and the User Login Report.  
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== ICM Application Enhancements ==
== ICM Application Enhancements ==
<span style="color:#008000;">'''333317 Enhancements to Bulk Actions'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''420230 Extend Contract Type definition to be able to describe the Application Type &nbsp;'''</span><br/> ICM offers the ability to determine the Application Type (Contracting, Sourcing, Proposal, Obligation Management, and Supplier Lifecycle Management) when creating a Contract Type. This is possible with the inclusion of two new Choice type Attributes, Business Application Type and Business Application Category at the Contract Type level. This feature helps effortlessly drive Business Application on the ICM platform. These Attributes are applicable for Agreements and Associated Document Contract Types, after the Business Application is enabled through a technical configuration. The access privileges for Business Applications such as Sourcing, are driven through Security Groups.<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border"><span style="color:#008000;">'''390639 – Collaboration in Contracts &nbsp;'''</span><br/> Previously, stakeholders involved in the contracting/sourcing process used to communicate via external tools such as Email, Skype, etc. Managing these conversations that involved multiple stakeholders and multiple discussions was a cumbersome task. With this release, ICM has eliminated the need to use external tools and created a dedicated space available within the Agreement itself.&nbsp;<br/> To collaborate, multiple stakeholders involved in the contracting/sourcing process can:</div>
*Use the Collaboration tab available inside the Agreement&nbsp;
*Provision an internal/external Team member to communicate with other internal or external team member(s) by creating Topics and posting messages in it
*Provision users to send and receive attachments along with the message
*Provision users to mark the topic as closed once discussion is concluded.
*Send Email notification to participants when messages are posted in the topic
<div class="image-green-border">This can be achieved by setting the Enable Collaboration flag to Yes for the Agreement Contract Type, which displays a Collaboration tab on the Agreement Details page. To prevent data loss, once Collaboration is enabled for a Contract Type, it cannot be disabled.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">'''<span style="color:#008000;">400058 – Enhance Search filters to include Team members and their Roles</span>'''&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">With this release, ICM now supports the ability to search entities based on any user roles so that users can keep track of the Agreements that they are responsible for review and approvals. Users can apply other filters along with the team role to derive out-of-the-box saved search KPIs that help them manage Agreements and Amendments faster and easily.&nbsp;<br/> You can now search, and filter Agreements based on any user roles using the following Categories – Team Member: Role Name, Is Group, Role Display Name, and User Name. &nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''452265 – Ability to compare any 2 versions of the document'''</span><br/> Previously, users could only see the comparison between the last and the current version of the Agreement. This functionality has now been enhanced so that the user can compare any two of the available versions of the Agreement as required.<br/> &nbsp;
The Bulk Actions functionality is further enhanced so that you can create and update multiple entities directly within ICM. When uploaded, these records become part of the ICM workflow and can be managed within ICM itself. Earlier, you could only Add Amendments. With this release, you can:
'''<span style="color:#008000;">408652 &nbsp;– Displaying an Announcement Banner</span>'''<br/> ICM has now improved user experience by providing the capability of displaying a scrolling banner message to inform users of a scheduled event or an announcement. For example, you can inform users that a maintenance activity is scheduled in 24 hours. A banner will scroll at the top of the ICM window alerting the users of the downtime, so that they can plan their work accordingly.&nbsp;This can be achieved through Application Settings by toggling the Show announcement banner field to Yes and entering the message to be displayed in the Announcement message box.<br/> &nbsp;
*Create new Agreements and Masterdata.
<span style="color:#008000;">'''456074/439569/439668/467828 &nbsp;– Enhancements to Bulk Upload'''</span><br/> ICM has now enhanced usability by making the following enhancements to the Bulk Upload functionality so that you can:
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:333317 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*Update existing Amendments and Agreements.&nbsp;  
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:333317 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
*Create/update Associations with Agreements or Amendments.
*Process multiple batches in parallel, instead of sequentially processing them.
*Get drop-downs in the Workbook for static and dynamic lists to select from. For example, Type Of Paper, Workflow Action, Org Unit, Lookup/Cascade Attributes, etc.
