Compliance Management
The Compliance Management tile enables you to go through all Commitments available and take required actions on them. It consists of following tiles:
Every Agreement has obligations associated with it. These obligations are known as Commitments. You can manage Commitments by setting up reminders, transaction clauses, review timelines and much more using the Commitment Management tile on the Dashboard.
From the Commitments tile you can:
- See the complete list of Commitments available, and search Commitments in variety of ways in the same way as for Agreements through Searching Agreements and Requests.
- Customize this page. Refer to Navigating_in_ICM for details.
- Go to the specific Agreement Details page for which the Commitment was created by clicking the View Record
Fulfilling a Commitment
Every Agreement or Contract has obligations associated with it. The obligations are towards the transactions, clauses, and so on. Commitment is like a reminder to fulfil these obligations. For example, reminding supplier about contract expiry.
The Primary Owner creates a commitment to keep a track of a certain task relating to an agreement. The commitment owner on the due date of commitment, takes the appropriate action to fulfil the Commitment. For example, a Commitment may be to remind a supplier to provide necessary information on time , or to renew a contract, and so on.
To fulfil a Commitment:
- On the Dashboard, click the Notifications tile, and then the Commitments tab. List of commitments that you need to fulfil appear.
- Click the Take action on commitment
icon next to the Commitment that you need to take action on. A pop-up window opens to display the Add Action Details and the Commitment Details for the Commitment.
- In the Add Action Details tab, enter the following information:
- In the Action Taken box, type the details of the action you have taken on the Commitment.
- In the Action Date box, type or select the action date from calendar.
- In the Remarks box, type your remarks if any.
- In the Commitment status list, select one of the following:
- Cancelled
- Failed
- Postponed
- Succeeded
Type or select the new date from calendar.
- In the File field, click Select File to upload supporting documents.
- Click Save. The message appears as follows:
Commitment will not be editable anymore. Do you want to continue?
- Click Save.
- Click Select fields to add the Commitment State attribute to the Attributes list for a particular Agreement. The Select Columns popup opens where you can select the desired attributes and click Apply to apply the selected fields.
Search allows you to search the customized values and the facet Search displays values of the commitment state and the count.
The customized values are also reflected in the existing Reports.
Related Topics: Commitment Actions | Fulfil a Commitment | Adding Commitments to Agreements