The Home page is always the first screen you see when you log on to ICI. It presents a snapshot of your tasks - through the Home page tiles (also referred to as the Key Performance Indicators or KPI tiles) you chose to add - and let you access various features of ICI that you have the privileges for.
You can arrange the Home page tiles in an alphabetical order during initial provisioning i.e. when user logs in for the first time. The user can have 10 tiles pinned to the Home page. The Tasks tile, however, always remains first in the sequence since it is a very important KPI for every user. You can always manually reconfigure the position of the remaining 9 tiles on the Home page.
From the Home page you can:
The Home page tiles show entities that are in various stages, for example, Templates and Clauses pending approval, Agreements pending execution or expiring in the next 90 days.
A saved search with Home page tile option selected, can be added on the Home page as a tile. Refer to Advanced Search for details on saving a search.
To select the tiles that should be displayed on the Home page:
1. Click Edit Dashbaord to customize the Home page tiles as per your requirement.
2. Add a new Home page tile by selecting it from the drop-down list and move it to the Drag and Drop Here box.The records that are shown in the list are marked as Home page tiles in your saved searches.
3. Remove an existing Home page tile by dragging it to the Drop here to Remove box.
4. Click Save or Cancel:
The Tasks tile on the Home page allows you to:
In ICI, tasks are generated for:
The Administrator configures the SLA for the following actions based on the Contract Type.
The following columns are displayed :
You can navigate to the Entity by clicking the Task. Each of the columns can be filtered and sorted.
A new layout has now been designed which allows users to switch to a widget-based Dashboard layout in view of providing a comprehensive look of business information on the Home page. This has improved the user experience and usability especially around complex navigation and performing multiple clicks to achieve a seemingly simple task. Users are now able to view recent activities, saved search, notifications upfront on the dashboard in addition to their list of tasks and KPIs/reports.
The widget-based Dashboard offers the following widgets:
Default Dashboard settings will depend on the settings implemented in your organization.
To switch between the two dashboard layouts:
To add a widget to the Home page:
You can change the sequence of the widgets by dragging the tiles around to change their position on the Home page based on your requirement.
To remove a widget, click the X icon of that widget. The removed widget no longer appears on the Home page.
Related Topics: Agreement Management | Association Management | Compliance Management | Template Management | Clause Management | Configuration | Reports | Advanced Analytics| User Administration | ICI_Tools | Icertis_Business_Apps | AI Apps | ICI_Add-ins | Integrations | ICI_Mobile_App | ICI_BOT | Release_Notes | Advanced Search | Agreement Details | Notifications | | Bulk Actions |
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