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= ICM Release Notes - Release 7.9 =
= ICM Release Notes - Release 7.10 =
== Overview of Release 7.9 ==
== Overview of Release 7.10 ==
The 7.9 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform. It strives to improve user experience and intuitiveness by continually improving ICM functionalities and user interface.
The 7.10 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform. It strives to improve user experience, intelligence, analytics and intuitiveness by continually improving ICM functionalities and the user interface.<br/> The key enhancements of this release include:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Support for Business Applications<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Introducing the Obligation Management Application which enables companies to better manage their commitments and realize the full value of their entitlements. Built on the ICM platform, this new app transforms how organizations identify, create, manage and fulfill obligations that were previously hidden in complex contract language, thus optimizing business performance and protecting organizations from reputational, commercial and financial risks.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancements to the ICM Application<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Adding support for System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), which is an open standard protocol, for user provisioning, de-provisioning, and exchange of user identity information between identity providers (such as OKTA) and service providers (such as ICM).<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Supporting compatibility between different instances so that an agreement (Word document) downloaded from one ICM instance can be uploaded to another ICM instance.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Adding an inbuilt capability to define arithmetic calculations and logical validations for attributes at the contract type level.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancing the ICM dashboard to include an Activity Panel to display all actions performed by the logged-on user for that session.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Adding the ApproveAll, RejectAll and ClearAll buttons on the Deviations tab of the agreement Details page making it easier to take actions on multiple deviations of the agreement in one go.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancements to ICM Add-ins<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancing the Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Word Add-in) to enable users to view the modifications made to the agreement document on publish by comparing it with the previous saved version. These modifications can be viewed on the Content Control Differences window, thus helping the user to make informed decisions before actually creating a new version of agreement. &nbsp;<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Preventing closure of other Word documents while canceling the creating or managing of templates, or saving templates, using the Word Add in (.Net Version) thus avoiding data loss.<br/>  <br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancements to Artificial Intelligence Applications<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancing the Icertis Experience for Word (Add-in) by supporting discovery of Lookup Cascade, Date, Percentage and User attributes as well as validations for mandatory and invalid attribute values for all the supported data types, eligibility of contract types for AI discovery, etc. in both own and third party type of paper.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Providing an inbuilt discovery model to automatically extract and discover the most common attributes and clauses in agreements besides enhancing clause delineation in third party contracts.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Adding support for discovery of attributes, clauses, tables and obligations in agreements created using own paper type and tagging the confirmed attributes and clauses back to the original agreement.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;UI/UX enhancements in the DiscoverAI and ObligationAI apps.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Extending table discovery support for PDFs in the DiscoverAI app.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Finding clauses or text that are similar but may not be tagged as ICM clauses in agreements, in both third party and own type of paper.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancements to Reports<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Leveraging historical data and contextual insights on the cycle time required to close agreements for faster and smarter negotiations with Clause and Deviation Insights Reports.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancing the Power BI dashboard by providing the ability to display specific user-level data in a tabular format in the Agreement Summary, Deviation Summary and Expiring Agreements sections of the Legal Details tab.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Allowing Legal Managers to filter data in charts by the Agreement Status – Executed in all 3 Power BI dashboard tabs - Business Summary, Legal Summary and Legal Details. Legal managers can now also filter data by both Executed and Superseded status in expiring and auto-renewing agreements.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Improving the Icertis Experience&nbsp;<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Extending support to use template variables for storing data as part of amendments by allowing mapping a list of ICM amendment template variables to Salesforce object attributes, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process.&nbsp;<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancing the ICM-Workday adapter to support termination of supplier contracts and creation and updation of amendments for supplier contracts so that the updates made on the ICM side are reflected in Workday, thus saving time and avoiding data duplication.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancing the ICM-Workday adapter to support mapping of multi-level array type attributes from Workday to ICM and vice versa.&nbsp;<br/> These release notes provide an overview of the enhancements to ICM and the ICM experience for integrations. Refer to the detailed Wiki documentation for the explanation and capabilities of these and all other ICM features and functionalities.
The key enhancements of this release include:
<br/> 2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Icertis Business Applications<br/> 494917 – Introducing the ICM Obligation Management Application&nbsp;<br/> Earlier, contractual obligations or commitments from different business entities in ICM were handled manually and were obviously taking a lot of man-hours to comply with customer commitments and fulfillment. &nbsp;<br/> With this release, ICM is introducing the Obligation Management Application which enables companies to better manage their commitments and to realize the full value of their entitlements. This helps optimize business performance and protects organizations from reputational, commercial and financial risks. Built on the ICM platform, the new app transforms how organizations identify, create, manage and fulfill obligations that were previously hidden in complex contract language. The app includes powerful rule-based obligation ownership, workflow tools to ensure seamless obligation fulfillment, and sophisticated analytics – all designed to protect your business and maximize the ROI of your relationships. This is achieved by creating an Agreement Contract Type having Obligation as Associated Contract Type at the contract type level.&nbsp;<br/> The benefits of the Obligation Management App include the ability to:&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Identify the contractual obligations from different ICM signed contracts<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Create fulfillments from the identified contractual obligation<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Review obligations and related fulfillments<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Inherit contractual obligations from one contract to another<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Assign appropriate users assigned to your obligation and fulfillments<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Drive obligation and its related fulfillments to completion, and giving you workflow controls (hold, withdraw, and cancel)<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Monitor your obligations and its business impact<br/> &nbsp;<br/> 3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;ICM Application Enhancements<br/> 492738 – Support for System for Cross-domain Identity Management&nbsp;<br/> ICM is now providing support for System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), which is an open standard protocol to automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users. This framework allows exchange of user identity and user group information between identity providers (such as OKTA) and service providers (such as ICM – SaaS-based application). As a single system is used to manage permissions and groups, and data is transferred automatically, the risk of error is considerably reduced. This makes user management simpler and easier for customers.&nbsp;<br/> OKTA integrates various applications into its service, and you simply deploy these pre-integrated applications to your users as necessary. For example, OKTA uses the SCIM application to provision users or user groups in ICM. To provision or deprovision ICM users, the OKTA Administrator first needs to create and configure an application which supports the SCIM protocol. &nbsp;<br/> Note: ICM only supports SCIM 2.0 version.&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;<br/>  <br/> 490217 – Word document compatibility between different ICM instances<br/> Previously, ICM customers were facing challenges in sharing the same agreement document uploaded across ICM instances due to compatibility issues between different ICM instances. ICM is now supporting this compatibility between different instances so that a Word document downloaded from one ICM instance can be uploaded to another ICM instance.&nbsp;<br/> ICM now also supports document assembly, data sync (of metadata, clauses, etc.) of the agreement document that are modified in the other ICM instance (non-owner) and uploaded back to the original instance (owner) where it was generated. ICM displays the standard validations alerting the owner of the changes made in the other instance.&nbsp;<br/> Note: Reverse sync, clause deviation and document assembly are not supported for the non-owner; only the document version is incremented.&nbsp;<br/> The ICM Word Add-in (Icertis Experience for Word (.JS version) and .Net version) now support this functionality.
*Enhancements in AI applications such as providing the agreement/clause similarity functions and some UX improvements in the ''NegotiateAI'' app, supporting obligation discovery on templates and incorporating user actions feedback in the ''ObligationAI'' app, adding support for implementation of custom visualization in the ''VisualizeAI ''app, and adding support for Table discovery in the ''DiscoverAI'' app.  
467108 – Support for arithmetic calculation and logical validation &nbsp;<br/> ICM now provides an inbuilt capability to define arithmetic calculations and logical validations for attributes at the contract type level (agreement, contract request, association and masterdata).&nbsp;<br/> This is achieved by Administrators by setting the Enable Expressions flag to On for the selected attribute while configuring the contract type. The Expressions section has the EXPR1, Result Expression, Validate Expression, and Validate Message fields to define calculations and set validations. The arithmetic calculations are supported for attributes of the Number, Currency, Percentage, and Date data type.<br/> The following types of validations are now supported:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Numerical: Constant, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide and Percent<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Date: Date Add (Days), Date Add (Months), Date Add (Years), Date Subtract (Days), Date Subtract (Months), Date Subtract (Years), Date Difference in Days, Date Difference in Months and Date Difference in Years<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Logical: Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Less Than, Less Than Equals, Equals, Not Equals, All and Any<br/> Furthermore, the arithmetic calculation will be supported from ICM Word Add-in by reverse sync of the tagged attribute values in Word Add-in (.Net and .JS versions). This is achieved by setting up event based rules in ICM to trigger the automatic calculation.<br/> &nbsp;
*Allowing multiple stakeholders to collaborate within ICM itself in the context of contract, thus eliminating the need for using external tools such as Email, Skype, etc.
*Supporting the ability to apply nested filters to search entities. The search capabilities now also allow searching agreements and associated documents based on clause usage, so that users can tackle the high-risk agreements first and mitigate risks.
*Ability to compare ''Associations tagged as a Table'' across versions
*Improving usability by providing the ability to compare Associations tagged as a table across versions, allowing comparison of any two versions of the agreement document, and displaying a banner for an announcement or scheduled event.  
*Improving Power Business Intelligence (BI) usability by displaying the power BI dashboard on the ''Advanced Analytics'' tile and making some UX related changes to improve user experience.
*Introducing the bulk import tool to import templates/clauses in bulk along with tagging and rules, enhancing bulk upload capability to create an assignment or initiate termination, provision users, and add team members when creating or updating an agreement/amendment.
*Enhancing the ICM infrastructure to support multiple application types (''Contracting, Sourcing, Proposal, Obligation Management, and Supplier Lifecycle Management'') when creating a contract type.
*Introducing the ability to tag the string masterdata localized attributes to support bilingual templates within ICM.
*Improving the ability to create rules by introducing new conditions such as ''Has A Value'' and supporting power set conditions for multi-select data.&nbsp;  
*Extending support for template variables to be able to track the dependency between the contract type attributes and template variables.
*Refining reports to display the date and time as per user preferences in addition to more reports now being available on the dashboard as KPIs.
*Improving the Icertis Experience by:  
**Introducing a new .JS version of the ICM Outlook plugin to be able to upload the next version of the agreement document and associated document, or creating a new association instance and the uploading the associated document received over email to the agreement, thus reducing the overall turnaround time for the author.
**Enhancing the Office.js based Add-in experience in ICM for MS Office Word 2016 onwards that enables you to have richer, more secure and centralized Web experience of managing ICM functions right inside MS Office Word.
**Introducing a new field for Salesforce users named ''Field Set Name'' so that the adapter reads the metadata and sends only the attributes defined for the entity when the integration is triggered from Salesforce. It also allows using attributes defined at the template level to store critical data as part of the agreement and sync with Salesforce, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process.  
**Collaborating in Microsoft Teams using ICM Bot to provide a seamless user experience when authoring contracts, negotiations or when discussing ideas, and in turn significantly improving the cycle time.  
**Configuring the ICM Workday adapter so that executed agreements can be attached as .PDF, instead of .docx.
**Extending support of wet signatures available in Adobe Sign to ICM, and supporting redlining in associations tagged as a table in a template or agreement document, in addition to allowing the user to send supporting documents along with the main agreement for signature when using Adobe Sign. 
<div class="note-box">'''Note: '''The ICM-Coupa integration adapter that supported the exchange of data between ICM and Coupa Spend Management platform is no longer supported.</div>  
