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<h1> Bulk Actions&#160; </h1><p>Users can&#160;perform bulk actions using the <i>Bulk Actions</i> tile on the <i>Dashboard</i> to create and update entities directly within ICM. When uploaded, these entities become part of the ICM workflow and can be managed within ICM itself.
= Bulk Actions&nbsp; =
</p><p>Feature highlights:&#160;
Users can&nbsp;perform bulk actions using the ''Bulk Actions'' tile on the ''Dashboard'' to create and update entities directly within ICM. When uploaded, these entities become part of the ICM workflow and can be managed within ICM itself.
<ul><li>Optimal use of APIs and parallel processing for improved performance, thus allowing multiple users to add multiple batches of files simultaneously&#160; </li>
<li>Eliminates the need of using a third party application such as Excel Add-in to upload entities in bulk </li>
Feature highlights:&nbsp;
<li>Ability to select Attributes from ICM user interface (which is not possible when using Excel Add-in) </li>
<li>Ability to select an already existing Template if its not selected already </li>
*Optimal use of APIs and parallel processing for improved performance, thus allowing multiple users to add multiple batches of files simultaneously&nbsp;  
<li>Access control by providing visibility to the tile only to users with&#160;<i>Manage&#160;</i>privileges </li>
*Eliminates the need of using a third party application such as Excel Add-in to upload entities in bulk  
<li>Ability to view error logs and records that succeeded or failed validation </li></ul>
*Ability to select Attributes from ICM user interface (which is not possible when using Excel Add-in)  
<p>The Bulk Action tile enables you to:
*Ability to select an already existing Template if its not selected already  
*Access control by providing visibility to the tile only to users with&nbsp;''Manage&nbsp;''privileges  
<ul><li>Update Existing Entities </li>
*Ability to view error logs and records that succeeded or failed validation  
<li>Add Batch </li>
<li>View the status of batches that are already added&#160; </li></ul>
The Bulk Action tile enables you to:
<p>To perform Bulk Actions:&#160;
</p><p>1. <b>Click&#160;</b><i>Bulk Actions&#160;</i>tile on the Dashboard. The&#160;<i>Bulk Action Management&#160;</i>page opens.&#160;
*Update Existing Entities  
</p><p><img src="/ICMHelpC7/images/4/4c/Bulk_Actions_Tile.png" _fck_mw_filename="Bulk Actions Tile.png" _fck_mw_origimgwidth="620" _fck_mw_origimgheight="83" alt="RTENOTITLE" title="RTENOTITLE" style="vertical-align:middle;" />
*Add Batch  
</p><p>2. <b>Click&#160;</b><i>Update Existing&#160;</i>on the&#160;<i>Bulk Action Management&#160;</i>page. The&#160;<i>Update&#160;</i>page opens and you can:&#160;
*View the status of batches that are already added&nbsp;  
<ul><li>Download the the existing status and error files of a batch or add a new batch </li>
To perform Bulk Actions:&nbsp;
<li>Update the existing Agreements by adding Amendments using the&#160;<i>Update Existing&#160;</i>tile </li>
<li>Make changes to the Agreement that is in&#160;<i>Executed&#160;</i>state (signed by both internal and external parties). To make changes to an executed Agreement you must add an Amendment to it </li>
1. '''Click&nbsp;'''''Bulk Actions&nbsp;''tile on the Dashboard. The&nbsp;''Bulk Action Management&nbsp;''page opens.&nbsp;
<li>You must have a Saved Search created before you can update any entity <div class="image-green-border"><img src="/ICMHelpC7/images/3/32/Update_Existing_Tile.PNG" _fck_mw_filename="Update Existing Tile.PNG" _fck_mw_origimgwidth="616" _fck_mw_origimgheight="287" alt="RTENOTITLE" title="RTENOTITLE" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></div>  </li></ul>
<p>To add Amendments&#160;
[[File:Bulk Actions Tile.png|RTENOTITLE]]
</p><p>3. <b>Click&#160;</b><i>Update Existing&#160;</i>on the&#160;<i>Bulk Action Management&#160;</i>page. The&#160;<i>Update&#160;</i>page opens.&#160;
