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Reports Overview

ICM provides a number of out-of-the-box reports that have been strategically articulated to cater specific business needs. They provide an insight to different entities, states and progress of your Agreements, Clauses and Templates so that you can take necessary actions. They enable you make informed decisions by analyzing processes, cycle times, deviations, risks (expiry, renewal, actions pending, and so on.) and SLA’s at each level of an Agreement. Using the correct filters to generate vital reports provides clarity, allows you to correlate functionalities, and improve response time. Such information is valuable to the organization and has a positive impact on your business. It helps you identify future direction, improve performance, mitigate risk and increase revenue.

In ICM, Reports have been grouped based on their usage into Admin, Legal and Compliance, and Workflow for ease-of-use. You can view only those reports that you are authorized to. You can either view all reports together or you have the option to filter the reports based on the grouping, using the drop-down or the tabs. You can access individual reports by clicking them and providing filters for each of them based on your specific requirement.

Note: The grouping name is displayed in full to the user and localized to the respective language preference.

You also have the option to export the Reports to Excel, CSV or PDF formats. ICM also allows you to configure your system to trigger an email to your inbox when you generate a Report.

Here is the list and a brief description of Reports in ICM. 

  • Clause Deviations Report: An Agreement specific Report that provides a text comparison of the standard and the deviated Clause by highlighting the deviation.
  • Association Report: An Agreement specific Report that provides details of all the related entities of an Agreement. It enables you to assess their accuracy and apply compliance checks to correct outliers.
  • Attributes Value Report: An Agreement specific Report that captures the values of the attributes and all the edits that have been made to this over the lifecycle of the Contract to date.
  • Expiring Agreements: Displays a list of executed Agreements that will expire in the next 30,60 or 90 days. 
  • Agreement Deviation: Provides details related to Agreements that have registered deviations from the standard Clause language definitions in the library.
  • Agreement Clause Content Report: Provides the Clause content (Clauses used in the Agreement Templates) for selection of a single or multiple Contract Type.
  • Attribute Information Report: Provides details of the attribute properties or metadata across its usage in different Contract Types.
  • Expired Agreements Report: Displays all the contracts that expired in the last 30, 60 or 90 days and allows users to view or analyze the impact of the Agreements that have expired recently.
  • Average Agreement Turn Around Time: Provides information on the average number of days required for executing an Agreement or Amendment, from the date of its creation till the date of its execution.
  • Clause Profiling Report: Helps in the mapping of Clauses to the corresponding Templates, with respect to the selected Contract Types, thereby allowing the user to view the impact of a particular clause on all the templates that have the Clause added in the system.
  • Template Clause Report: Helps in the mapping of Clauses to the corresponding Templates, with respect to the selected Contract Types, thereby allowing the user to view the impact when a particular Clause or Template is changed in the system.
  • Agreement Cycle Time Report: A drill down Report that shows the cycles for an agreement and the change of states from the date of creation to the date of execution as well as the elapsed time, thereby enabling the user to detect the deficiencies in the processes and turnaround time for tasks.
  • User Profiling Report: Enables you to find details associated to an individual user such as the role, groups and the associated entities, thereby enabling the user to interpret the impact of the user on different entities in the system.
  • User Login Report: Provides information of all user logins for a selected date range and an insight on the adoption of the tool by providing details for the user as well as which function, unit and region is using the tool.
  • Signature Type Report: Yields information on the percentage of Contracts that have been executed manually compared to electronically, along with the Contract Type.
  • Clauses pending Approval: Provides information on the number of Clauses that are pending approval for an Agreement or Amendment along with the duration and the version.
  • Agreements pending Execution: Yields data on the number of Agreements or Amendments that await internal signature and/or external signature, along with the duration and status changed date.
  • Templates pending Approval: Provides details related to Templates pending approvals, along with the duration and version.
  • Agreements pending Approval: Yields information on the number of Agreements or Amendments that are in the Waiting for Approval state.
  • Pending Requests for Contract Initiation: Provides a consolidated list of Requests for which the contract initiation has not begun thus allowing the user to view all the actions that need to be taken and reduce chances of missing pending Requests to create Contracts.


Types of Reports

In this section, let us understand ICM Reports in detail.

Reports are mainly divided into 2 groups:

  1. Default Reports: ICM provides 20 out-of-the-box Reports that have been strategically designed to cater to specific business needs. Although these Reports are default, the user will only be able to view the Reports that they are authorized to. Based on their usage, these Reports are displayed on the Agreement Details page or the Report tile.
Note: Even if the users are authorized to view/access a specific report, the privileges of the Reports further follow the authorization that the user has in ICM. If the user does not have the privileges to view a particular set of Agreements in ICM, for example, they would not see those in the Report even though they have the view privileges for Reports.
  1. Custom Reports: These reports are customized for a customer based on their requirement.
Dashboard Report Types.PNG


Categories of Reports

Reports that are available on different tabs of the Reports tile are further categorized into three groups: 

  1. Legal & Compliance
  2. Admin
  3. Workflow

Reports that are Agreement specific are available on the Agreement Details page. 

Note: Although these reports are default, you can only view the reports that you are authorized to. 



Related Topics: Agreement Details Page Reports | Legal & Compliance Reports | Admin Reports | Workflow Reports