These Release Notes provide an overview of enhancements to ICM and the ICM Experience for Integrations. Refer to the detailed Wiki documentation for explanation and capabilities of these and all other ICM features and functionalities.
536020 – Addition of action buttons on the Deviations tab<br/> In this release, the ApproveAll, RejectAll and ClearAll buttons have been added on the Deviations tab of the agreement Details page to approve, reject or clear the selected deviations respectively.<br/> This makes it easier for the user to take actions on multiple deviations of the agreement in one go, considerably reducing the effort of approving, rejecting or clearing each one individually.<br/>  <br/> 497288 – Displaying the recent activities of a user on the Activity Panel&nbsp;<br/> With this release, ICM has introduced the Activity Panel tile which helps logged on users to track, create and resume workflow actions at the agreement, association and amendment levels. Previously, users had to manually navigate and refresh the page to check their initiated status.&nbsp;<br/> When creating or sending an agreement for approval, the user will be redirected to either the agreement Index or Details page. This redirection can be accomplished either through a technical configuration or by Role Action mapping. The Activity Panel tile displays all the actions performed by the logged-on user for that session. The Administrator can achieve this by toggling the Show Activity Panel to Yes on the Application Settings tile. The Activity Panel supports localization.<br/> Using the Activity Panel, the user can:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Track and create workflow activities such as Create, Create and Publish, Create and Send for Approval, Update, and Update and Publish.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Track resume workflow activities such as Approve, Archive, Assemble Contract, Cancel, Cancel Request, Delete, On Hold, Recall, Reject, Revert, Revert On Hold, Send For Approval, Send For Archival, Send For External Signature, Send For, Internal Signature, Send For Review, Supersede, and Terminate.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;View activities that are either in the Completed or In Progress states. The completed activities are visible in the Activity Panel as long as the user remains active on the Activity Panel.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Take action on the validation message that will be displayed when tracking or creating any of the above mentioned workflow activities which result in opening of the Activity Panel. &nbsp; &nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;<br/>  <br/> 4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancements to ICM Add-ins&nbsp;<br/> 487093 – Ability to view the modified agreement summary on publish using Icertis Experience for Word (.JS version)&nbsp;<br/> With this release, Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Word Add-in) provides capability for the user to view the modifications made to the agreement document by comparing it with the previous saved version. The user is notified about the changes made to the tagged attributes, tagged clauses, template variables and associations (tagged as a table) of the current agreement document version on clicking the Publish button. The modifications can be viewed on the Content Control Differences window, thus helping the user to make informed decisions before actually creating a new version of agreement. &nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
== ICM Application Enhancements ==
<br/> 500813 Preventing closure of documents while working with Word Add in (.Net version)<br/> Previously, while performing tasks such as canceling the Create Template or Manage Template actions, or saving a template, using the Word Add-in (.Net version), would close all other Word documents that were also open.&nbsp;<br/> With this release, this user experience has been improved so that only the document where the action has been initiated closes, thus preventing closure of other documents and hence any loss of data.
<div class="image-green-border"><span style="color:#008000;">'''390639 Collaboration in contracts &nbsp;'''</span>  
Previously, stakeholders involved in the contracting/sourcing process used to communicate via external tools such as Email, Skype, etc. Managing these conversations that involved multiple stakeholders and multiple discussions was a cumbersome task. With this release, ICM has eliminated the need to use external tools and created a dedicated space available within the agreement itself.
To collaborate, multiple stakeholders involved in the contracting/sourcing process can:
<br/>  <br/> 5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancements to Artificial Intelligence Applications in ICM<br/> 488906 – Enhancements in NegotiateAI app&nbsp;<br/> The NegotiateAI app helps users identify and discover attributes and clauses in third party documents when opened using Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Add-in).&nbsp;<br/> Previously, the discovery of only String, Number, Boolean, Text Area, Currency, Choice and Email attribute data types were supported. ICM now also supports the discovery of Lookup Cascade, Date, Percentage and User attribute data types, as well as validations for mandatory and invalid attribute values for all the supported data types, eligibility of contract types for AI discovery, etc.<br/> Note: NegotiateAI now supports both own and third party type of paper.<br/> &nbsp;<br/> Note:&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;For choice and lookup attributes, if the discovered values are not the same as the options available in the drop-down, you will need to explicitly select these values. The selected values are automatically updated and tagged in the agreement document.&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;NegotiateAI supports the following versions:<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Microsoft Office 2016 Desktop for Windows (versions higher than build 16.0.4390.1000 (64-bit))<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Microsoft Office on Windows (connected to Office 365 version): Version 1602 (Build 6741.0000) or later<br/> 465878 – Inbuilt discovery of attributes and clauses<br/> Previously, discovering attributes and clauses in agreement documents of customers was time consuming as it required retraining of the algorithms to customers retraining of the algorithms from scratch, causing delay in deployment of services.<br/> Now, ICM has an inbuilt discovery model that helps to automatically extract and discover the most common attributes and clauses in agreements besides enhancing clause delineation in third party contracts. This facilitates the prediction of accurate clause categories and capturing the right metadata within clauses. This improves contract turnaround time and quality of results, thus leading to improved user experience.<br/> The inbuilt discovery model supports the discovery of the following predefined attributes and clauses in any MSA, NDA and SOW third party paper contract types:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Attributes: Party Name, Party Address, Effective Date, Expiry Date, Contract Value, Contract Duration, Renewal, EverGreen, PaymentTerms, Jurisdiction, Governing Law and Notice Period For Termination&nbsp;<br/> Note: The Contract Value attribute supports the following currencies - USD, CAD, EUR, INR and CAN<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Clauses: Amendment, Assignment, Audit, Confidential Information, Conflicts, Counterparts, Definitions, Dispute Resolution, Entire Agreement, Force Majeure, Governing Law, Indemnification, Insurance, Intellectual Property Rights, Limitation Of Liability, Non-Compete, Non-Solicitation, Notices, Payment Terms, Penalties/Remedies, Personnel, Preamble, Publicity, Relationship Of Parties, Representations, Warranties and Compliances, Severability, Signature, Survival, Taxes, Term, Termination and Waiver<br/> &nbsp;<br/>  <br/> 465886 – Support for own paper in DiscoverAI, ObligationAI, NegotiateAI apps<br/> ICM already leverages the DiscoverAI app to discover attributes, clauses, tables and obligations in agreements created using third party paper type.&nbsp;<br/> Now, ICM has extended the support to discover attributes, clauses, tables and obligations in agreements created using own paper type, and tagging the attributes and clauses to the original agreement document. This helps convert unstructured documents into structured agreements, making it easier to manage them as well as increase compliance.<br/> Note:&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Tagging is supported only in Word documents.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The attributes and clauses that have been confirmed in ICM (even on the Web UI) are tagged back in the agreement document.<br/> In addition, the following enhancements have been made in the Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Add-in):<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The user can only see the Contract Types with the Clause Discovery Type attribute.&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;When the user initiates the discovery process, the system triggers the discovery of non-tagged attribute and clauses for both – own and third party type of paper. Attributes and clauses that are already tagged in ICM are ignored in the discovery process.&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;If the version of the agreement opened in NegotiateAI is different than the latest version available in ICM, the NegotiateAI Add-in prompts the user to download and open the latest version.<br/> &nbsp;<br/> Note:&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The automatic download and opening of the latest agreement version is supported only in Microsoft Office 365 Word version. An error message is displayed if the Office Desktop version is used.&nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;NegotiateAI supports the following versions:<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;MS Office 2016 Desktop for Windows (versions higher than build 16.0.4390.1000 (64-bit))<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;MS Office on Windows (connected to Office 365 version): version 1602 (Build 6741.0000) or later <br/> 465891 – UI/UX enhancements to DiscoverAI and ObligationAI apps<br/> The following enhancements have been made in the DiscoverAI and ObligationAI apps to improve their usability as well as provide users an easier and more intuitive navigation experience.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;A progress indicator has been provided to display the progress of the discovery process in percentage for Attributes, Clauses, Tables and Obligations.<br/> &nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;All AI Discovery entities have been grouped under the AI Discovery tab in the sequence - Attributes, Clauses, Tables and Obligations, making it easier for users to navigate across the entities.<br/> &nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;An icon to view the potential matching values has been placed next to the discovered attribute values.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filters have been added to refine clause and obligation search based on Action Status, Clause categories and Confidence.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The level of confidence associated with discovered attributes, clauses and obligations is depicted using different color indicators - High (green), Medium (orange) and Low (pink) confidence. All discovered clauses and obligations have the Review link next to them until the user clicks it to take an action. In addition, clauses with obligations have the &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; icon next to them. You can click the icon to view the obligations.<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Clicking the Review link on the Discovered Clauses section opens the Library clause comparison with discovered clause window. You can take actions such as Confirm, Confirm with Deviation, Ignore or Review Later on the clauses.<br/> &nbsp;<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Similarly, clicking the Review link on the Discovered Obligations section opens the Library Obligation comparison with discovered Obligation window. You can take actions such as Confirm, Ignore or Review Later on the obligations.
*Use the ''Collaboration'' tab available inside the agreement
<br/> 465887 – Table discovery support for PDFs in DiscoverAI app<br/> ICM already supports table discovery in agreements in the .docx format. Now, table discovery is also possible in agreements in the .pdf format.<br/> Automatically recognizing the table data eliminates the manual process of having to review third party PDF agreements and identify tables in them.<br/> &nbsp;<br/> The table discovery in PDF agreements works well with:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Tables with well-defined borders in text PDFs and high-quality scanned PDFs<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Tables that may be slightly skewed or tilted<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Table cells with light-colored backgrounds<br/> The table discovery in PDF agreements may not work well with:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Tables in low-quality scanned PDFs and those without borders<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Tables without well-defined borders or characters overlapping the table border, etc., due to certain OCR limitations<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Certain non-table elements, such as flowcharts and diagrams<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Tables with merged columns and rows<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Nested tables, which may be discovered as multiple tables
*Provision an internal/external team member to communicate with other internal or external team member(s) by creating topics and posting messages in it
*Provision users to send and receive attachments along with the message
*Provision users to mark the topic as closed once the discussion is concluded
*Send Email notifications to participants when messages are posted in the topic
This can be achieved by setting the ''Enable Collaboration'' flag to ''Yes'' for the agreement contract type, which displays a ''Collaboration'' tab on the agreement ''Details ''page. To prevent data loss, once ''Collaboration'' is enabled for a contract type, it cannot be disabled.
465890 – Support for finding non-tagged clauses in agreements in the NegotiateAI app<br/> ICM already supports identifying similar clauses (tagged) in executed agreements, which makes it easier for negotiators to quickly identify such clauses for faster and better decision making. In third party or legacy agreements, clauses are not tagged. Thus, these clauses do not appear in the clause similarity results and users may miss important insights in such agreements.&nbsp;<br/> Now, we have enhanced Similar Clause Discovery functionality to find similar clauses or text which may not be tagged as ICM clauses in agreements, in both third party and own type of paper.
[[File:7.9 Release Notes 390639.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 390639]]