*Easily differentiate each column in the Workbook for mandatory, user selected, Information fields due to the color-coding.<br/> &nbsp;
<span style="color:#008000;">'''345526&nbsp;– Power BI Integration with ICM'''</span>
*Provision users (which was earlier available only for Legacy Upload)
*Add Team members when creating an Agreement or Amendment
*Add Team members when updating Agreement or Amendment&nbsp;  
*Create Assignment and initiate the Termination of Agreements<br/> &nbsp;
ICM integration with Power Business Intelligence (BI) provides real-time analytics and ad-hoc report generation capabilities to the user. Access to the ''Advanced Analytics'' tile on the Dashboard is controlled through ''Privileges'' defined in ''Security Groups''.
'''<span style="color:#008000;">382235 – Power BI Integration with ICM&nbsp;</span>'''<br/> With this release, in effort to improve Power BI usability, some changes have been made and some additional functionalities have been added.
With this release, this capability has been enhanced so that:
*The following UX related changes have been made:
**Last Updated On text is changed to Data Source updated successfully&nbsp;
**The Refresh icon (which shows the minimum time of refresh cycle among all datasets) is changed to the Refresh page button 
*If the session is going to time out, the Advanced Analytics page will display the standard ICM time out alert to the user.
*The Save your report option is now available for global reports. Users can save a copy of the report. It is visible in the user’s My Reports section and can be modified as required. If special characters are added to the report name, an error message will be displayed.
*You can edit the saved global report using the Edit Report Name option. If special characters are added when renaming a report, an error message will be displayed.
*You can also delete this report using the Delete Report option if it is no longer relevant.
*Power BI Dashboard is now available in the Advanced Analytics section. The Advanced Analytics tile now displays the following 3 tabs:  
**''Business Summary:'' displays the following based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Finance Head):
***Agreement Summary such as Top Agreements by Value, Top Expiring Agreements, etc. (based on the defined KPIs).
***Deviations Summary such as Deviated Agreements and Contract Value (s) by Org Unit, Deviated Agreements by Contract Type, etc.&nbsp;
***Expiring Agreements such as Expiring Agreements by Month, Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal, etc.&nbsp;
***Cycle Time Report such as Cycle Time (in Days) by Contract Types, Trend of Cycle Time by Month, etc.&nbsp;
***Configuration Statistics such as Distribution of Templates by Contract Types, Clauses by Category, etc.&nbsp; 
**''Legal Summary:'' displays the following based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Legal Head).
**''Legal Details:'' displays the legal details at a more granular level based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Legal Head). 
*When creating reports, you can configure Power BI such that you can select what data you want to view. For example, you can only view the Agreements and Templates, but hide the Clauses. The same applies when asking a question.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
As a User, you can:
=== Enhancements to Rules ===
*Access self-generated reports quickly from the ''My Reports'' section on the ''Advanced Analytics'' page.
*Access global reports from the ''Global Reports'' section of the ''Advanced Analytics'' page, if the Administrator provides access through ''Security Groups.''
<div class="image-green-border">''[[File:345526 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]''</div>
*Generate a report based on multiple datasets. For example, ''Agreement, Clause, or template''.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345526 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
As an Administrator, you can:
*Provide access to Advanced Analytics reports through Security Groups. These reports will appear in the ''Global Reports'' section of the ''Advanced Analytics'' page.
<div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
<span style="color:#008000;">'''242205 – Sending ICM Notifications in the recipient's preferred language'''</span>
=== Enhancements to Templates ===
ICM now offers the standard ICM Email notification in different languages. When ICM sends a notification email to multiple recipients with multiple language preferences, a single email notification goes to all the recipients that contains the same message. However, the subject line and content in the email body is displayed in different languages. The language that the most recipients prefer is set at the top of the email subject and body.
The ICM Administrator can create Notification Templates only in English on the ICM UI. The localization of the Notification email is achieved through a technical configuration. It is applicable to all ICM entities and events.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:242205.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''44803 – Addition of Filters and Clear All buttons'''</span>
In this release, the&nbsp;''Filters'' and ''Clear All'' buttons have been added across all Index pages, Lookup and Search pages, and the Select User Grid view. The ''Filters'' button extends the view of the displayed results, whereas the ''Clear All'' button clears all the added filters in one go to display the unfiltered list.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:44803.png|1050px|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
