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ICM provides role based dashboards for various reports. You can analyse the progress of your Agreements, Clauses, and Templates using reports.
A report facilitates insights into cycle times, deviations, risks, and contract statistics (expiry, renewal, pending, etc.).
In this section, let us understand ICM Reports in detail.

There are 2 types of reports:

Dashboard Report Types.PNG

You can do the following:

  • Export the report into Excel, CSV or PDF formats.
  • Schedule an email to be triggered when it is generated.

Categories of Reports

Although these reports are default, you can only view the reports that you are authorized to. Default reports are categorized as:

  1. Legal & Compliance –
  2. Admin –
  3. Workflow – indicates if the report is generic or related to a specific module, such as Admin/Agreement, etc.

Generate a Report