</p><p>4. Perform the following actions on this page and&#160;<b>click&#160;</b><i>Next.</i>
2. '''Click&nbsp;'''''Update Existing&nbsp;''on the&nbsp;''Bulk Action Management&nbsp;''page. The&nbsp;''Update&nbsp;''page opens and you can:&nbsp;
<ul><li>Bulk Upload Action:&#160;<b>Select&#160;</b><i>Add Amendments&#160;</i>from this drop-down. This helps in adding an Amendment to an existing Agreement. You can add Amendments only to Agreements in&#160;<i>Executed&#160;</i>state. </li>
*Download the the existing status and error files of a batch or add a new batch  
<li>Saved Search:&#160;<b>Select&#160;</b>the Saved Search from this drop-down. This drop-down shows all the Saved Searches created by the logged on user and the global Saved Searches.For example,&#160;<b>select&#160;</b>the Saved Search as&#160;<i>Bulk Action Feature</i> </li>
*Update the existing Agreements by adding Amendments using the&nbsp;''Update Existing&nbsp;''tile  
<li>Contract Type Name:&#160;<b>Select&#160;</b>the Contract Type name from this drop-down. For example,&#160;<b>select </b><i>ICMAutomationBasicAgreement. </i>The user can view the only those Contract Types that are associated with the Saved Search and to which the user has access. </li></ul>
*Make changes to the Agreement that is in&nbsp;''Executed&nbsp;''state (signed by both internal and external parties). To make changes to an executed Agreement you must add an Amendment to it  
<div class="image-green-border"><img src="/ICMHelpC7/images/9/97/Update_Existing_Details.PNG" _fck_mw_filename="Update Existing Details.PNG" _fck_mw_origimgwidth="603" _fck_mw_origimgheight="390" alt="RTENOTITLE" title="RTENOTITLE" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></div>  
*You must have a Saved Search created before you can update any entity <div class="image-green-border">[[File:Update Existing Tile.PNG|RTENOTITLE]]</div>   
<p>5. <b>Select&#160;</b>the Attributes from the <i>Available Attribute</i> list and move to the <i>Selected Attribute</i> column to be displayed in the workbook you generate. For example, Effective Date, Expiry Date, and so on.
</p><p>6. <b>Click </b><i>Generate Workbook.&#160;</i>This generates the workbook with the Attributes selected.&#160;
To add Amendments&nbsp;
</p><p>7. <b>Open </b>the Excel workbook that is downloaded and saved to your local drive. This workbook contains information about the selected Attributes and Contract Type. The file name of this workbook is same as the Contract Type that you selected.&#160;
3. '''Click&nbsp;'''''Update Existing&nbsp;''on the&nbsp;''Bulk Action Management&nbsp;''page. The&nbsp;''Update&nbsp;''page opens.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border"><img src="/ICMHelpC7/images/a/a3/View_Batch.png" _fck_mw_filename="View Batch.png" _fck_mw_origimgwidth="655" _fck_mw_origimgheight="232" alt="RTENOTITLE" title="RTENOTITLE" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></div>  
<p>8. <b>Click </b>the <i>Enable Editing</i> button on the Excel workbook to make changes as required. For example, changing the Expiry Date for Agreements.
4. Perform the following actions on this page and&nbsp;'''click&nbsp;'''''Next.''
</p><p>9. <b>Click&#160;</b><i>Save&#160;</i>to save your edits.&#160;
</p><p>10. '<i>Click <b>the</b></i><b>Add Batch <img src="/ICMHelpC7/images/9/99/Add_Batch_icon.png" _fck_mw_filename="Add Batch icon.png" _fck_mw_origimgwidth="34" _fck_mw_origimgheight="34" alt="RTENOTITLE" title="RTENOTITLE" style="vertical-align:middle;" /><i>&#160;icon on the </i>Bulk Action Management <i>page. This opens the </i>Add Batch<i>window and you can upload the edited Excel workbook to ICM. 11.</i></b><i>Enter <b>the Batch Name. For example,</b></i><b>AutomationAgreementsDec2018.</b>
*Bulk Upload Action:&nbsp;'''Select&nbsp;'''''Add Amendments&nbsp;''from this drop-down. This helps in adding an Amendment to an existing Agreement. You can add Amendments only to Agreements in&nbsp;''Executed&nbsp;''state.  
