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[[Using Excel-BulkInsert| Upload agreements using ICM Bulk Insert]] <br/>
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<link-page pagebefore="Install_ICM_Excel_Add-IN| Install ICM Excel Add-In " pageafter="Upload_Agreements_Using_ICM_Bulk_Insert |Upload Agreements Using ICM Bulk Insert" />

Revision as of 13:20, 18 April 2016

Home > Agreements

Once you install the ICM Excel Add-in, the ICM Bulk Insert tab appears on the Microsoft Excel toolbar.
You can then login to the ICM Excel Add-in to access its features.

To log in to the ICM Excel Add-In:
1. On the ICM Bulk Insert tab, Click Login. The Login dialog box appears.

Bulk intab.jpg

2. In the Application key box, type the application key, and then click Submit. The Login successful message appears.

Excel login.jpg

Note: To view the application key, on the upper right corner of the ICM interface, click the drop-down arrow Login arrow.png that is next to your login ID, and then click Preferences.
The My Preferences dialog box appears. The application key appears in the Application key box.