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In ICM, you can use various options given below, including the dynamic search feature, to find the desired currency.
To search a currency:
Option 1:

1. Click the Currencies tile on the Admin page. The Currencies page appears with existing number of currencies.

Admin - Currency tile.png

2. Search for a particular currency by using any of the following options:

  • Under Search For, click the Select Field list, and then select appropriate item. Search results relevant to the item are displayed with a number in bracket.
    The number denotes the number of currencies that meet the search criteria.

Search currency record.png

  • Click the box to select specific item. A list of currencies relevant to the item is displayed.

To narrow your search further, type relevant keyword in the Custom Keyword box, and click Apply.
Option 2:
Alternatively, type the keywords in the box provided above the list of currencies. A list of relevant currencies is displayed.

Enhancing your search
To narrow your search, you can using any of the following methods as well :

Search Term Result
"..." Type the search term in double quotation marks.
It shows existing currencies that include the exact search term.
*...* Type the search term in star characters.
It shows existing currencies that include the exact search term.
*... Prefix * to the search term.
It shows existing currencies that end with this term. For example, *INR
...* Suffix * to the search term.
It shows existing currencies that start with this term.

Viewing the saved search terms
View your saved search terms with the following:

  • In the More Searches box, select your saved search, and click Fav.jpeg to mark the search term as favorite.
  • You can find your marked favorites below the tiles.

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