<span style="color:#008000;">'''275819 – Secondary Owner role extended for User Entity'''</span>
The ''Secondary Owner'' has now been extended to User Entity for a user or user groups. This makes it easier for the Administrator to make the required changes for a user or user groups, instead of having to login multiple times to do so. You need to configure actions for User Information entity and Secondary Owner via Role Action Mapping on the user interface.
The Secondary Owner can be added to the User Entity:
*Through a configuration key.
*From the ICM user interface.
*Using Excel Add-in.
*Using Legacy Upload.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275819.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''337801 – Accessibility support for Agreement Workflow'''</span>
With this release, ICM has provided accessibility support for Agreement workflow as per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, thus enhancing the user experience and improving usability.
<div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
<span style="color:#008000;">'''337750&nbsp;– Formatting for Rich Text Area'''</span>
With this release, default values associated with the rich text area table is retained during document assembly and document preview. These values are configured as ''RichTextArea'' Attribute type when creating a Contract Type. The same is applicable when creating or editing Agreements, Amendments, Associations, Masterdata, Templates and Clauses.
The rich text values are displayed on clicking the ''View'' icon on the ''Summary, Details ''and ''Verify'' pages of all entities. In addition to the plain text, the default value can contain rich text with various formats, fonts, colors and tables. The table supports hyperlinks, indentations and headers outside the table.
'''Note:''' The table does not support Description and HTML Prompt. For document assembly, the table supports up to eight columns.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:337750.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
=== Enhancements to Rules ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''209003&nbsp;– Clause Inclusion, Exclusion and Modification in an Agreement'''</span>
With this release, you can configure Rules to include, exclude or modify Clauses from an Agreement.
The following conditions apply to this feature:
*The Clause Approval Rule is evaluated for ''Edit'' and ''Upload'' actions by comparing the current Agreement with the previous version.
*The Agreement created from a Template will not trigger Clause Approval Rules.
*The Clause Approver is always added based on Approval Rule and cannot be added to the team manually.
*The Clause Approval Rule is evaluated until the Agreement is approved.
*When the same Clause is tagged for both Deviation and Clause Approval, then the review and approval will be triggered at the same time.
*Selecting a different Template will remove all users from the Team and restart the Clause evaluation process assuming there is no baseline version of the Agreement.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:209003.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''275824 – Extending support for multiple Rulesets to Template Selection and Clause Assembly Rules'''</span>
Previously, ICM users could create multiple Rulesets of Approval Rules for the ''Approval Rule'' type, allowing the users to manage similar Rules with ease. Now, this functionality is also extended to the ''Template Selection'' and ''Clause Assembly'' Rule type.
The name of the Ruleset remains unique throughout the system. For example, Template Selection Rulesets of the same entity cannot have the same name.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275824 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
When multiple Template Selection and Clause Assembly Rules are defined, ICM executes these Rules sequentially, and not in parallel. The ''Stop Processing More Rules ''option within a Ruleset, when set to ''Yes'', allows users to stop evaluating further Rules for the Ruleset.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275824 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
'''<span style="color:#008000;">356497 – Locking and Unlocking Rules when updating</span>'''
Previously, ICM allowed multiple users to edit the same Rule at the same time, which occasionally resulted in data loss. This has now been addressed by allowing users to lock and unlock the Ruleset from the UI, using the ''Lock'' icon on the Rules ''Grid'' view.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:356497.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
=== Enhancements to Templates ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''333437 – Tagging Saved Search of Associated documents in an Agreement'''</span>
With this release, ICM provides the capability to tag the Saved Search result of Associations that are assembled as a table in the Agreement Template/document.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:333437.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
=== Enhancements to the ICM User Experience ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''345303 – UI Enhancement for Multi-Select drop-downs'''</span>