</p><p><i><b>12.</b></i><i>C'</i><b>lick </b>the <i>Choose File </i>button next to the <i>Data File</i> field to select and upload the workbook file to ICM.
*Saved Search:&nbsp;'''Select&nbsp;'''the Saved Search from this drop-down. This drop-down shows all the Saved Searches created by the logged on user and the global Saved Searches.For example,&nbsp;'''select&nbsp;'''the Saved Search as&nbsp;''Bulk Action Feature''
</p><p>13. <b>Click </b>the <i>Choose File </i>button next to the <i>Attached Zip File</i> field to select and upload all the records for the batch to ICM. The maximum size of the zip file supported is 100 MB.&#160;
*Contract Type Name:&nbsp;'''Select&nbsp;'''the Contract Type name from this drop-down. For example,&nbsp;'''select '''''ICMAutomationBasicAgreement. ''The user can view the only those Contract Types that are associated with the Saved Search and to which the user has access.  
</p><p>14. <b>Click </b>the <i>Add</i> button. The Excel workbook is uploaded to ICM with a status of <i>Added to Queue.&#160;</i>This batch is added to the queue for automatic validation.
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:Update Existing Details.PNG|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
</p><p>15. When ICM starts processing the batch, the status of the batch changes to <i>In Progress.</i> ICM validates the accuracy of the records in the batch while processing and the records are processed.
5. '''Select&nbsp;'''the Attributes from the ''Available Attribute'' list and move to the ''Selected Attribute'' column to be displayed in the workbook you generate. For example, Effective Date, Expiry Date, and so on.
</p><p>16. While processing the batch, every record is validated for:&#160;
6. '''Click '''''Generate Workbook.&nbsp;''This generates the workbook with the Attributes selected.&nbsp;
<ul><li>Correct data type for all Attributes being uploaded </li>
<li>Selected Template if any is correctly added </li>
7. '''Open '''the Excel workbook that is downloaded and saved to your local drive. This workbook contains information about the selected Attributes and Contract Type. The file name of this workbook is same as the Contract Type that you selected.&nbsp;
<li>Files specified in the workbook are available in the uploaded zip file </li>
<div class="image-green-border">[[File:View Batch.png|RTENOTITLE]]</div>  
<li>Agreements of the selected Contract Types are in&#160;<i>Executed&#160;</i>state </li></ul>
8. '''Click '''the ''Enable Editing'' button on the Excel workbook to make changes as required. For example, changing the Expiry Date for Agreements.
<p>17.&#160; <b>Click&#160;</b>the <img src="/ICMHelpC7/images/0/09/Bulk_Action_Refresh_icon.png" _fck_mw_filename="Bulk Action Refresh icon.png" _fck_mw_origimgwidth="33" _fck_mw_origimgheight="38" alt="RTENOTITLE" title="RTENOTITLE" style="vertical-align:middle;" />on the&#160;<i>Bulk Action Management&#160;</i>page to refresh this page and view the status of the batch you uploaded.&#160;
</p><p>18. When the batch is successfully uploaded, the status changes to&#160;<i>Completed.&#160;</i>
9. '''Click&nbsp;'''''Save&nbsp;''to save your edits.&nbsp;
<div class="image-green-border"><i><img src="/ICMHelpC7/images/1/1a/Batch_Upload_Success.PNG" _fck_mw_filename="Batch Upload Success.PNG" _fck_mw_origimgwidth="606" _fck_mw_origimgheight="168" alt="RTENOTITLE" title="RTENOTITLE" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></i></div>  
10. '''Click '''the'''''<b>Add Batch [[File:Add Batch icon.png|RTENOTITLE]]''&nbsp;icon on the ''Bulk Action Management ''page. This opens the ''Add Batch''window and you can upload the edited Excel workbook to ICM. 11.''</b>''Enter '''the Batch Name. For example,'''''<b>AutomationAgreementsDec2018.</b>
<p>Additional information about columns:&#160;
'''''12.'''''<i>C'</i>'''lick '''the ''Choose File ''button next to the ''Data File'' field to select and upload the workbook file to ICM.