<br/> 6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Enhancements to Reports<br/> 488905 – Introducing the Clause and Deviation Insight Reports in Advanced Analytics, and DiscoverAI and NegotiateAI apps<br/> Negotiators are more likely to depend on their domain knowledge and expertise when reviewing agreements. However, this knowledge is not transferrable as it is solely based on their experience. As a result of this, new negotiators reviewing similar agreements may not negotiate optimally because of the lack of historical data or expertise, often causing delay in approvals.<br/> Now, the availability of essential insights and trends such as cycle times, deviations and other metrics help predict the outcome of the negotiation, like the clauses that are likely to be approved quickly and the ones that may require more negotiation. Negotiators are able to leverage historical data and contextual insights on the cycle time required to close agreements for faster and smarter negotiations. This helps them make timely, informed decisions.&nbsp;<br/> Note: The accessibility to the Clause and Deviation Insights Reports are available through a technical configuration and user accessibility to Advanced Analytics as well as DiscoverAI and NegotiateAI apps.
460568 – Enhancement to the Power BI Dashboard<br/> To improve advanced analytics capabilities, this release offers the following enhancements to the Power BI dashboard:<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Display specific user-level data in the Legal Details tab: Previously, reports in the Legal Details tab did not provide specific user-level information for legal mangers to follow up and take necessary actions. Now, they will be able to view specific user-level data in a tabular format in the Agreement Summary, Deviation Summary and Expiring Agreements sections, and act on the insights gained from the reports. For example, legal managers can now:<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;View the data of users and the cycle time for agreement approvals when the status of the agreement is Waiting for Approval, Waiting for External Signature or Waiting for Internal Signature. This will enable them to reach out to users and evaluate the reasons of agreement iterations, number of days in status and take measures to minimize the agreement cycle time.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Get a quick view of the list of deviated clauses in agreements along with the total deviations and users that initiated the deviation. This will enable them to reach out to respective users and understand the context of the deviations.<br/> o&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;View the names of all owners for agreements expiring in the next 30 days or are set to auto-renew in the next 30 days so that appropriate actions can be taken.
<div class="image-green-border">'''<span style="color:#008000;">400058 – Searching entities using nested filters</span>'''&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">
With this release, ICM now supports the ability to apply nested filters to search entities. This allows users to derive out-of-the-box saved search KPIs that help them manage agreements and amendments easily. For example, you can search for all agreements where John Doe is present in the agreement as the deviation approver by nesting of filters.
You can search and filter agreements based on any user roles using the following ''Categories'' ''Team Member: Role Name, Is Group, Role Display Name, and User Name.''
•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter data by Agreement Status: Legal managers can now filter the data in the Power BI dashboard by the Agreement Status Executed, and display data only for agreements that match the filter criteria. This makes data analysis easier because only the data that meets the specified criteria is displayed while the others are hidden, thereby helping them make informed business decisions. However, for expiring and auto-renewing agreements, legal managers can filter the data in charts by both - Executed and Superseded states.<br/> Even though the filter changes apply to all the 3 Power BI dashboard tabs - Business Summary, Legal Summary and Legal Details, it is restricted to the following charts:&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;Business Summary:<br/> Tiles&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Total Agreement Value ($)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Average Agreement Value ($)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Average Turn-around Time (Days)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Agreement Summary&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Top Agreements by Value&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Top Expiring Agreements&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Top Auto Renewing Agreements&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Count of Agreements and Agreement Value ($) by Organization Unit&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Trend of Agreements by Value&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Agreement Risk Profile&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Deviation's Trend ($)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Distribution of Payment Terms by OU&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Expiring Agreements&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Month-wise Overview of Expiring Agreements&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Month-wise Overview of Agreements marked for Auto Renewal&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Note: Since we are applying the Executed and Superseded filter to all charts except Total Agreement Value Pending Execution ($), the common filter Agreement Status at the page level is removed from the Business Summary dashboard.<br/> Legal Summary:<br/> Tiles&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Total Agreement Value ($)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Agreement Value Expiring in 3 Months ($)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Average Turn-around Time (Days)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Agreement Summary&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Trend of Agreement Value over last 12 months&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Type of Paper&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Expiring Agreements&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Expiring Agreements by Month&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Agreement Value Expiring in next 12 Months by Org Unit&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed & Superseded<br/> Agreements Expiring in next 12 Months by Org Unit&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Cycle Time Report&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Cycle Time (in Days) by Contract Types&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Trend of Cycle Time by Month&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed
[[File:7.9 Release Notes 400058.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 400058]]
Legal Details:<br/> Tiles&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Total Agreement Value ($)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Agreement Value Expiring in 3 Months ($)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Average Turn-around Time (Days)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Expiring Agreements&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Expiring Agreements in 30 Days by their Org Unit&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Expiring Agreements in 30 Days by their Contract Type &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal in 30 Days by their Org Unit&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal in 30 Days by their Contract Type&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed and Superseded<br/> Cycle Time Report&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Filter By<br/> Average Cycle Time (in Days) of Agreements&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Month-wise Average Cycle Time Trend &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/> Average Cycle Time by Org Unit&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Executed<br/>  <br/> 7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Integrations<br/> 467171 – Mapping between template variables for amendments and SFDC fields&nbsp;<br/> The ICM-Salesforce adapter already supports the use of variables defined at the template level to store data as part of the agreement and sync it with Salesforce, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process.<br/> With this release, ICM has extended support to use template variables for storing data as part of amendments by allowing mapping of a list of ICM amendment template variables to Salesforce object attributes.<br/> The following integrations are supported:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Forward Integration: Pre-populates the values in ICM template variables for amendments initiated through Salesforce<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Forward Data Sync: Automatically synchronizes object (Opportunity/Accounts) attribute values updated in Salesforce with template variables in ICM<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Reverse Data Sync: Automatically synchronizes template variable values updated in ICM with Salesforce object attributes
381768 – ICM-Workday adapter support for amendments and supplier contract termination &nbsp;&nbsp;<br/> Previously, the ICM-Workday integration supported only creation of Supplier contract agreements.&nbsp;<br/> With this release, the ICM-Workday adapter has been enhanced to support:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Termination of supplier contracts<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Creation and updation of amendments for supplier contracts<br/> These enhancements save time and avoid data duplication, as the updates made on the ICM side are reflected in Workday.
<span style="color:#008000;">'''288372 Inclusion of clauses and clause properties in search facets&nbsp;'''</span>
<br/> 404676 ICM-Workday Adapter support for mapping of multi-level array type attributes<br/> Workday has many multi-level array type attributes; however, the previous ICM-Workday adapter supported mapping of only single level attributes with ICM.&nbsp;<br/> Now, the ICM-Workday adapter extends support to allow mapping of multi-level array type attributes from Workday to ICM and vice versa.&nbsp;<br/> Administrators can now:<br/> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Map multi-level array attributes from Workday to ICM, such as multi-line addresses (for example, address line 1, address line 2, zip code, city, etc.) for a specific address type (for example, business address, correspondence address, etc.), and spend categories (for example, printing, supplies and consumables, services, etc.), so that it synchronizes with ICM Supplier Masterdata.<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Add or select multi-level attributes such as spend category, department, work tags and cost center data as part of supplier contract types and associated documents, so that when an agreement is created or updated in ICM, it automatically synchronizes with Workday.<br/> Note: The multi-level array type attributes are supported only for supplier contracts.<br/>  <br/> 8.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Technical Requirements for Release 7.10<br/> The Icertis Contract Management base system can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection and a supported Internet browser. Not all features may be available on all environments. Specific customer environments may have other requirements. The software and hardware requirements for client system as well as mobile application are listed in the table below:<br/> &nbsp;
ICM has further enhanced the search capabilities by allowing searches on agreements,&nbsp;amendments, and advanced search based on clause usage. This allows users to prioritize the agreements they plan to work on based on clause usage, thus being able to tackle high-risk agreements first and mitigating risks.
You can now search and filter agreements using the following clause categories:&nbsp;''Clause Group, Clause Language, Clause Name, Is Alternate Clause, Is Dependent Clause, Is Deviated, Is Editable, Is Mandatory, Perform Deviation Analysis, Primary Clause, and Clause Code.''
<span style="color:#FF0000;">Note:</span>'''&nbsp;'''''Clause Description'',&nbsp;''Clause Text'',&nbsp;''Linked Primary Clauses'',&nbsp;''Clause Status'', ''Linked Primary Template Clause'', and search based on clause text area are not supported in clause categories''.''
''[[File:7.9 Release Notes 288372.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 288372.PNG]]''
<span style="color:#008000;">'''384321 – Ability to compare ''Associations tagged as a Table'' across versions'''</span>
When a user uploads a new version of the document, ICM provides the ability to compare the changes in clause language or the attributes. Version-wise changed history is also stored in the ''Versions'' section on the ''Details'' page.
With this release, modifications made to associations or saved search that were tagged as a table in a template (such as adding or removing rows/columns or changing the values in individual cells) will be visible at the time of upload as well as on the ''Versions'' tab of the agreement document. This will allow the contract negotiator to make informed decisions accordingly. ICM Scribe has also been enhanced to support this capability, but provides limited information.
<span style="color:#FF0000;">Note: </span>Deviation tracking and syncing back of the changed table data to the respective association instances is not supported. Table comparison is only shown when cell values get changed, not when empty cells get added or removed.
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<span style="color:#008000;">'''452265 – Ability to compare any two&nbsp;versions of the agreement&nbsp;document'''</span>
</div> <div class="image-green-border">
Previously, users could only see the comparison between the last and the current version of the agreement document version. This functionality has now been enhanced and is accomplished through the ''Compare Documents'' icon on the agreement ''Details'' page, so that the user can compare any two of the available versions of the agreement as required.
<span style="color:#FF0000;">Note:</span> The agreement document version comparison always takes place between a higher version on the right panel and a lower version on the left panel.
[[File:7.9 Release Notes 452265.png|720px|7.9 Release Notes 452265]]
</div> </div>
<br/> '''<span style="color:#008000;">382235 – Default dashboards in advanced analytics</span>'''
</div> <div class="image-green-border">
With this release, in an effort to improve advanced analytics usability, additional functionalities have been added and some changes have been made.
Default Dashboards are now available in the ''Advanced Analytics'' section. The ''Advanced Analytics'' tile now displays the following 3 tabs:
*'''''Business Summary:''''' displays the following charts based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Finance Head):
**Agreement Summary such as Top Agreements by Value, Top Expiring Agreements, etc. (based on the defined KPIs).
**Deviations Summary such as Deviated Agreements and Contract Value (s) by Org Unit, Deviated Agreements by Contract Type, etc.&nbsp;
**Expiring Agreements such as Expiring Agreements by Month, Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal, etc.&nbsp;
**Cycle Time Report such as Cycle Time (in Days) by Contract Types, Trend of Cycle Time by Month, etc.&nbsp;
**Configuration Statistics such as Distribution of Templates by Contract Types, Clauses by Category, etc.&nbsp; 
*'''''Legal Summary:'' '''displays the following based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Legal Head):