ICM now supports the Typeahead functionality for multi-select lookup and choice drop-down fields, so that users do not need to scroll through the entire list to search and select the desired values.&nbsp;This feature is available on all pages, except on the&nbsp;''Configuration'' page, for creating and modifying conditional values of multi-select lookup and choice control in Contract Type.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345303.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
== Incorporating Artificial Intelligence Apps in ICM ==
== Incorporating Artificial Intelligence Apps in ICM ==
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This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.
This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:331509.png|1050px|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
<div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
<span style="color:#008000;">'''331521 – Visualize AI'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''331521 – Visualize AI'''</span>
It is difficult to search and analyze a large volume of data with Agreements and discover the meaningful relationships between contracts and associated entities. The Visualize AI feature offers rich visualization using diagrams, graphs, charts, images, and visually structured layouts to make Agreements easily searchable, readable, and understandable.
<div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.
With this release, two types of visualizations are available:
1.'''Agreement centric:''' Visualize AI is launched for the selected Agreement allowing the user to easily navigate through the related entities and possible actions.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
2.&nbsp;'''Saved Search centric:''' Visualize AI is launched based on the selected saved search allowing users to view a collection of Agreements grouped and aggregated as per the configuration, and to easily navigate them using the rendered graph.
'''Note:''' Saved Search centric visualization is available only for Agreements, and no other entities.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 3.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:331521 4.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
== Enhancements to ICM Add-ins ==
== Enhancements to ICM Add-ins ==
<span style="color:#008000;">'''337242 – Extending support of Template Variables when using Word Add-in (.Net version)'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''337242 – Extending support of Template Variables when using Word Add-in (.Net version)'''</span>
With this release, the capability of tagging a Template Variable to Templates has been extended to the Word Add-in (.Net version). Thus, users can now add, modify and remove the Template Variable tags in the Template.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:337242.jpg|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
<span style="color:#008000;">'''413509 – Removing support for adding Rule based Clauses in the Agreement document when using Word Add-in'''</span>
With this release, the ability to add Rule based Clauses in the Agreement document when using Word Add-in is no longer supported. Rule based Clauses can only be defined at Template level.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:413509.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
== Enhancements to Reports ==
== Enhancements to Reports ==
<span style="color:#008000;">'''345372 – Improvements to Reports'''</span>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''345372 – Improvements to Reports'''</span>
With this release, enhancements have been made to the following Reports:
*'''Agreement Cycle Time Report:'''
**It is renamed to ''Cycle Time Report''.
**A new filter ''Entity ''has been added with the following values: Agreements, Agreements with Contract Request, and Contract Requests. 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 1.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*When the user selects ''Agreements'':
**Amendments will also be displayed.
**An additional column, ''Parent Agreement Code,'' has been added to the tabular data that will display the parent Agreement of the Amendment. 
*When the user selects ''Agreements with Contract Request'':
**The following columns have been added to the tabular data – ''Contract Request Code, Contract Request Name, ''and ''Contract Request Created Date.''
**A chart appears that displays the Contract Type by ''Average Cycle Time'' for all Agreements that have been created through Contract Requests. Clicking the ''Contract Type'' on this chart opens another chart that displays the Contract Requests by ''Status. ''The ''Waiting for Contract Creation'' status is added with this release.
**When the user selects ''Contract Requests'':
***A chart appears that displays the Contract Type by ''Average Cycle Time'' for all Contract Requests. Clicking the ''Contract Type'' on this chart opens another chart that displays the Contract Requests by ''Status'' (''Draft, Waiting For Approval, ''and ''Approved'').   
*'''Attribute Information Report: '''
