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Approving and Rejecting Agreements

An agreement can be created from an approved contract request or by creating a new agreement. Rejecting an agreeement seends it back to the primary owner to make the required changes. But either it is created, an agreement must be approved before it moves to the next stage of the workflow. All permissions, such as creating, approving and deleting of entities are controlled from the role-action mapping.

Following are the predefined roles for Agreements:

  • Primary Owner: creates the agreements
  • Contract Admin: can configure security settings and role permissions
  • Approver: can approve and reject agreements
  • Reviewer: this is an optional role that review the agreement, if the primary owner or the approver chooses to send the agreement for reviews.
  • Deviation Approver: reviews any deviations in rules and clauses and approves and reject the deviations.

You can approve or reject agreements in two ways from:

To approve or reject an agreement from yoiur Tasks:

1. Click the Tasks KPI tile on the Dashboard. This opens the User Task Dashboard Page.

2. Click the link of the agreement that you need to approve. This opens the Agreement Details Page.

3. Click Approve. This opens the Add Notes dialog box.

4. Type a note and click Add. The status of the agreement changes to Approved.

Refer to Sending an Agreement for Review for details.

Related Topics:
Delegate an Agreement Approval/Review