**''Agreement Summary'' such as ''Top Agreements by Value, Top Expiring Agreements'', etc. (based on the defined KPIs).
**''Deviations Summary'' such as ''Deviated Agreements and Agreement Value (s) by Org Unit, Deviations Trend'', etc.
**''Expiring Agreements ''such ''as Expiring Agreements by Month, Agreements Value Expiring in next 12 Months by Org Unit'', etc.
**''Cycle Time Report ''such as ''Cycle Time (in Days) by Contract Types, Trend of Cycle Time by Month'', etc.
**''Configuration Statistics ''such as ''Distribution of Templates by Contract Types, User Information,'' etc. 
*'''''Legal Details:''''' displays the legal details at a more granular level based on the defined KPIs and the authorization of the user (for example, Legal Head):
**''Agreement Summary'' such as ''Count of Agreements by Contract Type or Org Unit, Agreements by Status'', etc. (based on the defined KPIs).
**''Deviations Summary'' such as ''Deviated Agreements by Org Unit, Deviated Clause Cloud'', etc.
**''Expiring Agreements ''such ''as Expiring Agreements in 30 Days by their Org Unit, Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal in 30 Days by Org Unit'', etc.
**''Cycle Time Report ''such as ''Average'' ''Cycle Time (in Days) of Agreements, Month-wise Cycle Time Trend,'' etc. 
*When creating reports, you can select which data model you want to use. For example, you can select the Agreements data model to get agreement centric attributes and other data. If you select Clauses data model, then you would get clauses centric attributes and other data. The same applies using the ''Ask a question'' functionality.
*The following UX related changes have been made:
**''Last Updated On'' text is changed to&nbsp;''Data Source updated successfully&nbsp;''
**The ''Refresh'' icon (which shows the minimum time of refresh cycle among all datasets) is changed to the ''Refresh page'' button 
*The ''Save your report'' option is now available for global reports. Users can save a copy of the global report. It is visible in the user’s''My Reports'' section and can be modified as required. If special characters are added to the report name, an error message will be displayed.
*You can change the name of the report using the ''Edit Report Name'' option. If special characters are added when renaming a report, an error message will be displayed.
*You can also delete this report using the ''Delete Report'' option if it is no longer relevant.
<span style="color:#008000;">'''456074/439569/439668/467828 &nbsp;– Enhancements to Bulk Upload - beta version'''</span>
The beta version of the ''Bulk Upload'' functionality has been enhanced. This allows you to:
*Provision users (which was earlier only available for Legacy Upload)
*Add team members when creating an agreement or amendment
[[File:7.9 Release Notes 456074-439569-439668-467828.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 456074-439569-439668-467828 - 01]]
*Add team members when updating agreement or amendment
*Create assignment and initiate the termination of agreements
[[File:7.9 Release Notes 456074-439569-439668-467828-2nd.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 456074-439569-439668-467828 - 02]]
<div class="image-green-border"><span style="color:#008000;">'''420230 – Extending contract type definition to determine the Application type'''</span></div>
ICM offers the ability to determine the Application type (''Contracting'',&nbsp;''Sourcing'',&nbsp;''Proposal'',&nbsp;''Obligation Management'', and&nbsp;''Supplier Lifecycle Management'') when creating a contract type. This is possible with the inclusion of two new choice type attributes,&nbsp;''Business Application Type''&nbsp;and&nbsp;''Business Application Category''&nbsp;at the contract type level. This feature helps effortlessly drive business applications on the ICM platform.&nbsp;These attributes are applicable for agreements and associated document contract types, after the business application is enabled through a technical configuration. The access privileges for business applications (such as Sourcing)&nbsp;are driven through Security Groups.
[[File:7.9 Release Notes 420230.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 420230]]
'''<span style="color:#008000;">408652 – Displaying an announcement banner</span>'''
ICM has now improved user experience by providing the capability of displaying a scrolling banner message to inform users of a scheduled event or an announcement. For example, you can inform users that a maintenance activity is scheduled in 24 hours. A banner will scroll at the top of the ICM window alerting the users of the downtime, so that they can plan their work accordingly.
This can be achieved through ''Application Settings'' by toggling the ''Show announcement banner'' field to ''Yes'' and entering the message to be displayed in the ''Announcement message'' box.
[[File:7.9 Release Notes 408652.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 408652]]
<span style="color:#008000;">'''408644 – Google cloud Pub/Sub support'''</span>
ICM has introduced out-of-the-box support for Google Pub/Sub (which is a fully managed real-time messaging service provided by Google Cloud) for ICM internal communication and also for any third party integrations.
In ICM, the ''Message Pull'' option is used to receive messages from Pub/Sub. This change is transparent for ICM and there is no change as to how the communication between ICM Application (UI/API/Task) is perpetual.
=== Enhancements to Rules ===
'''<span style="color:#008000;">397346 – Ability to create a rule with ''Has A Value ''condition</span>'''&nbsp;
With this release, the&nbsp;''Has A Value''&nbsp;condition has been enhanced to include all data types and system defined attributes such that rules can be set up for an attribute having any value.
For example, you want to set up a rule so that an approver John Doe should approve the contract if a discount is applicable to it, irrespective of the value of the discount. Then, user can add a rule using the&nbsp;''Has A Value''&nbsp;condition, such that John Doe is added as an approver if the discount has a value of 5%, 10% or whatever value is desired.&nbsp;
Earlier this condition supported only a limited set of user defined and system attributes, but now it has been enhanced to support all data types and additional system attributes. It is now also available for the following contract type attributes and data types:&nbsp;''Contract Type Lookup'',&nbsp;''Contract Type Multi-Select Lookup'',&nbsp;''Choice'',&nbsp;''Multi-Select Choice'',&nbsp;''Number'',&nbsp;''Currency'',&nbsp;''Percentage'',&nbsp;''Date'',&nbsp;''DateTime'', and&nbsp;''URL''. In addition, it is also available for system attributes such as&nbsp;''Template Name''&nbsp;and&nbsp;''Type Of Paper''.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 397346.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 387346]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''408653 – Enhancing rules to support power set conditions for multi-select data&nbsp;'''</span>
Currently, ICM supports only the ''Contains/Does Not Contain'' conditions for multi-select data. The ''Contains'' operator does not check whether all selected values of the attribute are a subset of expected values, but only checks for any one of them. Thus, when the rules were evaluated, even the templates, approvers, clauses, etc. that are not required to get executed.
To avoid this confusion, rules have been further augmented so that the user can configure conditions for power sets (i.e. cases where the user wants a rule to be executed only if the entity field contains a subset of the configured values). This is achieved by introducing the new operator, ''Subset of, ''which is applicable only to multi-select lookup that supports evaluation of string, number, user, percentage and email data types.
Let’s consider the example of a template selection rule to select multiple products using the ''Subset of&nbsp;''the operator. Suppose, the rule is defined such that ''Template 1 ''should be selected if the selection is a subset of ''Products A, B, C'', then:
*If the user selects any subset of products {A,B,C} like A,B or B,C or A,C or A,B,C, then ''Template 1'' will be available for selection
*If the user selects any subset of products {A,B,C} & any other product like A,B,C,D or A,B,E, then ''Template 1'' will NOT be available for selection
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 408653.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 408653]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
=== Enhancements to Templates ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''419834 – Localization of masterdata attributes to support tagging of bilingual agreements/templates using Word Add-in'''</span>
Earlier, ICM did not directly support bilingual agreements and templates tagging using Word Add-in. As a result, users had to tag multiple attributes in a template for different languages, thereby ending up duplicating multiple attributes in a contract type.
To simplify this process and facilitate bilingual templates, ICM has introduced the ability to tag the same masterdata localized attribute multiple times for different languages which can be tagged in a bilingual template via Word Add-in. This allows the user to manage the same attribute with a different language in the same template or agreement. The support for bilingual templates allows the user to specify the second language for the template and also be able to tag localized attributes in the template with the second language.<br/> <br/> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Note:'''&nbsp;'''</span>
*It only supports string attributes
*Localization of masterdata attributes is applicable for - template level support for primary/secondary language, Word Add-in (.NET and Scribe), agreement and clause tags, document assembly, and rule-based assembly
*Rules will be evaluated in English for the masterdata localized attributes
*Advanced search also supports the localization of masterdata attributes
*It is not applicable for associations, template variables, reverse sync, and support tags on the parent agreement clause
<div class="image-green-border"><span style="color:#008000;">'''275828 &nbsp;– Template and clause harmonization – Beta version'''</span>
The beta version of the ''Legacy Upload'' functionality now provides an option to upload templates and clauses in bulk. This allows users to upload templates, template metadata, extended template entity metadata, template variables, template team, clauses, clause metadata and clause team. It also supports auto-tagging in templates and clauses of template variables, contract type attributes, associations, signatories and clauses.
<span style="color:#FF0000;">Note:</span> To enable auto-tagging, the details need to be provided in a set format/syntax.&nbsp;
<span style="color:#008000;">'''428153 – Promote to Production (P2P) enhancements – beta version'''</span>
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The beta version of the Promote to Production tool is now enabled. This functionality, provided to administrators, can promote ICM configurations/modifications that are made to ICM configurations in pre-production environments to production environments.
This tool provides support for contract types, contract type attributes, clauses and templates (along with the documents), notification templates, rules, masterdata, users, user groups and security groups. The elastic search sync is also supported by the tool.
<span style="color:#FF0000;">Note: </span>This tool does not support the movement of agreements and amendments.&nbsp;
'''<span style="color:#008000;">397327 – Ability to drive dependency of template variables on agreement attributes&nbsp;</span>'''
With this release, ICM has extended support to template variables being conditional to the value of the attributes that are part of a contract type. The user can track the dependency between the contract type attribute and template variable as well as eliminate the creation of duplicate attributes between them.&nbsp;
This can be achieved by any user with&nbsp;''Manage''&nbsp;access on&nbsp;''Template Management''&nbsp;tile by enabling the&nbsp;''Is Conditional&nbsp;''flag for each template variable when creating or editing a template. When the&nbsp;''Is Conditional''&nbsp;flag is&nbsp;''On'', a user is able to set a dependent condition on the template variable by using&nbsp;''Depends on Contract Type Attribute'' (set to ''On'') and&nbsp;its related conditions -&nbsp;''Depends On Attribute&nbsp;''drop-down and&nbsp;''Depends On Value&nbsp;''field.&nbsp;The following conditions decide the dependency between the template variable and contract type attribute:&nbsp;&nbsp;
*When&nbsp;''Depends on Contract Type Attribute''&nbsp;is&nbsp;''On'',&nbsp;then it displays the contract type attribute in the&nbsp;''Depends On Attribute''&nbsp;drop-down list.&nbsp;
*When&nbsp;''Depends on Contract Type Attribute''&nbsp;is&nbsp;''Off'',&nbsp;then it displays the template variable in the&nbsp;''Depends On Attribute''&nbsp;drop-down list.&nbsp;
For each selected attribute from&nbsp;''Depends On Attribute&nbsp;''drop-down list, the user can then enter the&nbsp;''Depends On''&nbsp;''Value''&nbsp;that will drive the dependency.
</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 397327.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 397327]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
== Enhancements to Artificial Intelligence Apps in ICM ==
<span style="color:#008000;">'''386571 – Enhancements in AI Apps&nbsp;'''</span>
With the 7.9 release, the NegotiateAI, ObligationAI, VisualizeAI and DiscoverAI apps have been further enhanced to improve their usability. These apps are available in ICM through a technical configuration.<span style="color:#FF0000;">&nbsp;</span>These apps are available in ICM through a technical configuration.
=== NegotiateAI ===
While negotiating a particular clause, the contract negotiator would like to quickly find similar clauses in contracts that have already been executed to be able to make informed decisions. This depends on the rule configuration in ICM based on which the similarity will index the agreements. The similarity of clauses or agreements will be within these agreements. This also applies to the agreement as a whole where the negotiator can refer to historical data from similar agreements.
With this release, the following options are provided within the Add-in so that the user can:
*Select a clause/text to find similar clauses from the ICM repository and compare them with the selected one
*Select similar agreements present in the ICM repository
*Choose a filter to narrow down the similarity search (for clauses and agreements) within particular type of agreements
<span style="color:#FF0000;">'''Note:'''</span>
*It is tested and verified on:
**Microsoft Office 2016 or later for Windows (build 16.0.4639.1000 or later (64-bit)).
**Microsoft Office on Windows (connected to Office 365 subscription) – version 1902 (build 11328.20368) or later.
**There is no separate installation required for Office .JS. 
*Discovery workflow is supported only for non-ICM third party agreements, but the similarity workflow is supported for both ICM and non-ICM agreements.
*The supported attribute data types include ''Choice'', ''Currency'', ''Date'', ''Email'', ''Text Area'', ''Number'' and ''String''.
=== ObligationAI ===
Often business is interested in finding certain types of obligations only. Our ML based obligation discovery finds all the obligations available in the document. In this release, we have enhanced ObligationAI to discover only the specific obligations from the agreement document.&nbsp;In this release, we have enhanced the ObligationAI to immediately learn from user actions, which is the most important aspect of ML algorithms.&nbsp;
With this release, the user can:
*Choose the type of obligation discovery method to be run for a contract i.e. from a ML based generic discovery model or from a predefined set of obligation templates.
*Self-train from the ML obligation discovery model based on the actions taken by the user on the discovered obligations, and display higher confidence the next time similar obligations are discovered.
*This is supported only for third party agreements.
=== Visualize AI ===
With this release, we have provided server hooks at the following stages to implement custom visualization:
*Data fetching (for example, fetching data from external Web services)
*Data transformation (for example, adding a custom metadata property node)
