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As Legal people are more comfortable using MS Word to make and edit Agreements as compared to ICI, the Negotiate AI feature has been added in this release to help bridge this gap. This enables real-time negotiation and provides assistance at the time of the Agreement review by looking up similar Agreements or similar Clause text. This feature is available in ICI through a technical configuration.
You can now use Negotiate AI to work with Own Paper, Third Party and Legacy Contracts by:
To use Negotiate AI:
1. Login to ICI.
2. Open the agreement document.
3. Click Icertis Experience for Word.
4. The Negotiate AI in the Icertis Experience for Word opens.
6. Select the Category and Agreement Type.
7. Click Discover. The Discovery in Progress message is displayed while the Clauses are being discovered from the Clause Library and the Attributes are being identified to tag them to the Imported Agreements automatically.
8. The Review Agreement Discovery Now message appears.
9. Click the Show button to review and select from the detected clauses.
10. Click the clause to see the location on the document.
12. Click Save to save your work in the Draft status. The same changes will reflect on the ICI UI. A new agreement is created, and the clauses will be displayed on the Clauses tab on the agreement Details page.
13. Click Finish. The remaining workflow continues as expected.
14. Click the Show button to review and select from the detected attributes.
All the discovered attributes (such as Contract Value, Effective Date, Expiry Date and so on) are displayed as shown in the screenshot below. The Contract Value is present with the supported currencies. The grouping of attributes is based on the grouping preferences applied at the time of Contract Type creation.
15. Edit the attributes as required. For example, you can select an External Eignatory or change the Effective Date/Expiry Date.
17. Click Finish. All the confirmed attribute values are saved and tagged in ICI format in the agreement document, and the latest version of the agreement is created in ICI in the Versions tab.
18. Click View Similar Agreements if you want to view similar Agreements from ICI that may have been created for other customers or that are of the same Contract Value.
21. Click Proceed if you want to find similar Agreements.
While negotiating a particular Clause, the contract negotiator would like to quickly find similar Clauses in contracts that have already been executed to be able to make informed decisions. This also applies to the Agreement as a whole where the negotiator can refer to historical data from similar Agreements.
The following options are provided within the Add-in so that the user can:
To create a Rule and build your own repository of ICI contracts within which similar Clauses (or Agreements) can be extracted:
Let’s consider an example of finding similar Clauses. You can follow the same method to find similar Agreements.
1. Open the Agreement Document. The Negotiate AI in the Icertis Experience for Word opens.
2. Click View Similar Clauses.
3. Select a Clause in the Agreement Document and apply the Similarity Filter to search for similar Clauses in it.
4. It will be displayed in the Current Selection section.
5. Click Proceed. Clauses that are similar to the selected one will be displayed.
6. Click Compare to get a comparison of the Clauses.
7. The Discovery complete message is displayed when similar Clauses are discovered.
8. Click Show to view the discovered Clauses in the Review Agreement Discovery Now section. A list of all discovered Clauses will be displayed in the All tab of the Agreement Clauses pane.
9. Click Sort By if you want to sort the Clauses by Document Order or Category Order.
10. Select a Clause and click Select Matched Clause if it matches your search criteria. For example.Preamble The selected Clauses will then appear in the Confirmed tab. You can ignore a Clause or Remove Identification if it does not match your search criteria. These will then be displayed in the respective tabs.
11. Click Save. The Clause Matching Library pane opens.
You can compare, confirm, replace or review Clauses later. You can also track deviation on the Clauses.
12. Click Select from Library if you want to select the Clause from the ICI repository.
13. You can edit the Attributes here from the Agreement Metadata pane.
When you initiate the discovery process using the Icertis Experience for Word, the system triggers the discovery of attributes and clauses for both - own and third party type of paper. However, only non-tagged attributes and clauses are discovered.
To discover attributes and clauses:
1. Download the latest agreement in Word format from the Versions tab on the agreement Details page.
2. Open the agreement using the Icertis Experience for Word.
3. Click the Discovered Attributes/Clauses button.
The discovery is triggered but ICI-tagged attributes and clauses are not discovered. All other attributes and clauses are discovered and displayed, as shown in the screenshots for Clauses and Attributes below:
With this release, ICI is introducing a legal playbook in the WordAI app that uses artificial intelligence to identify exceptions in the contract and actions taken on them, as well as assess the risk when these exceptions are accepted by the negotiators to be able to take corrective actions and mitigate risks.
Earlier, negotiators had to manually review each clause to find deviations or track how the negotiations have proceeded through multiple exchanges over a period of time and detect the risks of the agreement.
Now, ICI supports digitization of the legal playbook using masterdata that allows users to define and parameterize multiple playbook positions (data types) for standard library clauses or contract types, define rules for playbook exceptions, and assign risk scores for each playbook exception.
The exceptions are identified by the WordAI app using the discovery process allowing users to review and take corrective actions. Based on the actions taken, a risk assessment is done and a risk report is then available which displays the cumulative risk scores across different versions.
Negotiators can now:
By default, the playbook is disabled and can be enabled by setting parameters in configuration key.
