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Outlook Add-in

With this release, a new .JS version of the ICM Outlook Plugin has been introduced. The overall turnaround time for the author is reduced as he no longer needs to download the documents to the local machine, then switch applications and log in to ICM, search the Agreement and then upload the documents.
The provisioned user can now:

  • Upload the next version of the Agreement document received over an Email to the Agreement
  • Upload the next version of the Associated document (supporting Attachments) received over an Email to the Agreement
  • Create a new Association instance and then upload the Associated Document received over an Email to the Agreement

The configuration of the Outlook Add-in is driven by the Masterdata, whereas the list of Agreements and their details are configured by the Saved Searches. You can configure multiple saved searches. This is available for MS Outlook online as well as the Desktop client for version … & above.  

Uploading the next version of an Agreement received over MS Outlook Email

To add the Associated Documents to an Agreement:
1. Open the Email with the next version of the Agreement.
2. Open the ICM Outlook Add-in.
3. On the Details tab, click Select ICM Agreement / Association to look for the Agreement that you want to upload agreement or association. 

4. Click Select Email Attachment that you want to upload from the drop-down.
5. Click Upload

The File(s) uploaded successfully message is displayed. If the Agreement fails to be attached, then a message will be displayed indicating that you can retry sending the attachment.

In the ICM application, you can Preview the Agreement. 


Adding the next version of the Association

To add the next version to the Association:
1. Open the Email with the Associated Documents.
2. Open the ICM Outlook Add-in.

3. On the Details tab,click Select ICM Agreement / Association to add the next version of the Association.
4. Select the document that you need to attach from the list. For example, Payment Details. 

5. Click the View Record icon to view the attachment details. 
6. Click Preview icon to view the attachment.  

Creating a new instance of an Association

To add Attachments to Associations:
1. On the Details tab,click Select ICM Agreement / Association to add an Association. For example, adding an Association to the Payment Details association.
2. Enter a name for the new instance of the Association.
3. Click the Add Association button.
4. Click the Select Email Attachment field to select the document that you want to attach to the newly created instance.
5.Click Upload. The document is now attached to the newly created instance. The File(s) uploaded successfully message is displayed.

Note: The Association is only created with the name. The remaining mandatory fields need to be entered in the ICM application. 

6. The document is now available on the Associations tab in the ICM application as the next version.



Related Topics: ICM Word Add-in | ICM Excel Add-in | Template Management |