*Data rendering (for example, adding custom nodes in visualization)
=== DiscoverAI ===
'''387056 – Add support for Table discovery&nbsp;'''
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With this release, the DiscoverAI app has been further enhanced to include Table discovery. Along with clause and metadata, ICM now also extracts tables (including information such as SLAs, price list, etc.) in agreements and displays them on the ''Table Discovery'' tab (on the ''Details'' page).
ICM tries to match the discovered table(s) with the associated contract types of the agreement. If a strong match is found, then the table is tagged with that associated contract type, and the table columns are also matched with the attributes of that associated contract type. You can then take relevant action such as creating new instances of the associations. Automatically recognizing table data inside the agreements saves a lot of manual labor of identifying and tagging the data correctly. The table discovery allows you to:
*Identify and discover the table(s) in the agreement document
*Update the data in the discovered table as required
*Create new instances of the associations for the uploaded agreement
</div> <div class="image-green-border"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Note: </span>Only the .docx document format is supported.&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 387056.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 387056]]</div>
== Enhancements to ICM Add-ins ==
=== Email Outlook Plugin (.JS version) &nbsp; ===
'''<span style="color:#008000;">334171 – Enhancements in Email Outlook Plugin (.JS version) &nbsp;</span>'''
With this release, a new .JS version of the ICM Outlook plugin has been introduced. The overall turnaround time for authoring is reduced as the user no longer needs to download the documents received over email to the local machine, then switch applications and log on to ICM, search the agreement and then upload the documents.
The provisioned user can now:
*Upload the next version of the agreement document received over an email to the agreement
*Upload the next version of the associated document (supporting attachments) received over an email to the agreement
*Create a new association instance and then upload the associated document received over an email to the agreement
The configuration of the Outlook Add-in is driven by the masterdata, whereas the list of agreements and their details are configured by the saved searches. You can configure multiple saved searches.&nbsp;The Outlook Add-in (.JS version) is supported on 2 different platforms:
*For MAC OS (Mojave): it is tested and verified on Microsoft Office 365 (2016 and above).
*For Windows 10: it is tested and verified on Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 (15.0.5007.1000) and 2016 (16.0.4849.1000) 64-bit and above.
=== Scribe – ICM’s Office Add-in plugin&nbsp;(.JS version)&nbsp; ===
'''<span style="color:#008000;">Enhancements to ICM Scribe – the new .JS version Office Add-in (Upgraded in 7.8)</span>'''
The Office.js based Add-in experience in ICM for MS Office Word 2016 onwards, enables you to have a richer, more secure and centralized web experience of managing ICM functions right inside MS Office Word. It will reference the office.js library, which is a script loader.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes Scribe 1.png|860px|7.9 Release Notes Scribe 1]]</div>
Advantages of Office.js based Add-ins over old add-ins built using VBA, COM, or VSTO include:
*Cross-platform support: Office Add-ins run in Office on the Web, Windows, Mac, and iPad.
*Centralized deployment and distribution: Administrators can deploy Office Add-ins centrally and more securely across an organization, with no need of individual desktop client installation.
*Based on standard Web technology.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes Scribe 2.png|7.9 Release Notes Scribe 2]]</div>
Enhancements were made to the Office.js Add-in to improve:
*'''Reliability:''' By adding validation for incorrect data, providing a light weight engine, removing redundant information, introducing the retry mechanism, replacing unreliable user controls (such as the ''Attribute pane'',''login button'',''Search'',''Add Team,'' etc.), and introducing the ''Something went wrong'' screen in case of connectivity issues.
*'''Usability:''' By restricting the user interface, restricting all entities to 10, sending intuitive messages and warning, increasing real estate, correcting the formatting, reducing user clicks, replacing links with buttons, replacing hidden tabs with ICM product icons, adding tooltips wherever necessary, adding Login, Logout and Home page, adding the Splash screen, adding support for user groups, and adding status indicators.
*'''Productivity:''' By reducing the waiting and operational time, fixing priority functional issues, introducing manual Refresh button to increase concurrency (for Clause, Template Variables, Lists), restricting older version updates (Template and Clause updates), and handing Header and Footer scenarios in the Template module.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes Scribe 3.png|720px|7.9 Release Notes Scribe 3]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
== Enhancements to Reports ==
<span style="color:#008000;">'''275838 – Extended support for user's preferred time zone settings in reports'''</span>
Previously, all the date related columns and parameters in all ICM reports were displayed in the UTC time zone, in the ''mm/dd/yyyy ''format. ICM allowed users to set the date and time format as per their preferred locale settings.&nbsp;With this release, all reports will display the date and time as per the ''Time Zone'' set by the user in the user preferences.
However, the following points need to be noted:
*When reports are exported to CSV format, due to the inherent property of the CSVS files, the date and time format of the date columns will be as per the user's local machine format, not as per the user preferences set in ICM.
*In all reports, where the parameters to generate the reports have dates (for example, ''Created Start Date ''and&nbsp;''Created End Date'' in the ''Cycle Time Report''), the default value in these fields are displayed in the UTC time zone. However, when the user changes values in these fields and generates the reports, the dates will then be displayed as per the user’s local time.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 275838.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 275838 - 01]]</div>
If the ''Date Format ''selected in the user’s preferences is ''dd-mmm-yy'', the date value in the field gets converted to the month and vice-versa. As a workaround, the date format in this field has been set as ''mmmm-dd-yyy'', so that the default value is displayed as per the user’s expectations. However, the date format when the report is generated is displayed as per the user’s preferences. For example, if the user selects the ''Date Format'' as ''dd-MMM-yy'' in ''My Preferences'', then the dates displayed in the ''Cycle Time Report'' fields ''Created Start Date ''and ''Created End Date ''are actually set as ''mmmm-dd-yy''.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 275838-2nd.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 275838 - 02]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
<span style="color:#008000;">'''385409 – Additional reports added to KPIs&nbsp;'''</span>
In addition to the reports that are already available on the Dashboard as KPIs (''Agreement Deviation Report, Agreements Pending Approval Report, Agreements Pending Execution Reports, Average Agreement Turn Around Time Report, Clauses Pending Approval Report, Expiring Agreement Report, and Templates Pending Approval Report''), users can now also add the reports shown in the table below. This can be achieved by providing access through ''Security Groups''.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 385409.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 385409 - 01]]</div>
For example, the ''Signature Type Report'' KPI depicts the percentage of electronic signatures in ICM. If the number of electronic signatures is 6 and the number of manual signatures is 83, then the KPI is calculated as 6/83+6 = 6/89 (total number of agreements). Therefore, the percentage of electronic signatures displayed on the KPI tile on the Dashboard is 6 (rounded off to nearest digit).
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 385409-2nd.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 385409 - 02]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
== Integrations ==
=== Integration&nbsp;with Collaboration Tools ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''370460 – ICM Bot integration with MS Teams&nbsp;'''</span>
By integrating the ICM Bot platform with MS Teams, users can collaborate for contract authoring, negotiations, etc. This not only provides a better, seamless user experience, but also helps to discuss ideas, and in turn significantly improve the cycle time.
Through this integration, we support:
*Invoking ICM Bot in the Teams app
*Querying ''My Pending Tasks'' using the ICM Bot to be able to collaborate with others and take decisions on pending tasks and expedite the contracting process
*Searching for agreements using ICM Bot so that the user can find the relevant agreements, share their status and make informed decisions
*Using ICM Bot to get answers to frequently asked questions
<span style="color:#FF0000;">'''Note:''' </span>Setting up ICM Bot is done through a technical configuration.
=== Icertis Experience for&nbsp;Salesforce ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''348588 – Configuring field set from Salesforce to ICM using Rest API&nbsp;'''</span>
With this release, a new field called ''Field Set Name ''has been introduced that can be configured using the ''Configuration'' page which is accessible through the managed application available in Salesforce AppExchange. When the integration is triggered from Salesforce, the adapter can read the metadata and send only the attributes defined for the entity field set. If the field set is not defined, the adapter sends all the attributes for that entity.&nbsp;
<span style="color:#FF0000;">Note: </span>It is necessary to create a new field set for every Salesforce entity. The field set determines the fields that the user can edit in a particular Salesforce entity instead of having to select each field individually. For example, a field set created for an Opportunity can have fields such as ''Opportunity Name, Opportunity ID, etc.''
<span style="color:#008000;">'''397315 – Mapping between template variable for agreements and SFDC fields'''</span>&nbsp;
The ICM Salesforce adapter allows mapping of Salesforce entities and their attributes to be integrated with ICM for data flow from Salesforce to ICM (forward sync) as well as ICM to Salesforce (reverse sync). This was previously done using ''Client App Entity Mapping ''on the ''Masterdata Configuration'' page which allows mapping the ICM Attributes from contract types, but not from agreement templates.
With this release, administrators can now use attributes defined at the template level to store critical external data as part of the agreement and sync with Salesforce, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process.
=== Icertis Experience for&nbsp;Workday ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''384529 – Executed PDF from ICM to Workday&nbsp;'''</span>
Customers using Workday ERP application to manage their procure-to-pay process want to have end-to-end integration to Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform for managing their procurement process.&nbsp;The Icertis platform already supports integration to Workday Financials and HCM via an adapter. As part of this integration, contracts authored in the ICM platform can be sent to Workday via the adapter and attached to Workday contracts in the .docx format.
Now, with the help of Event based configuration in the adapter, it is possible to send the agreement document in .PDF or .docx format to Workday for a specific event.
=== Enhancements to Adobe Sign ===
<span style="color:#008000;">'''344436 – Support for ''Print, sign and upload'' (wet signed copy) and sync back in ICM&nbsp;'''</span><br/> Adobe Sign provides users the capability of signing documents manually using the ''Print, sign'' and ''upload'' option. However, earlier when the agreement document was wet signed and uploaded, it did not get synced back to ICM, and the agreement would get blocked in that state. With this release, ICM supports syncing back the signed agreement document and changed status, so that the user can proceed with the workflow as expected.<br/> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Note:&nbsp;</span>
*If the ''Wet Signatures Only'' option is selected, then system mandates all the users to sign the agreement document using the ''Print, sign and upload'' option of Adobe Sign.
*If the ''Wet Signatures Only'' option is not selected, then users can either sign it electronically or use the ''Print, sign and upload'' option to sign it manually. However, in this case if any user signs using the ''Print, sign and upload'' option, since all the signature tags will be lost, Adobe Sign will add an additional page to the end of agreement document that will have signature tags for subsequent signatories who are yet to sign.
*Attribute sync back to ICM will only work for the first signatory. Once Adobe Sign’s ''Print-Sign-Upload'' option is used, attribute tags are not available for subsequent signatories who are yet to sign the document.
*In&nbsp;the case of parallel signatures, the wet signature option is not applicable. If the''Wet Signature Only ''option is selected, then the agreement will be stuck in the ''Approved'' state.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:7.9 Release Notes 344436.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes 344436]]</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border"><span style="color:#008000;">'''430578 – Sending additional supporting documents to Adobe Sign&nbsp;'''</span><br/> The current ''Send for Signature'' functionality only allows users to send the main agreement for signature. It does not allow users to add the supporting documents along with the main agreement document.&nbsp;With this release,&nbsp;ICM will support preview and sending of the associated documents (attachments) along with the main agreement for signature.&nbsp;</div> <div class="image-green-border"><br/> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Note:&nbsp;</span>Only agreement specific tags will be displayed in the agreement document when reviewing and signing it. After the agreement document is signed, only the agreement will be synchronized with ICM again. The associated documents (attachments in the Word or PDF format that are associated to the main agreement) will be available for selection when sending it for signature.</div> <div class="image-green-border">&nbsp;</div>
== Technical Requirements for Release 7.9 ==
The Icertis Contract Management base system can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection and a supported Internet browser. Not all features may be available in all the environments and specific customer environments may have other requirements. The software and hardware requirements for client system as well as mobile application are listed in the table below.
[[File:7.9 Release Notes Operating Systems table.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes Operating Systems table.PNG]]
[[File:7.9 Release Notes Other Requirements table.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes Other Requirements table.PNG]]
[[File:7.9 Release Notes Special Requirements table.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes Special Requirements table.PNG]]
[[File:7.9 Release Notes Special Requirements table 2.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes Special Requirements table 2.PNG]]
[[File:7.9 Release Notes Microsoft Office table.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes Microsoft Office table.PNG]]
[[File:7.9 Release Notes Microsoft Office table 2.PNG|720px|7.9 Release Notes Microsoft Office table 2.PNG]]

