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The Notes tab displays the comments that are added to the Agreement either when an action is taken or directly through the Notes tab. It displays the comments for complete lifecycle of the Agreement. 

Internal users can communicate more efficiently with both internal and external sources through Notes across all phases of an Agreement. While adding them, internal users have the choice of making their Notes visible to all users (internal and external) or to internal users only. ICM handles the validation of users and displays Notes based on their visibility settings. By default:

  • Notes added by internal users are visible only internally.
  • Notes added by external users are visible to all.

To add notes using the Notes tab:

  1. Click the Add Add Icon on the Notes page icon. This opens the Add Notes window.
  2. Enter your comments.
  3. Click Add Note. The added comment is listed in  it.You can view the logs either using Grid or List view. By default, Grid view is selected.

Let’s go through each view in detail:

Grid View

Grid view dramatically reduces the time required to go through the complete list of logs to find a specific one. Through this view you can easily refine your search for any specific log. The search results are displayed in tabular form. You can further sort your results using filter provided in every column.


Follow these steps to search the log:

  1. Click Agreement Management tile on My Dashboard, this opens the Agreements page.
  2. Click View RTENOTITLE icon next to the Agreement, whose logs you want to view.
  3. Click Notes in the left pane. This displays all the logs related to that Agreement. By default, Grid view is selected.
  4. You can refine your search by selecting the provided categories:
  • All: displays the logs added directly through Notes tab and while taking any action on the Agreement.
  • Workflow: displays the logs added while taking any action on the Agreement.
  1. The results matching your selection are displayed on the page in tabular form.
  2. Refine your search further using the Refine Search Here field. For example, you can either type the initials of User Name who created the Agreement or type initials of the Event. This filters the results to display only those records that matches your search.
  3. You can sort your search results by clicking Filter RTENOTITLE icon provided in every column.
  4. Click Filter RTENOTITLE icon and choose options relevant to your search in the fields. 

List View

The List view displays the complete list of comments available. You can refine your serach by selecting either All or Workflow.


Related Topics: Dashboard Agreement Details |