**The date format for the Date Attributes are now displayed in the mm/dd/yyyy format. 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 2.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*'''Detailed Report:'''
**The ''History'' Date format is changed to Mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM format. 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 3.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*'''My Pending Requests Report:'''
**It is renamed to ''Approved Requests Waiting For Contract Creation.'' 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 4.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>
*'''User Login Report:'''
**The IP Address column now captures the IP address from all possible scenarios along with the Session Start Time.
**The ''Session Duration'' column has been removed. 
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:345372 5.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
== Integrations ==
=== Icertis Adapter for Coupa Integration ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''341756 – ICM-Coupa Integration'''</span>
The ICM-Coupa integration allows exchange of data between the ICM platform and Coupa Spend Management platform through a configurable integration framework that uses a REST based Connector. Thus, users can manage end-to-end Procure-to-Pay, Source-to-Contract and Masterdata sync lifecycles between Coupa and the ICM platform.
Through this integration, you have the following capabilities:
*As a Procurement Manager, an Agreement authored or updated in ICM is automatically created or updated in Coupa. When the Agreement is executed in ICM, it is automatically published in Coupa. It can then be used to initiate the Coupa requisition process and management of downstream steps like Purchase Orders, Invoices, etc. for any procurement contract, which can then be synced back to ICM.
*As a Sourcing Manager, when Sourcing events (RFx – RFI, RFP, RFQ, RFB) are created/updated in Coupa, the same can be pushed into ICM. Once events are closed with one or more supplier responses in Coupa, Agreements can be auto-created in ICM and they can then be authored and managed within ICM itself.
*As a System Administrator, an external object Attribute mapping can be configured for any of the Coupa entities (such as Supplier Master, Payment Master, etc.), so that the Masterdata for the required entities from Coupa can be synced to the ICM Masterdata (based on the object/field mapping definition).
=== Icertis Experience for Salesforce ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''207220 – Allowing users to be redirected to the ICM Details page in Salesforce'''</span>
When creating Contracts, Contract Requests and Amendments from Salesforce, Administrators can now configure whether the users should be redirected to the ''ICM Contract details ''page or the ''Salesforce Record ''page from where the creation process was initiated.
This can be configured by selecting the ''Allow Redirect ''checkbox on the ''ICM Endpoint Configuration ''page. By default, the checkbox is not selected. When selected, the user is redirected to the ''Salesforce Record'' page, else to the ''ICM Contract detail ''page.
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=== Enhancements to Adobe Sign ===
=== Enhancements to Adobe Sign ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''244360 – Sending Adobe Sign Email notifications in the recipient’s preferred language'''</span>
<div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
ICM has now improved user experience by providing support to send notifications to internal and external signatories in the localized language when using Adobe Sign, instead of sending the notification in English to all users.
You can toggle the Agreement ''Preview'' to ''On ''or&nbsp;''Off''. When it is turned ''On'', you can tag the signature by toggling the ''Adobe Add Signature Tags'' field to ''Yes''. By default, this field is set to ''No''.
*This feature is only available for Agreements and Amendments.
*Only 1000 characters are allowed for the ''Default Message'' and the ''Additional Information'' combined.
*Ensure that you open a new browser window to perform the Adobe Sign Signature action after opening the Adobe Sign Email to ''Preview and Send''; else it may result in an error.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:244360.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
=== Enhancements to DocuSign ===
=== Enhancements to DocuSign ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''275831 – Ability to send Associated documents along with the main Agreement for Signature'''</span>
<div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
ICM now allows the Primary Owner to select and attach individual copies of the Associated documents along with the main Agreement and send them for signatures using DocuSign.&nbsp;<br/> The Signatories view and sign these Associated documents provided the Signatory tags are added.&nbsp;<br/> When the signing process is complete, ICM synchronizes back the Associated document and generates the Version and History record by the name of the last Signatory. Parent-child Associations, which are not signed but are part of the DocuSign envelop are also synced back.<br/> Note: This feature is applicable only for parent-child Associations. The .docx and .pdf file types are supported.<br/> &nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:275831.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>  
== Technical Requirements for Release 7.8 ==
== Technical Requirements for Release 7.8 ==