Revision as of 18:36, 25 December 2019

ICM Release Notes - Release 7.10

Overview of Release 7.10

The 7.10 Release introduces significant enhancements to the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform. It strives to improve user experience, intelligence, analytics and intuitiveness by continually improving ICM functionalities and the user interface.
The key enhancements of this release include:
•    Support for Business Applications
o    Introducing the Obligation Management Application which enables companies to better manage their commitments and realize the full value of their entitlements. Built on the ICM platform, this new app transforms how organizations identify, create, manage and fulfill obligations that were previously hidden in complex contract language, thus optimizing business performance and protecting organizations from reputational, commercial and financial risks.
•    Enhancements to the ICM Application
o    Adding support for System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), which is an open standard protocol, for user provisioning, de-provisioning, and exchange of user identity information between identity providers (such as OKTA) and service providers (such as ICM).
o    Supporting compatibility between different instances so that an agreement (Word document) downloaded from one ICM instance can be uploaded to another ICM instance.
o    Adding an inbuilt capability to define arithmetic calculations and logical validations for attributes at the contract type level.
o    Enhancing the ICM dashboard to include an Activity Panel to display all actions performed by the logged-on user for that session.
o    Adding the ApproveAll, RejectAll and ClearAll buttons on the Deviations tab of the agreement Details page making it easier to take actions on multiple deviations of the agreement in one go.
•    Enhancements to ICM Add-ins
o    Enhancing the Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Word Add-in) to enable users to view the modifications made to the agreement document on publish by comparing it with the previous saved version. These modifications can be viewed on the Content Control Differences window, thus helping the user to make informed decisions before actually creating a new version of agreement.  
o    Preventing closure of other Word documents while canceling the creating or managing of templates, or saving templates, using the Word Add in (.Net Version) thus avoiding data loss.

•    Enhancements to Artificial Intelligence Applications
o    Enhancing the Icertis Experience for Word (Add-in) by supporting discovery of Lookup Cascade, Date, Percentage and User attributes as well as validations for mandatory and invalid attribute values for all the supported data types, eligibility of contract types for AI discovery, etc. in both own and third party type of paper.
o    Providing an inbuilt discovery model to automatically extract and discover the most common attributes and clauses in agreements besides enhancing clause delineation in third party contracts.
o    Adding support for discovery of attributes, clauses, tables and obligations in agreements created using own paper type and tagging the confirmed attributes and clauses back to the original agreement.
o    UI/UX enhancements in the DiscoverAI and ObligationAI apps.
o    Extending table discovery support for PDFs in the DiscoverAI app.
o    Finding clauses or text that are similar but may not be tagged as ICM clauses in agreements, in both third party and own type of paper.
•    Enhancements to Reports
o    Leveraging historical data and contextual insights on the cycle time required to close agreements for faster and smarter negotiations with Clause and Deviation Insights Reports.
o    Enhancing the Power BI dashboard by providing the ability to display specific user-level data in a tabular format in the Agreement Summary, Deviation Summary and Expiring Agreements sections of the Legal Details tab.
o    Allowing Legal Managers to filter data in charts by the Agreement Status – Executed in all 3 Power BI dashboard tabs - Business Summary, Legal Summary and Legal Details. Legal managers can now also filter data by both Executed and Superseded status in expiring and auto-renewing agreements.
•    Improving the Icertis Experience 
o    Extending support to use template variables for storing data as part of amendments by allowing mapping a list of ICM amendment template variables to Salesforce object attributes, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process. 
o    Enhancing the ICM-Workday adapter to support termination of supplier contracts and creation and updation of amendments for supplier contracts so that the updates made on the ICM side are reflected in Workday, thus saving time and avoiding data duplication.
o    Enhancing the ICM-Workday adapter to support mapping of multi-level array type attributes from Workday to ICM and vice versa. 
These release notes provide an overview of the enhancements to ICM and the ICM experience for integrations. Refer to the detailed Wiki documentation for the explanation and capabilities of these and all other ICM features and functionalities.

