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With Microsoft Excel Add-in, you can create and upload agreements in your central ICM repository using the familiar Microsoft Excel interface. You can use ICM Excel Add-in to create agreements in bulk, and upload them into ICM all together. A user uploading agreements using Excel Add-in can specify the names of the actual Primary Owners of those Agreements. The Excel Add-in contains a drop-down with the Primary Owner option. As this is an optional field, if the name of the Primary Owner is not specified, then the logged on user is treated as the Primary Owner. This is only applicable for create Agreement and add Amendment in any state. 

Each Agreement is assigned a unique agreement ID in ICM known as its Agreement Code. This code can be manually added while uploading legacy agreements in bulk using ICM Excel Add-in. If an Agreement code is missing, the system auto-generates it on clicking the Create button in the Verify section. Only Agreements and Amendments can be manually added.

Note: To avoid duplication of legacy code, ensure that the code entered manually does not already exist.


Uploading Agreements in Bulk

By using ICM Excel Add-In, you can upload bulk of agreements at once.

To upload agreements:

  1. On the ICM Bulk Insert tab, in the Selections group, click Contract Type list, and then select appropriate contract type.
  1. In the Action list, select from the following actions:
  • Create Agreement: Click to create a new agreement.
  • Create Agreement With Association: Click to create agreement and add associations (associated document/agreement) to it.
  • Update Agreement: Click to update an existing agreement.
  • Add Associations To Existing Agreements: Click to add associations to already created agreements.
  • Update Associations Of Existing Agreements: Click to update the associations of already created agreements.
  • Add Amendment: Click to add amendments to agreements.
  • Update Amendment: Click to update existing amendment.
  • Update Associations Of Existing Amendments: Click to add/update associations of existing amendments.
  1. In the Actions group, click Populate Workbook. The 'This will populate workbook for selected action. Do you want to continue?' message appears.
  1. Click Yes. All the attributes related to the selected contract type appear as column headers in the excel sheet.
  2. Fill appropriate information in the attributes.
The attributes that appear in red color are mandatory.
For example, in the Status attribute, you must select the status from Draft, Publish, Send For approval, and DirectByPass (execute).
  1. Click Upload. The Agreements created successfully message appears. The agreement appears in ICM as well as gets listed in the excel sheet.
  2. Navigate to the History or the Team tab to verify that the Primary Owner Name and Email matches what was specified in the Excel Add-in.