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ICM Business Applications

ICM Business Applications, built on the Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform, help customers address specific business requirements and get even more out of their investment in the ICM platform.

ICM Sourcing Application

The ICM Sourcing application places contracts at the center of the sourcing process to ensure compliance, minimize risk, and create long term strategic agility. Get full visibility into supplier’s risk profile and ensure compliance throughout the procurement process. Leverage AI/ML based contract terms and clause recommendations to better negotiate RFx events and surface opportunities for savings. Perform side-by-side analysis of bids or proposals, and score them with both qualitative and quantitative criteria. Get a complete view of your relationship with suppliers including current and past contracts, historical performance and complete risk profile for a unified view for sourcing events.


ICM Obligation Management Application


Extend Contract Type definition to be able to describe the Application Type

ICM offers the ability to determine the Application Type (ContractingSourcingProposalObligation Management, and Supplier Lifecycle Management) when creating a Contract Type. The access privileges for Business Applications such as Sourcing, are driven through Security Groups.


Related Topics: ICM Sourcing App | ICM Mobile App