Revision as of 04:32, 31 August 2019

ICM Release Notes - Release 7.9


Overview of Release 7.9

The 7.9 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform. It strives to improve user experience and intuitiveness by continually improving the ICM user interface.

The key enhancements of this release include:

  • Enhancements in AI applications such as providing the Agreement/Clause Similarity functions and some UX improvements in the Negotiate AI app, supporting Obligation discovery on Templates and incorporating user actions feedback in the Obligation AI app, adding some hooks in the Visualize AI app to support custom visualization, and adding support for Table discovery in the Discover AI app.
  • Improving the ICM infrastructure to determine the Application Type (Contracting, Sourcing, Proposal, Obligation Management, and Supplier Lifecycle Management) when creating a Contract Type.
  • Allowing multiple stakeholders to collaborate within ICM itself, thus eliminating the need for using external tools such as Email, Skype, etc.
  • Enhancing Search filters to include Team roles. The search capabilities have been further improved to allow searching of Agreements and Associated documents based on Clause usage, so that users can tackle the high risk Agreements first and mitigate risks.
  • Improving usability by allowing the comparison of any two versions of the Agreement document, displaying a banner for an announcement or scheduled event, Introducing the bulk import tool to import Templates/Clauses in bulk along with tagging and rules, enhancing bulk upload capability to create an assignment or initiate termination, provision users, and add team members when creating or updating an Agreement/Amendment.
  • Introducing the ability to tag the same Masterdata localized Attribute multiple times to support bilingual Templates within ICM.
  • Improving the ability to create Rules by introducing new conditions such as Has A Value and supporting Power Set conditions for multi-select data 
  • Extending support to Template Variables to be able to track the dependency between the Contract Type Attributes and Template Variables.
  • Improving Power Business Intelligence (BI) usability by making some UX related changes, displaying the Power BI Dashboard on the Advanced Analytics tile and improving the user experience.
  • Refining Reports to display the Date and Time as per user preferences in addition to more reports now being available on the Dashboard as KPIs.
  • Improving the Icertis Experience by:
    • Introducing a new .JS version of the ICM Outlook Plugin to be able to upload the next version of the Agreement Document and Associated Document, or creating a new Association instance and the uploading the Associated Document received over Email to the Agreement, thus reducing the overall turnaround time for the author.
    • Introducing a new field for Salesforce users named Field Set Name so that the Adapter reads the metadata and sends only the Attributes defined for the entity when the integration is triggered from Salesforce. It also allows using Attributes defined at the Template level to store critical data as part of the Agreement and sync with Salesforce, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process.
    • Collaborating with Microsoft Team to provide a seamless user experience when authoring contracts, negotiations, or when discussing ideas and exchanging files, and in turn significantly improving the cycle time.
    • Configuring the ICM Workday Adapter so that Executed Agreements can be attached as .PDF, instead of .docx.
    • Providing the capability to upload a manually signed copy of an Agreement document using the Print, sign and upload capability of Adobe Sign, and supporting redlining in Associations tagged as a Table in a Template or Agreement document, in addition to allowing the user to send supporting documents along with the main Agreement for signature when using Adobe Sign.

    These Release Notes provide an overview of enhancements to ICM and the ICM Experience for Integrations. Refer to the detailed Wiki documentation for explanation and capabilities of these and all other ICM features and functionalities.


    ICM Application Enhancements

    420230 – Extend Contract Type definition to be able to describe the Application Type  
    ICM offers the ability to determine the Application Type (Contracting, Sourcing, Proposal, Obligation Management, and Supplier Lifecycle Management) when creating a Contract Type. This is possible with the inclusion of two new Choice type Attributes, Business Application Type and Business Application Category at the Contract Type level. This feature helps effortlessly drive Business Application on the ICM platform. These Attributes are applicable for Agreements and Associated Document Contract Types, after the Business Application is enabled through a technical configuration. The access privileges for Business Applications such as Sourcing, are driven through Security Groups.

    390639 – Collaboration in Contracts  
    Previously, stakeholders involved in the contracting/sourcing process used to communicate via external tools such as Email, Skype, etc. Managing these conversations that involved multiple stakeholders and multiple discussions was a cumbersome task. With this release, ICM has eliminated the need to use external tools and created a dedicated space available within the Agreement itself. 
    To collaborate, multiple stakeholders involved in the contracting/sourcing process can:
    • Use the Collaboration tab available inside the Agreement 
    • Provision an internal/external Team member to communicate with other internal or external team member(s) by creating Topics and posting messages in it
    • Provision users to send and receive attachments along with the message
    • Provision users to mark the topic as closed once discussion is concluded.
    • Send Email notification to participants when messages are posted in the topic
    This can be achieved by setting the Enable Collaboration flag to Yes for the Agreement Contract Type, which displays a Collaboration tab on the Agreement Details page. To prevent data loss, once Collaboration is enabled for a Contract Type, it cannot be disabled. 
    400058 – Enhance Search filters to include Team members and their Roles 
    With this release, ICM now supports the ability to search entities based on any user roles so that users can keep track of the Agreements that they are responsible for review and approvals. Users can apply other filters along with the team role to derive out-of-the-box saved search KPIs that help them manage Agreements and Amendments faster and easily. 
    You can now search, and filter Agreements based on any user roles using the following Categories – Team Member: Role Name, Is Group, Role Display Name, and User Name.  

    452265 – Ability to compare any 2 versions of the document
    Previously, users could only see the comparison between the last and the current version of the Agreement. This functionality has now been enhanced so that the user can compare any two of the available versions of the Agreement as required.

    408652  – Displaying an Announcement Banner
    ICM has now improved user experience by providing the capability of displaying a scrolling banner message to inform users of a scheduled event or an announcement. For example, you can inform users that a maintenance activity is scheduled in 24 hours. A banner will scroll at the top of the ICM window alerting the users of the downtime, so that they can plan their work accordingly. This can be achieved through Application Settings by toggling the Show announcement banner field to Yes and entering the message to be displayed in the Announcement message box.

