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Manual Signature

An external signatory can download the attachment received by email, review it and sign it manually . You may want to read Sending an Agreement for Third Party Signature before you begin the following task.

To manually sign an agreement:

1. Open the email received from ICI and click Download to download the attachment.


2. Sign the hard copy of the agreement and then scan the copy.

3. Click Upload Signed Copy on the Agreement Details Page. This opens the Upload Document window.


4. Click Select File and upload the signed copy of the agreement. The status of the agreement changes to Waiting For Internal Signature.

5. Once the Agreement is signed by the external signatory, an e-mail is sent to the Internal signatory for signature.
Note: The internal signatory can follow steps 1 to 4 for manual signature.

While creating Contract Type if'''Internal Signatory date and External Signatory dateattributes were selected, then any signatory either the External or the Internal, will also get Select Datefield to select the correct signing date, while uploading the document. Once the internal signatory uploads the signed copy of the agreement, the status of the agreement changes to Executed.
A notification e-mail is sent to the primary owner, internal signatory, and external signatory.

Execute an agreement without uploading signed document 

Previously in ICI, users could not move agreements and amendments from Waiting For Signature to Executed state, without uploading the supporting document, in case of manually signed agreements. Users can now skip uploading the document, to move agreements from Waiting For External Signature or Waiting For Internal Signature to the Executed - (Pending Signed Document) state.

Users can then search or create a saved search for such agreements and upload the required documents later using the Upload Fully Signed Copy action.

Notifications can be configured to inform users about skipped document uploads, so that users can cover for delays occurring due to the scan and upload process, while executing a large volume of documents. 
This functionality is available for agreements, amendments and orphan amendments.

To skip uploading a signed document: 

1. Click Agreement Management > Agreements on the Home page. The Agreement Index page opens.

2. Click the View Record icon corresponding to the Agreement you want to open which is in the Waiting For External/Internal Signature from user state. For example, Basic Agreement. The Agreement Details page opens.

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3. Click Skip Upload And Execute. The confirmation message window opens.

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4. Click Yes. The agreement will move to the Executed (Pending Signed Document) status.

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The Upload Fully Signed Copy action button becomes available. All other actions, applicable post execution, will not be available till the signed copy is uploaded in the system. All other actions, applicable post execution, will not be available till the signed copy is uploaded in the system.

Users can search the agreements that are executed without uploading the signed document later, from the Categories facet search using the seeded attribute Is Executed Without Signed Copy as true.

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All available agreements in Executed (Pending Signed Document) will be filtered and displayed in grid.

5. Click Upload Fully Signed Copy. The Upload Document window opens.

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6. Click Select File. The window to browse and select the file opens.

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7. Select a file and click Open. For example, ICI Basic Agreement. The file is selected for upload.

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8. Click Upload File.

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The agreement status changes to Executed and a new version of the agreement is created with the uploaded file. 

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All actions applicable to the executed state, such as Add Amendment, Initiate Termination, and so on, will become available and the Upload Fully Signed Copy action button is not displayed anymore.


  • The Skip Upload And Execute and Upload Fully Signed Copy actions are available for Primary Owner, Secondary Owner, Contract Admin and Business Owner. The access can be controlled through role-action mapping.
  • In case of Hybrid signature process, the Skip Upload And Execute button will be available only for the last signatories with manual signature.




Related Topics: Electronic_Signature_for_Own_PaperSending an Agreement for Third Party Signature | Sending an Agreement for Parallel Signature