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An administrator can manage all the users, groups, their privileges, and ICM settings. The Admin tile in ICM contains the administrative features.
These settings affect the way ICM users view ICM features and their privileges.
ICM offers following administrative features:

Video: User Administration


Organization Structure

Add an Organization Unit

Organization Groups

Search an Organization Group
Create an Organization Group

User Management

Create a New User

Home > Administrator > Create a New User

With ICM, you can create new users for your organization.

Video: Create User


To create a new user:

1. On the User Administration page, click the Users tile to open the Users page.

Usr tile.jpg

2. On the Users page, click Create User tile to open the Create User page.

Crt user.jpg

The page consists of two tabs:

A] Details
B] Team

Enter the information in each tab as follows and click Next to go to the next tab.

The Details tab is divided into following two areas containing the final information:

a] Personal Details
b] Work Details

Let us see how to enter information in each of these areas:

a] Personal Details
Field Action
First Name Type the first name of the user.
Last Name Type the last name of the user.
Email Address Type the e-mail address of the user.
Organization Unit Click Org.jpg and select the organization unit of the user.

Type of user Select whether the user is Internal or External. Internal users appear while you create internal approver rule and external users appear while you create external approver rule.
Is Administrator Select Yes if you want to set the user as an administrator.

Supervisor User Click Add icon.jpeg to add supervisor. In the Select User dialog box, select supervisor user, and then click Add. Alternatively, in the Search User box, type the name of the desired user, and then click Search button.png. Use the scroll arrows Scroll arrow.jpg to scroll through users.
Note: The Select User dialog box displays the supervisors that are in the selected organization unit. Only active ICM users are displayed.
Field Action
Hierarchy Level Type or select a positive integer number. The number depends on your organization hierarchy. For example, for some organizations, hierarchy level one may be the top level while for some organizations hierarchy level 10 may be the top level.
Is Authorized Signatory Select Yes if you want the user to be authorized signatory for agreement. The user appears as internal or external signatory as follows:
  • Internal Signatory: If the user type is Internal.
  • External Signatory: If the user type is external.
Assign User Group Click Add icon.jpeg to assign user group. In the Assign User Groups dialog box, select user group. Click Add.
Assign Security Group Click Add icon.jpeg to assign security group. In the Assign Security Groups dialog box, click to select security group, and then click Add.
Access Expiry Date Select the expiry date for the user. After this date the user access to ICM is disabled.

Note: If you are an administrator, you can change the access expiry date to a future date allowing the user to access ICM till the newly specified date.

The user receives email notifications of access expiry in the following events:

  • One day before the access expiry date.
  • After the user access expires.
  • If admin changes the access expiry date.

The user receives email notifications in the event of access expiry as follows:

Event Subject Line
One day before the access expiry date ICM Notification: Access of User [FullName] is expiring on [AccessExpiryDate].
After the user access expires ICM Notification: Access of User [FullName] is expired on [AccessExpiryDate].
If admin changes the access expiry date ICM Notification: Access expiry date of user [FullName] is modified as [AccessExpiryDate].
b] Work Details

Configure the attributes to display in the Work Details area as per the requirement of your organization. You can create these attributes in the Contract Type - Masterdata which is pre-configured according to the requirements of your organization.
The list of attributes in the Masterdata type must have the attribute named User with the data type as User.
Rest of the attributes vary as per the organizational requirements.

13. Click Next. The Team tab appears.

14. Click to add the approver for the user, and then click Add.

15. Click Create. The Users page appears that displays the user you have created.

Create a User

Related Topics:
Edit an Existing User
Replace a User
Create a User Group

Provision for a User
Edit an Existing User
De-provision a User
Replace a User
Re-provision for a User

User Groups

Search a User Group
Create a User Group

View and Edit User Roles

View and Edit User Roles

View and Edit User Role Action Mapping

View and Edit User Role Action Mapping

Security Groups

Search a Security Group
Create a Security Group
Edit a Security Group

Edit Application Settings

Edit Application Settings

Notification Settings

Create Notification Categories
Edit Notification Categories
Create a Subscription
Edit a Subscription


Search a Currency
Create a Currency
Edit a Currency


Search a Reason
Create a Reason
Edit a Reason