    456074/439569/439668/467828  – Enhancements to Bulk Upload
    ICM has now enhanced usability by making the following enhancements to the Bulk Upload functionality so that you can:

    • Provision users (which was earlier available only for Legacy Upload)
    • Add Team members when creating an Agreement or Amendment
    • Add Team members when updating Agreement or Amendment 
    • Create Assignment and initiate the Termination of Agreements

    382235 – Power BI Integration with ICM 
    With this release, in effort to improve Power BI usability, some changes have been made and some additional functionalities have been added.

    • The following UX related changes have been made:
      • Last Updated On text is changed to Data Source updated successfully 
      • The Refresh icon (which shows the minimum time of refresh cycle among all datasets) is changed to the Refresh page button
    • If the session is going to time out, the Advanced Analytics page will display the standard ICM time out alert to the user.
    • The Save your report option is now available for global reports. Users can save a copy of the report. It is visible in the user’s My Reports section and can be modified as required. If special characters are added to the report name, an error message will be displayed.
    • You can edit the saved global report using the Edit Report Name option. If special characters are added when renaming a report, an error message will be displayed.
    • You can also delete this report using the Delete Report option if it is no longer relevant.
    • Power BI Dashboard is now available in the Advanced Analytics section. The Advanced Analytics tile now displays the following 3 tabs:
      • Business Summary: displays the following based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Finance Head):
        • Agreement Summary such as Top Agreements by Value, Top Expiring Agreements, etc. (based on the defined KPIs).
        • Deviations Summary such as Deviated Agreements and Contract Value (s) by Org Unit, Deviated Agreements by Contract Type, etc. 
        • Expiring Agreements such as Expiring Agreements by Month, Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal, etc. 
        • Cycle Time Report such as Cycle Time (in Days) by Contract Types, Trend of Cycle Time by Month, etc. 
        • Configuration Statistics such as Distribution of Templates by Contract Types, Clauses by Category, etc. 
      • Legal Summary: displays the following based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Legal Head).
      • Legal Details: displays the legal details at a more granular level based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Legal Head).
    • When creating reports, you can configure Power BI such that you can select what data you want to view. For example, you can only view the Agreements and Templates, but hide the Clauses. The same applies when asking a question. 

    Enhancements to Rules



    Enhancements to Templates



    Incorporating Artificial Intelligence Apps in ICM

    With this release, the following Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps have been embedded in the ICM platform to help you make informed decisions with accuracy and speed, as well as enhance user experience:

    • Negotiate AI
    • Obligation AI
    • Visualize AI

    331508 – Negotiate AI

    The Negotiate AI app enables real-time negotiation and provides assistance at the time of the Agreement review by:

    • Discovering Clause text and Attributes in the Word document of the Agreements and matching them with the Clause Library.
    • Updating these discovered Clauses and Attributes, and saving them to ICM.
    • Looking up similar Agreements to assist during the negotiation process (overall Agreement similarity).
    • Looking up Agreements with similar Clauses (particular Clause similarity).

    This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.

    Note: This app works on Microsoft Office 2016 for Windows version 16.0.4390.1000 or later, and Office .JS installed.


    331509 – Obligation AI

    The process of identifying Obligations in an existing Agreement manually is tedious, time consuming and error prone. Obligation Discovery automates this process by applying Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to this problem. This enables the discovery of Obligations from the Agreement without having to read the entire Agreement text by looking up similar Obligations from the Obligations Library, and automatically extracting key metadata from the discovered Obligations.

    This app is available in ICM through a technical configuration.


    331521 – Visualize AI



    Enhancements to ICM Add-ins

    337242 – Extending support of Template Variables when using Word Add-in (.Net version)



    Enhancements to Reports

    345372 – Improvements to Reports



    Enhancements to Adobe Sign



    Enhancements to DocuSign



    Technical Requirements for Release 7.8

    The Icertis Contract Management base system can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection and a supported Internet browser. Not all features may be available in all the environments, and specific customer environments may have other requirements. The software and hardware requirements for client system as well as mobile application are listed in the table below.

    Technical Requirements 1

    Technical Requirements 2

    Technical Requirements 3

    Technical Requirements 4