2.    Icertis Business Applications
494917 – Introducing the ICM Obligation Management Application 
Earlier, contractual obligations or commitments from different business entities in ICM were handled manually and were obviously taking a lot of man-hours to comply with customer commitments and fulfillment.  
With this release, ICM is introducing the Obligation Management Application which enables companies to better manage their commitments and to realize the full value of their entitlements. This helps optimize business performance and protects organizations from reputational, commercial and financial risks. Built on the ICM platform, the new app transforms how organizations identify, create, manage and fulfill obligations that were previously hidden in complex contract language. The app includes powerful rule-based obligation ownership, workflow tools to ensure seamless obligation fulfillment, and sophisticated analytics – all designed to protect your business and maximize the ROI of your relationships. This is achieved by creating an Agreement Contract Type having Obligation as Associated Contract Type at the contract type level. 
The benefits of the Obligation Management App include the ability to: 
•    Identify the contractual obligations from different ICM signed contracts
•    Create fulfillments from the identified contractual obligation
•    Review obligations and related fulfillments
•    Inherit contractual obligations from one contract to another
•    Assign appropriate users assigned to your obligation and fulfillments
•    Drive obligation and its related fulfillments to completion, and giving you workflow controls (hold, withdraw, and cancel)
•    Monitor your obligations and its business impact
3.    ICM Application Enhancements
492738 – Support for System for Cross-domain Identity Management 
ICM is now providing support for System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), which is an open standard protocol to automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users. This framework allows exchange of user identity and user group information between identity providers (such as OKTA) and service providers (such as ICM – SaaS-based application). As a single system is used to manage permissions and groups, and data is transferred automatically, the risk of error is considerably reduced. This makes user management simpler and easier for customers. 
OKTA integrates various applications into its service, and you simply deploy these pre-integrated applications to your users as necessary. For example, OKTA uses the SCIM application to provision users or user groups in ICM. To provision or deprovision ICM users, the OKTA Administrator first needs to create and configure an application which supports the SCIM protocol.  
Note: ICM only supports SCIM 2.0 version. 

490217 – Word document compatibility between different ICM instances
Previously, ICM customers were facing challenges in sharing the same agreement document uploaded across ICM instances due to compatibility issues between different ICM instances. ICM is now supporting this compatibility between different instances so that a Word document downloaded from one ICM instance can be uploaded to another ICM instance. 
ICM now also supports document assembly, data sync (of metadata, clauses, etc.) of the agreement document that are modified in the other ICM instance (non-owner) and uploaded back to the original instance (owner) where it was generated. ICM displays the standard validations alerting the owner of the changes made in the other instance. 
Note: Reverse sync, clause deviation and document assembly are not supported for the non-owner; only the document version is incremented. 
The ICM Word Add-in (Icertis Experience for Word (.JS version) and .Net version) now support this functionality.

467108 – Support for arithmetic calculation and logical validation  
ICM now provides an inbuilt capability to define arithmetic calculations and logical validations for attributes at the contract type level (agreement, contract request, association and masterdata). 
This is achieved by Administrators by setting the Enable Expressions flag to On for the selected attribute while configuring the contract type. The Expressions section has the EXPR1, Result Expression, Validate Expression, and Validate Message fields to define calculations and set validations. The arithmetic calculations are supported for attributes of the Number, Currency, Percentage, and Date data type.
The following types of validations are now supported:
•    Numerical: Constant, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide and Percent
•    Date: Date Add (Days), Date Add (Months), Date Add (Years), Date Subtract (Days), Date Subtract (Months), Date Subtract (Years), Date Difference in Days, Date Difference in Months and Date Difference in Years
•    Logical: Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Less Than, Less Than Equals, Equals, Not Equals, All and Any
Furthermore, the arithmetic calculation will be supported from ICM Word Add-in by reverse sync of the tagged attribute values in Word Add-in (.Net and .JS versions). This is achieved by setting up event based rules in ICM to trigger the automatic calculation.

536020 – Addition of action buttons on the Deviations tab
In this release, the ApproveAll, RejectAll and ClearAll buttons have been added on the Deviations tab of the agreement Details page to approve, reject or clear the selected deviations respectively.
This makes it easier for the user to take actions on multiple deviations of the agreement in one go, considerably reducing the effort of approving, rejecting or clearing each one individually.

497288 – Displaying the recent activities of a user on the Activity Panel 
With this release, ICM has introduced the Activity Panel tile which helps logged on users to track, create and resume workflow actions at the agreement, association and amendment levels. Previously, users had to manually navigate and refresh the page to check their initiated status. 
When creating or sending an agreement for approval, the user will be redirected to either the agreement Index or Details page. This redirection can be accomplished either through a technical configuration or by Role Action mapping. The Activity Panel tile displays all the actions performed by the logged-on user for that session. The Administrator can achieve this by toggling the Show Activity Panel to Yes on the Application Settings tile. The Activity Panel supports localization.
Using the Activity Panel, the user can:
•    Track and create workflow activities such as Create, Create and Publish, Create and Send for Approval, Update, and Update and Publish.
•    Track resume workflow activities such as Approve, Archive, Assemble Contract, Cancel, Cancel Request, Delete, On Hold, Recall, Reject, Revert, Revert On Hold, Send For Approval, Send For Archival, Send For External Signature, Send For, Internal Signature, Send For Review, Supersede, and Terminate.
•    View activities that are either in the Completed or In Progress states. The completed activities are visible in the Activity Panel as long as the user remains active on the Activity Panel.
•    Take action on the validation message that will be displayed when tracking or creating any of the above mentioned workflow activities which result in opening of the Activity Panel.    

4.    Enhancements to ICM Add-ins 
487093 – Ability to view the modified agreement summary on publish using Icertis Experience for Word (.JS version) 
With this release, Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Word Add-in) provides capability for the user to view the modifications made to the agreement document by comparing it with the previous saved version. The user is notified about the changes made to the tagged attributes, tagged clauses, template variables and associations (tagged as a table) of the current agreement document version on clicking the Publish button. The modifications can be viewed on the Content Control Differences window, thus helping the user to make informed decisions before actually creating a new version of agreement.  

500813 – Preventing closure of documents while working with Word Add in (.Net version)
Previously, while performing tasks such as canceling the Create Template or Manage Template actions, or saving a template, using the Word Add-in (.Net version), would close all other Word documents that were also open. 
With this release, this user experience has been improved so that only the document where the action has been initiated closes, thus preventing closure of other documents and hence any loss of data.

5.    Enhancements to Artificial Intelligence Applications in ICM
488906 – Enhancements in NegotiateAI app 
The NegotiateAI app helps users identify and discover attributes and clauses in third party documents when opened using Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Add-in). 
Previously, the discovery of only String, Number, Boolean, Text Area, Currency, Choice and Email attribute data types were supported. ICM now also supports the discovery of Lookup Cascade, Date, Percentage and User attribute data types, as well as validations for mandatory and invalid attribute values for all the supported data types, eligibility of contract types for AI discovery, etc.
Note: NegotiateAI now supports both own and third party type of paper.
•    For choice and lookup attributes, if the discovered values are not the same as the options available in the drop-down, you will need to explicitly select these values. The selected values are automatically updated and tagged in the agreement document. 
•    NegotiateAI supports the following versions:
o    Microsoft Office 2016 Desktop for Windows (versions higher than build 16.0.4390.1000 (64-bit))
o    Microsoft Office on Windows (connected to Office 365 version): Version 1602 (Build 6741.0000) or later
465878 – Inbuilt discovery of attributes and clauses
Previously, discovering attributes and clauses in agreement documents of customers was time consuming as it required retraining of the algorithms to customers retraining of the algorithms from scratch, causing delay in deployment of services.
Now, ICM has an inbuilt discovery model that helps to automatically extract and discover the most common attributes and clauses in agreements besides enhancing clause delineation in third party contracts. This facilitates the prediction of accurate clause categories and capturing the right metadata within clauses. This improves contract turnaround time and quality of results, thus leading to improved user experience.
The inbuilt discovery model supports the discovery of the following predefined attributes and clauses in any MSA, NDA and SOW third party paper contract types:
•    Attributes: Party Name, Party Address, Effective Date, Expiry Date, Contract Value, Contract Duration, Renewal, EverGreen, PaymentTerms, Jurisdiction, Governing Law and Notice Period For Termination 
Note: The Contract Value attribute supports the following currencies - USD, CAD, EUR, INR and CAN
•    Clauses: Amendment, Assignment, Audit, Confidential Information, Conflicts, Counterparts, Definitions, Dispute Resolution, Entire Agreement, Force Majeure, Governing Law, Indemnification, Insurance, Intellectual Property Rights, Limitation Of Liability, Non-Compete, Non-Solicitation, Notices, Payment Terms, Penalties/Remedies, Personnel, Preamble, Publicity, Relationship Of Parties, Representations, Warranties and Compliances, Severability, Signature, Survival, Taxes, Term, Termination and Waiver

