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Approve Deviated Clauses

A user role defines controls or permissions given to a user. ICI has the following predefined user roles for the Agreements feature:

  • Contract Admin
  • Primary owner
  • Approver
  • Reviewer
  • Deviation approver

You (primary owner) send the reviewed agreement/contract to Deviation Approver. As a Deviation Approver, you can approve or reject individual clauses inside the agreement if a Deviation Approver role is assigned to you.

To approve/reject deviated clauses:

1. Click the agreement/contract link that you have received in the email notification. The system navigates you to the Deviations tab of agreement details page.


2. Click RTENOTITLE to view comments provided by other users in the team or other stakeholders.

3. Click RTENOTITLE. The Deviation Details dialog box displays the comments provided by other users. You can add your own comments too.

4. After your review, click one of the following buttons:

  • Approve - click to approve the clause. When clicked Deviation Details window pops up, it will display the details of specific clause, and you can also put in the required comments as well in the Comment box.
  • Reject - click to reject the clause.

The History tab displays all the events and actions related to the Clause deviations and the approval flow.