The playbook masterdata is the repository where users can define the clause wise playbook exceptions and their defining parameters.
Users can configure a masterdata and define multiple playbook positions for a standard library clause in context of the contract type in which the clause is used. Users can also specify parameters and criteria for playbook positions to raise exceptions.
The Legal playbook masterdata can include details about:
ICI provides set of seeded global attributes using which users can create and execute legal playbook exceptions on ICM clauses.
The attributes are:
Users can configure a playbook masterdata with the seeded global attributes to define criteria to capture exceptions in the document.
To create masterdata:
1. Click Configuration > Create Contract Type on the Home page. The Select Contract Type page opens.
2. Select Masterdata.
3. Click Next. The Create Contract Type page opens.
4. Enter Contract Type Name. For example, ContractPlayBook.
5. Enter Description.
6. Click Next. The Attributes page opens.
7. Select a seeded playbook attribute in the Available Attribute column. For example, Clause Library Clause Code.
8. Move the attribute to the Selected Attribute column using action arrows.
9. Edit attribute properties as required.
10. Click Save. The Attribute updated successfully message is displayed.
11. Add all the mandatory attributes for legal playbook following steps from number 7 to 10.
12. Click Next. The Display Preference tab opens.
13. Enter the details on the Display Preference and Team tab.
14. Click Next. The Verify page opens.
15. Verify the details and click Create. The masterdata is created.
16. Approve the masterdata following the ICI approval workflow.
Users can add multiple playbook exceptions by creating playbook masterdata instances. Users can associate the playbook exception with the standard library clause.
To create masterdata instance:
1. Click Configuration > Masterdata > Create Masterdata on the Home page. The Create Masterdata page opens.
2. Select the Masterdata. For example, ContractPlayBook.
3. Click Next. The Attributes page opens.
4. Enter the details in the configured attributes.
5. Click Save. The masterdata instance is created.
Users can access the playbook and view all exception details related to a clause on the ICI instance when the playbook is enable on the instance through technical configuration and the clause is associated with the masterdata instance.
To view a clause:
1. Click Clause Management > Clauses on the Home page. The Clause index page opens.
2. Click View Record icon corresponding the clause you want to access. The clause Details page opens.
3. Select Playbook tab. the overview of the exception opens.
4. Click View Record icon corresponding to the exception to view its masterdata instance.
Users can create and associate multiple exceptions (masterdata instances) with a clause.
The risk assessment is performed for the agreement by assessing playbook exceptions and risk scores of those exceptions in the agreement whenever a new version is uploaded in ICI. The risk association will be created for each agreement version for every playbook exception. The risk associations are created for the agreement by configuring the event rule.
Risk Assessment contract type is an associated document contract type. Users should configure the risk Assessment with the set of required attributes as:
To add the association to the contract type:
1. Click Configuration > Create Contract Type on the Home page. The Select Contract Type page opens.
2. Click Associated Document.
3. Click Next. The Create Contract Type page opens.
4. Enter Contract Type Name. For example, ContractRiskAssessment.
5. Enter Description.
6. Set Yes/No for remaining fields as per requirements.
7. Click Next. The Attributes page opens.
8. Search for the seeded global attributes configured for playbook in the Available Attribute pane. For example, Clause Library Clause Code.
9. Add the attribute to the Selected Attribute pane using action arrows.
10. Edit the Attribute properties if required.
11. Click Save. The Attribute updated successfully message is displayed.
12. Add all the required attributes following steps from number 7 to 10.
13. Click Next. The Display Preference tab opens.
14. Enter the details on the Display Preference and Team tab.
15. Click Next. The Verify page opens.
16. Verify the details and click Create. The associated document contract type is created.
17. Approve the contract type following the ICM approval workflow.
Users can associate the Risk Assessment contract type to the agreement at contract type level to enable the playbook risk assessment. Once configured, risk association will be available on the left navigation pane in the Association tab.
To edit the contract type and add associations:
1. Click Configurations > Contract Types on the Home page. The contract type index page opens.
2. Click View Record icon corresponding to the agreement contract type you want to enable playbook for. For example, Master Service Agreement. The contract type Details page opens.
3. Click Edit. The Edit masterdata - Details tab opens.
4. Click Next. The Attributes tab opens.
5. Click Next. The Association tab opens.
6. Click Add Association icon. The Add Association section opens.
7. Enter the Association Name. For example, ContractRiskAssessment.
The Relation Type will be displayed according to the current agreement and the selected association contract type. For example, ParentChild.
8. Select the Associated Contract Type. For example, ContractRiskAssessment.
9. Toggle the Allow Multiple Instance field to Yes.
10. Click Save. The association will be added to the agreement contract type.
11. Click Next. The Display Preference tab opens.
12. Enter the details on the Display Preference and Team tab.
13. Click Next. The Verify page opens.
14. Verify the details and click Create. The agreement contract type is updated.
15. Approve the contract type following the ICI approval workflow.
Users can configure event rule to calculate risk scores and create risk associations for agreements whenever a new version of the document is uploaded in the ICI.