465886 – Support for own paper in DiscoverAI, ObligationAI, NegotiateAI apps
ICM already leverages the DiscoverAI app to discover attributes, clauses, tables and obligations in agreements created using third party paper type. 
Now, ICM has extended the support to discover attributes, clauses, tables and obligations in agreements created using own paper type, and tagging the attributes and clauses to the original agreement document. This helps convert unstructured documents into structured agreements, making it easier to manage them as well as increase compliance.
•    Tagging is supported only in Word documents.
•    The attributes and clauses that have been confirmed in ICM (even on the Web UI) are tagged back in the agreement document.
In addition, the following enhancements have been made in the Icertis Experience for Word (.JS Add-in):
•    The user can only see the Contract Types with the Clause Discovery Type attribute. 
•    When the user initiates the discovery process, the system triggers the discovery of non-tagged attribute and clauses for both – own and third party type of paper. Attributes and clauses that are already tagged in ICM are ignored in the discovery process. 
•    If the version of the agreement opened in NegotiateAI is different than the latest version available in ICM, the NegotiateAI Add-in prompts the user to download and open the latest version.
•    The automatic download and opening of the latest agreement version is supported only in Microsoft Office 365 Word version. An error message is displayed if the Office Desktop version is used. 
•    NegotiateAI supports the following versions:
o    MS Office 2016 Desktop for Windows (versions higher than build 16.0.4390.1000 (64-bit))
o    MS Office on Windows (connected to Office 365 version): version 1602 (Build 6741.0000) or later 
465891 – UI/UX enhancements to DiscoverAI and ObligationAI apps
The following enhancements have been made in the DiscoverAI and ObligationAI apps to improve their usability as well as provide users an easier and more intuitive navigation experience.
•    A progress indicator has been provided to display the progress of the discovery process in percentage for Attributes, Clauses, Tables and Obligations.
•    All AI Discovery entities have been grouped under the AI Discovery tab in the sequence - Attributes, Clauses, Tables and Obligations, making it easier for users to navigate across the entities.
•    An icon to view the potential matching values has been placed next to the discovered attribute values.
•    Filters have been added to refine clause and obligation search based on Action Status, Clause categories and Confidence.
•    The level of confidence associated with discovered attributes, clauses and obligations is depicted using different color indicators - High (green), Medium (orange) and Low (pink) confidence. All discovered clauses and obligations have the Review link next to them until the user clicks it to take an action. In addition, clauses with obligations have the       icon next to them. You can click the icon to view the obligations.
•    Clicking the Review link on the Discovered Clauses section opens the Library clause comparison with discovered clause window. You can take actions such as Confirm, Confirm with Deviation, Ignore or Review Later on the clauses.
•    Similarly, clicking the Review link on the Discovered Obligations section opens the Library Obligation comparison with discovered Obligation window. You can take actions such as Confirm, Ignore or Review Later on the obligations.

465887 – Table discovery support for PDFs in DiscoverAI app
ICM already supports table discovery in agreements in the .docx format. Now, table discovery is also possible in agreements in the .pdf format.
Automatically recognizing the table data eliminates the manual process of having to review third party PDF agreements and identify tables in them.
The table discovery in PDF agreements works well with:
•    Tables with well-defined borders in text PDFs and high-quality scanned PDFs
•    Tables that may be slightly skewed or tilted
•    Table cells with light-colored backgrounds
The table discovery in PDF agreements may not work well with:
•    Tables in low-quality scanned PDFs and those without borders
•    Tables without well-defined borders or characters overlapping the table border, etc., due to certain OCR limitations
•    Certain non-table elements, such as flowcharts and diagrams
•    Tables with merged columns and rows
•    Nested tables, which may be discovered as multiple tables

465890 – Support for finding non-tagged clauses in agreements in the NegotiateAI app
ICM already supports identifying similar clauses (tagged) in executed agreements, which makes it easier for negotiators to quickly identify such clauses for faster and better decision making. In third party or legacy agreements, clauses are not tagged. Thus, these clauses do not appear in the clause similarity results and users may miss important insights in such agreements. 
Now, we have enhanced Similar Clause Discovery functionality to find similar clauses or text which may not be tagged as ICM clauses in agreements, in both third party and own type of paper.

6.    Enhancements to Reports
488905 – Introducing the Clause and Deviation Insight Reports in Advanced Analytics, and DiscoverAI and NegotiateAI apps
Negotiators are more likely to depend on their domain knowledge and expertise when reviewing agreements. However, this knowledge is not transferrable as it is solely based on their experience. As a result of this, new negotiators reviewing similar agreements may not negotiate optimally because of the lack of historical data or expertise, often causing delay in approvals.
Now, the availability of essential insights and trends such as cycle times, deviations and other metrics help predict the outcome of the negotiation, like the clauses that are likely to be approved quickly and the ones that may require more negotiation. Negotiators are able to leverage historical data and contextual insights on the cycle time required to close agreements for faster and smarter negotiations. This helps them make timely, informed decisions. 
Note: The accessibility to the Clause and Deviation Insights Reports are available through a technical configuration and user accessibility to Advanced Analytics as well as DiscoverAI and NegotiateAI apps.

460568 – Enhancement to the Power BI Dashboard
To improve advanced analytics capabilities, this release offers the following enhancements to the Power BI dashboard:
•    Display specific user-level data in the Legal Details tab: Previously, reports in the Legal Details tab did not provide specific user-level information for legal mangers to follow up and take necessary actions. Now, they will be able to view specific user-level data in a tabular format in the Agreement Summary, Deviation Summary and Expiring Agreements sections, and act on the insights gained from the reports. For example, legal managers can now:
o    View the data of users and the cycle time for agreement approvals when the status of the agreement is Waiting for Approval, Waiting for External Signature or Waiting for Internal Signature. This will enable them to reach out to users and evaluate the reasons of agreement iterations, number of days in status and take measures to minimize the agreement cycle time.
o    Get a quick view of the list of deviated clauses in agreements along with the total deviations and users that initiated the deviation. This will enable them to reach out to respective users and understand the context of the deviations.
o    View the names of all owners for agreements expiring in the next 30 days or are set to auto-renew in the next 30 days so that appropriate actions can be taken.

•    Filter data by Agreement Status: Legal managers can now filter the data in the Power BI dashboard by the Agreement Status – Executed, and display data only for agreements that match the filter criteria. This makes data analysis easier because only the data that meets the specified criteria is displayed while the others are hidden, thereby helping them make informed business decisions. However, for expiring and auto-renewing agreements, legal managers can filter the data in charts by both - Executed and Superseded states.
Even though the filter changes apply to all the 3 Power BI dashboard tabs - Business Summary, Legal Summary and Legal Details, it is restricted to the following charts: 
 Business Summary:
Tiles    Filter By
Total Agreement Value ($)    Executed
Average Agreement Value ($)    Executed
Average Turn-around Time (Days)    Executed
Agreement Summary    Filter By
Top Agreements by Value    Executed
Top Expiring Agreements    Executed and Superseded
Top Auto Renewing Agreements    Executed and Superseded
Count of Agreements and Agreement Value ($) by Organization Unit    Executed
Trend of Agreements by Value    Executed
Agreement Risk Profile    Filter By
Deviation's Trend ($)    Executed
Distribution of Payment Terms by OU    Executed
Expiring Agreements    Filter By
Month-wise Overview of Expiring Agreements    Executed and Superseded
Month-wise Overview of Agreements marked for Auto Renewal    Executed and Superseded
Note: Since we are applying the Executed and Superseded filter to all charts except Total Agreement Value Pending Execution ($), the common filter Agreement Status at the page level is removed from the Business Summary dashboard.
Legal Summary:
Tiles    Filter By
Total Agreement Value ($)    Executed
Agreement Value Expiring in 3 Months ($)    Executed and Superseded
Average Turn-around Time (Days)    Executed
Agreement Summary    Filter By
Trend of Agreement Value over last 12 months    Executed
Type of Paper    Executed
Expiring Agreements    Filter By
Expiring Agreements by Month    Executed and Superseded
Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal    Executed and Superseded
Agreement Value Expiring in next 12 Months by Org Unit    Executed & Superseded
Agreements Expiring in next 12 Months by Org Unit    Executed and Superseded
Cycle Time Report    Filter By
Cycle Time (in Days) by Contract Types    Executed
Trend of Cycle Time by Month    Executed

Legal Details:
Tiles    Filter By
Total Agreement Value ($)    Executed
Agreement Value Expiring in 3 Months ($)    Executed and Superseded
Average Turn-around Time (Days)    Executed
Expiring Agreements    Filter By
Expiring Agreements in 30 Days by their Org Unit    Executed and Superseded
Expiring Agreements in 30 Days by their Contract Type     Executed and Superseded
Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal in 30 Days by their Org Unit    Executed and Superseded
Agreements marked for Auto-Renewal in 30 Days by their Contract Type    Executed and Superseded
Cycle Time Report    Filter By
Average Cycle Time (in Days) of Agreements    Executed
Month-wise Average Cycle Time Trend     Executed
Average Cycle Time by Org Unit    Executed

7.    Integrations
467171 – Mapping between template variables for amendments and SFDC fields 
The ICM-Salesforce adapter already supports the use of variables defined at the template level to store data as part of the agreement and sync it with Salesforce, thus avoiding data duplication and redundancy in the process.
With this release, ICM has extended support to use template variables for storing data as part of amendments by allowing mapping of a list of ICM amendment template variables to Salesforce object attributes.
The following integrations are supported:
•    Forward Integration: Pre-populates the values in ICM template variables for amendments initiated through Salesforce
•    Forward Data Sync: Automatically synchronizes object (Opportunity/Accounts) attribute values updated in Salesforce with template variables in ICM
•    Reverse Data Sync: Automatically synchronizes template variable values updated in ICM with Salesforce object attributes

381768 – ICM-Workday adapter support for amendments and supplier contract termination   
Previously, the ICM-Workday integration supported only creation of Supplier contract agreements. 
With this release, the ICM-Workday adapter has been enhanced to support:
•    Termination of supplier contracts
•    Creation and updation of amendments for supplier contracts
These enhancements save time and avoid data duplication, as the updates made on the ICM side are reflected in Workday.

404676 – ICM-Workday Adapter support for mapping of multi-level array type attributes
Workday has many multi-level array type attributes; however, the previous ICM-Workday adapter supported mapping of only single level attributes with ICM. 
Now, the ICM-Workday adapter extends support to allow mapping of multi-level array type attributes from Workday to ICM and vice versa. 
Administrators can now:
•    Map multi-level array attributes from Workday to ICM, such as multi-line addresses (for example, address line 1, address line 2, zip code, city, etc.) for a specific address type (for example, business address, correspondence address, etc.), and spend categories (for example, printing, supplies and consumables, services, etc.), so that it synchronizes with ICM Supplier Masterdata.
•    Add or select multi-level attributes such as spend category, department, work tags and cost center data as part of supplier contract types and associated documents, so that when an agreement is created or updated in ICM, it automatically synchronizes with Workday.
Note: The multi-level array type attributes are supported only for supplier contracts.

8.    Technical Requirements for Release 7.10
The Icertis Contract Management base system can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection and a supported Internet browser. Not all features may be available on all environments. Specific customer environments may have other requirements. The software and hardware requirements for client system as well as mobile application are listed in the table below: