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Cascade Team 

ICM has now introduced the capability to copy the role-based team members while creating associations so that the user have the privileges for associated documents as they do for the parent entities. This is achieved by configuring Contract Types.

Configuring Contract Type to copy Role from Agreement to its Associations

To configure Contract Type: 

1. Click the Configuration tile. The Configuration menu opens.


2.Click Cascade Team. The Cascade Team page opens.

Add configuration button.png

3. Click Add Configuration. The Add Role Mapping window opens.


4. Select the parent Contract Type in the From Contract Type drop-down list for which you want to copy the role. For example, Saas Agreement.

5. Select the Associated Contract Type in the To Contract Type drop-down list in which the role is copied. For example, Annexure1.

6. Select the role in the From Role(s) field to be copied to the Association. For example, Secondary Owner and Business Owner.

7. Select the role from the Association in the To Role drop-down list. For example, Contributor.

Note: The following roles cannot be mapped to Target Role (To Role): Exclusion Reviewers, External Signatory, and Internal Signatory.

8. Select the event for the role mapping in the On Event drop-down list. For example, Associated Document Created.

9. Click Save. The Role Mapping is added to the Contract Type.


Role Mapping when creating Association in Agreement

1. Click the Agreement Management tile on the Dashboard. The Agreement Management menu opens.

2. Click the Create Agreement menu. The Create Agreement page opens.

3. Select the Contract Type Name. For example, Saas Agreement.

4. Select Own in the Type Of Paper drop-down. 

5. Click Next. The Attributes page opens.

6. Enter the details in the remaining fields to take the agreement to the Draft state.

7. Click the Create Association icon of Annexure1. The Create Association page opens.

Create association.png

8. Enter the details in the Create Association page to take the association to the Draft state.

Note: Ensure that the agreement Team has Roles such as Secondary Owner and Business Owner as set in the Role Mapping configuration to make the mapping successful.

9. Click Team tab. 

As configured, Secondary Owner and Business Owner Roles of Agreement are mapped to the Association – Annexure1 as Contributor



Ability to cascade team from contract request, agreement, amendment to its association

Previously, ICM provided support to copy team role from contract request, agreement and its amendment to its parent child association. With this release, the support is being extended to copy all team roles from contract request, agreement or amendment to its peer associations.

Contract admins can now:

  • Provide the capability to copy the entire or selective team of the entity (contract request, agreement or amendment) to its peer association.
  • Copy all or selective team of the entity to its peer association on a parent or peer entity event.

Users can now:

  • Sync/update the team of association when any team is added or removed from a contract request, agreement or amendment entity.
  • Capture audit logs while copying the team from the contract request, agreement or amendment entity to its peer association.

Cascade the entire team with roles of source contract type

You can copy the entire team with same roles from contract type to its association.

  1. Click Configuration > Cascade Team > Create Cascade on the Dashboard. The Create Cascade page opens.


  1. Select source Contract Type to copy the team from. For example, Master Service Agreement. All the associations for the selected contract type will be populated in the Target Association field.
  2. Select Target Association to add the copied team to. For example, Statement of Work. 

The Entity Relationship will be displayed according to the selected entities.

  1. Select entity type in the Event On from options:
  • Contract Type 
  • Target Association 

For example, select Contract Type. The applicable events will be populated in the Event field according to the selected entity.

  1. Select the Event. For example, Agreement Published.
  2. Select Cascade Criteria in Actions field from:
  • Cascade Entire Team: copies entire team of contract type to its association
  • Cascade Selective Team: copies selective team roles of contract type to its association

For example, select Cascade Entire Team. The Select Cascade Criteria Options field is displayed.

  1. Select Cascade Criteria Options from:
  • Keep Existing Roles: copies team roles of contract type to its association as they are
  • New Common Roles: copies team roles of contract type to its association with the same selected role
  • Different Team Roles: copies team roles of contract type to its association with the different selected role for each source role.

For example, select Keep Existing Roles. 


  1. Click Save. The Cascade Team page opens. The Cascade Team configuration will be displayed after selecting the contract type.


  1. Click View. The Cascade Team Summary page opens. The entire team from the selected contract type (Master Service Agreement) will be copied to the selected association (Statement Of Work) with the team roles as source contract type.
