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Searching a Currency

In ICM, you can use various options given below, including the dynamic search feature, to find the desired currency.

There are two ways of searching currencies.

Option 1

  1. Click the Currencies tile on the User Administration page. The Currencies page appears with existing number of currencies.


  1. Search for a particular currency using one of the following options:
    • Click the Select Field list under Search For and select appropriate item. Search results relevant to the item are displayed with a number in bracket. The number denotes the number of currencies that meet the search criteria.
    Click the box to select specific item. A list of currencies relevant to the item is displayed.
    1. Type relevant keyword in the Custom Keyword box to narrow your search further, and click Apply.

    Option 2

    Type the keywords in the box provided above the list of currencies. A list of relevant currencies is displayed. Narrow your search results as follows:

    Search Term Result
    "..." Type the search term in double quotation marks.
    It shows existing currencies that include the exact search term.
    *...* Type the search term in star characters.
    It shows existing currencies that include the exact search term.
    *... Prefix * to the search term.
    It shows existing currencies that end with this term. For example, *INR
    ...* Suffix * to the search term.
    It shows existing currencies that start with this term.


    Viewing the saved search terms

    View your saved search terms with the following:

    • In the More Searches box, select your saved search, and click RTENOTITLE to mark the search term as favorite.
    • You can find your marked favorites below the tiles.

    Creating a Currency

    ICM allows you to create currencies that you can use while creating Contract Types.

    To create a Currency:

    1. Click the Currencies tile on the User Administration page. The Currencies page opens.
    2. Click the Create Currency tile. The Create Currency page opens and consists of following tabs:
      • Details
      • Verify

    3. Click Next to go to next tab. The Verify section opens.
    4. Verify the details and click Save to create a currency.RTENOTITLE

    Editing Currency

    ICM allows you to edit currencies for your Contract Types.

    To edit a currency:

    1. Click the Currencies tile on the User Administration page. The Currencies page opens.RTENOTITLE

    Click RTENOTITLE next to the relevant currency. The Currency Details page opens.

    1. Click Edit on the Details page. The Edit page opens.
    2. Update appropriate information, and click Next to open the Verify page.
    3. Verify the details you have updated, and then click Update to save the modifications.



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