Users can also configure event rules to define conditions to raise playbook exceptions using the ICI AI discovery process’s AITriggerDiscovery event. For example, raise exception when specific attributes are present in the clause.
To configure a rule:
1. Click Configuration > Rule > Create Rule on the Home page. The Create Rule page opens.
2. Select the Contract Type. For example, Master Services Agreement.
3. Enter the Rule Name. For example, Trigger Risk Associations.
4. Select the Rule Type. For example, Event Rule. The Event field is displayed.
5. Select the Event. For example, Agreement Document Uploaded.
6. Click Next. The Build tab opens.
7. Click the Add Rule button.
8. Click Add Condition. The section to add rule conditions opens. For example, Master Services Agreement Created Date Is After current date.
9. Select Additional Actions option in the Select Action drop-down.
10. Select AITriggerPlaybookRiskAssessment option in the next drop-down.
11. Select No in Stop Processing More Rules field. The further evaluation of Rules within a Ruleset continues.
12. Click Validate. The page to validate the rule by entering attributes values of the selected Contract Type opens.
13. Click Next. The rule Summary tab opens.
14. Click Create. The Rule created successfully message appears. The Rule is displayed in the list of Rules of the specific Contract Type.
The risk will be calculated for each uploaded agreement version and risk association will be created for the agreement upon satisfying the rule conditions.
When users initiate the discovery process using the Icertis Experience for Word, the AI Discovery process in negotiate AI finds out text in the document which conflicts with legal playbook and lists down all exceptions. Users can review the exception details and take corrective actions on identified exceptions. Users can also select random text in the document and find out whether that complies with playbook.
Discover Attributes and Clauses action is available on the dashboard for agreements with third party paper. The Edit Agreement page opens directly for agreements created with own paper type.
To perform the playbook check using Icertis Experience for Word:
1. Click Discover Attributes and Clauses. The Select Contract Type page opens.
2. Select the Category and Agreement Type. For example, Master Services Agreement.
3. Click Discover. All discovered clauses are displayed on the on Library > Clauses > AI Discovered tab.
4. Click Playbook Exceptions tab to view only those clauses in the document discovered with exceptions.
5. Click the Fix Exception button corresponding to the clause you want to take action on its discovered playbook exception. The cursor control points to the clause in the document and Playbook Exception Details page opens. The exception details page displays all masterdata attributes defined for the playbook record.
Users can take the appropriate action on the clause in the document to handle the exception by following the standard playbook position and other details.
Users can also perform the playbook exception check on any section of the document by selecting text.
10. Select the text in the document. For example, subtext in Payment Terms clause.
11. Click Agreement operation/actions icon. The drop down with available actions open.
12. Click Find Playbook Exceptions. The exception listing page opens displaying exceptions, if found, for the selected text.
13. Click the Fix Exception button corresponding to the clause you want to take action on its discovered playbook exception. For example, Payment Terms. The Playbook Exception Details page opens for the selected clause with all configured playbook exceptions for the selected text are displayed.
Users can take corrective action on the clause.
14. Click Expand icon.
The Playbook Exceptions Details page opens in a separate resizable window.
Users can perform all actions available on Playbook Exception Details page on the separate window as well.
15. Click Review Complete. The Exception has successfully marked as complete message is displayed.
The clause will then be marked with green tick mark indicating that the exception is handled. The Fix Exception button will not be available for the clause anymore on the AI Discovered and Playbook Exception tabs.
17. Click Save. The Agreement is uploaded to ICI Web instance.
1. Click Agreement operation/actions three dots action icon on the Edit Agreement page. The available actions open in a drop down.
2. Select View All Playbook Provisions.
The All Playbook Provisions page opens displaying the playbook masterdata configured for the selected/current contract type.
Users can search playbook by a clause or masterdata name in a Search Playbook provisions, clauses field. Click on the Playbook name to open the Playbook Exception Details page.
The Risk Assessment Report is an agreement level report that is now available on the Reports tab of the agreement Details page. It is a trend line chart report that depicts the agreement’s aggregate risk score by their version. ICI's AI algorithm identifies the playbook exceptions for an each version. The risks are calculated based on playbook exceptions and a risk assessment association instance for every exception is created along with its risk score.
The risk report:
To access the Risk Assessment Report:
1. Click Agreement Management > Agreements on the Home page. The Agreement index page opens.
2. Click View Record icon corresponding to the agreement you want to open. For example, ICMMasterServicesAgreement_264. The agreement Details page opens.
3. Expand the Reports tab on the left navigation pane. The list of all available reports opens.
4. Click Risk Assessment Report. The Risk Assessment Reports page opens.
The Contract Version 1 has three instances of risk assessment associations for three playbook exceptions for the Limitations of Liability clause. Each risk association has the risk assessment score as nine. Therefore, the total risk for Contract Version 1 is calculated as 27. The total risk for Contract Version 2 is calculated as 9. Similarly, risks scores for each contract version with all exceptions are calculated and represented graphically on the Risk Assessment Report page.
5. Click the risk assessment hyperlink in the Record ID column. The risk assessment association Details page opens on the ICI instance.
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