<ul><li>Status: Shows the following statuses of the batches that are processed.&#160;  
<ul><li><i>Added to Queue:&#160;</i>indicates that user added a new batch for processing </li>
13. '''Click '''the ''Choose File ''button next to the ''Attached Zip File'' field to select and upload all the records for the batch to ICM. The maximum size of the zip file supported is 100 MB.&nbsp;
<li><i>Completed:&#160;</i>indicates that processing of the batch is complete  </li></ul></li>
<li>Success: shows the number of records that passed the validation process&#160; </li>
14. '''Click '''the ''Add'' button. The Excel workbook is uploaded to ICM with a status of ''Added to Queue.&nbsp;''This batch is added to the queue for automatic validation.
<li>Failure: shows the number of records that failed the validation process&#160; </li>
<li>Start Time: shows the date and time when batch processing started&#160; </li>
15. When ICM starts processing the batch, the status of the batch changes to ''In Progress.'' ICM validates the accuracy of the records in the batch while processing and the records are processed.
<li>End Time: shows the date and time when batch processing ended&#160; </li>
<li>Created By: shows the name of the user who created the batch </li></ul>
16. While processing the batch, every record is validated for:&nbsp;
<div class="note-box"><b>Note</b>: Users can view only the batches that are created by themselves. However administrator can view the batches created by all users.&#160;</div>  
<h2> Viewing the error&#160;and status files&#160; </h2>
*Correct data type for all Attributes being uploaded  
<p>After the batch is processed, a&#160;<i>Download Status Files&#160;</i>icon appears under&#160;<i>Actions&#160;</i>column.&#160;
*Selected Template if any is correctly added  
</p><p>1. <b>Click&#160;</b>the icon. The&#160;<i>Download Status Files&#160;</i>window opens.&#160; 2. <b>Click&#160;</b>the&#160;<i>Status File&#160;</i>to download the status file of the batch.&#160; 3. <b>Click&#160;</b><i>Error File&#160;</i>to download the error file that displays errors if any while creating the batch.&#160;
*Files specified in the workbook are available in the uploaded zip file  
*Agreements of the selected Contract Types are in&nbsp;''Executed&nbsp;''state  
17.&nbsp; '''Click&nbsp;'''the [[File:Bulk Action Refresh icon.png|RTENOTITLE]]on the&nbsp;''Bulk Action Management&nbsp;''page to refresh this page and view the status of the batch you uploaded.&nbsp;
18. When the batch is successfully uploaded, the status changes to&nbsp;''Completed.&nbsp;''
<div class="image-green-border">''[[File:Batch Upload Success.PNG|RTENOTITLE]]''</div>  
Additional information about columns:&nbsp;
*Status: Shows the following statuses of the batches that are processed.&nbsp;  
**''Added to Queue:&nbsp;''indicates that user added a new batch for processing  
**''Completed:&nbsp;''indicates that processing of the batch is complete   
*Success: shows the number of records that passed the validation process&nbsp;  
*Failure: shows the number of records that failed the validation process&nbsp;  
*Start Time: shows the date and time when batch processing started&nbsp;  
*End Time: shows the date and time when batch processing ended&nbsp;  
*Created By: shows the name of the user who created the batch  
<div class="note-box">'''Note''': Users can view only the batches that are created by themselves. However administrator can view the batches created by all users.&nbsp;</div>  
== Viewing the error&nbsp;and status files&nbsp; ==
After the batch is processed, a&nbsp;''Download Status Files&nbsp;''icon appears under&nbsp;''Actions&nbsp;''column.&nbsp;
1. '''Click&nbsp;'''the icon. The&nbsp;''Download Status Files&nbsp;''window opens.&nbsp; 2. '''Click&nbsp;'''the&nbsp;''Status File&nbsp;''to download the status file of the batch.&nbsp; 3. '''Click&nbsp;'''''Error File&nbsp;''to download the error file that displays errors if any while creating the batch.&nbsp;

Revision as of 12:33, 25 December 2018

Bulk Actions 

Users can perform bulk actions using the Bulk Actions tile on the Dashboard to create and update entities directly within ICM. When uploaded, these entities become part of the ICM workflow and can be managed within ICM itself.

Feature highlights: 

  • Optimal use of APIs and parallel processing for improved performance, thus allowing multiple users to add multiple batches of files simultaneously 
  • Eliminates the need of using a third party application such as Excel Add-in to upload entities in bulk
  • Ability to select Attributes from ICM user interface (which is not possible when using Excel Add-in)
  • Ability to select an already existing Template if its not selected already
  • Access control by providing visibility to the tile only to users with Manage privileges
  • Ability to view error logs and records that succeeded or failed validation

The Bulk Action tile enables you to:

  • Update Existing Entities
  • Add Batch
  • View the status of batches that are already added 

To perform Bulk Actions: 

1. Click Bulk Actions tile on the Dashboard. The Bulk Action Management page opens. 


2. Click Update Existing on the Bulk Action Management page. The Update page opens and you can: 

  • Download the the existing status and error files of a batch or add a new batch
  • Update the existing Agreements by adding Amendments using the Update Existing tile
  • Make changes to the Agreement that is in Executed state (signed by both internal and external parties). To make changes to an executed Agreement you must add an Amendment to it
  • You must have a Saved Search created before you can update any entity

To add Amendments 

3. Click Update Existing on the Bulk Action Management page. The Update page opens. 

4. Perform the following actions on this page and click Next.

  • Bulk Upload Action: Select Add Amendments from this drop-down. This helps in adding an Amendment to an existing Agreement. You can add Amendments only to Agreements in Executed state.
  • Saved Search: Select the Saved Search from this drop-down. This drop-down shows all the Saved Searches created by the logged on user and the global Saved Searches.For example, select the Saved Search as Bulk Action Feature
  • Contract Type Name: Select the Contract Type name from this drop-down. For example, select ICMAutomationBasicAgreement. The user can view the only those Contract Types that are associated with the Saved Search and to which the user has access.

5. Select the Attributes from the Available Attribute list and move to the Selected Attribute column to be displayed in the workbook you generate. For example, Effective Date, Expiry Date, and so on.

6. Click Generate Workbook. This generates the workbook with the Attributes selected. 

7. Open the Excel workbook that is downloaded and saved to your local drive. This workbook contains information about the selected Attributes and Contract Type. The file name of this workbook is same as the Contract Type that you selected. 


8. Click the Enable Editing button on the Excel workbook to make changes as required. For example, changing the Expiry Date for Agreements.

9. Click Save to save your edits. 

10. 'Click theAdd Batch RTENOTITLE icon on the Bulk Action Management page. This opens the Add Batchwindow and you can upload the edited Excel workbook to ICM. 11.Enter the Batch Name. For example,AutomationAgreementsDec2018.

12.C'lick the Choose File button next to the Data File field to select and upload the workbook file to ICM.

13. Click the Choose File button next to the Attached Zip File field to select and upload all the records for the batch to ICM. The maximum size of the zip file supported is 100 MB. 

14. Click the Add button. The Excel workbook is uploaded to ICM with a status of Added to Queue. This batch is added to the queue for automatic validation.

15. When ICM starts processing the batch, the status of the batch changes to In Progress. ICM validates the accuracy of the records in the batch while processing and the records are processed.

16. While processing the batch, every record is validated for: 

  • Correct data type for all Attributes being uploaded
  • Selected Template if any is correctly added
  • Files specified in the workbook are available in the uploaded zip file
  • Agreements of the selected Contract Types are in Executed state

17.  Click the RTENOTITLEon the Bulk Action Management page to refresh this page and view the status of the batch you uploaded. 

18. When the batch is successfully uploaded, the status changes to Completed. 


Additional information about columns: 

  • Status: Shows the following statuses of the batches that are processed. 
    • Added to Queue: indicates that user added a new batch for processing
    • Completed: indicates that processing of the batch is complete
  • Success: shows the number of records that passed the validation process 
  • Failure: shows the number of records that failed the validation process 
  • Start Time: shows the date and time when batch processing started 
  • End Time: shows the date and time when batch processing ended 
  • Created By: shows the name of the user who created the batch
Note: Users can view only the batches that are created by themselves. However administrator can view the batches created by all users. 

Viewing the error and status files 

After the batch is processed, a Download Status Files icon appears under Actions column. 

1. Click the icon. The Download Status Files window opens.  2. Click the Status File to download the status file of the batch.  3. Click Error File to download the error file that displays errors if any while creating the batch.