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Review Deviated Clauses

The Third Party or Supplier makes modifications to contract and sends it to the Primary Owner of the Agreement.  The Primary Owner reviews any deviated clauses and sends it for deviation approval to the Deviation Approver.

To review deviated clauses:

  1. Upload the agreement/contract in ICI.
  2. Click RTENOTITLE located on the upper right corner of the Agreement Details page. ICI identifies the changes made by the third party/supplier and displays them
    in the Clause Comparison Report. The modified clauses are flagged as Deviated Clauses.

The Clause Comparison Report displays the following:

  • The Previous Text column displays the original clause text.
  • The Current Text column displays the modified text. Scroll down to see the complete list of changes done for different clauses.
  • The newly added text is highlighted in green.
  • Strike through represents the text that is removed.
  • The History tab displays the deviation information.
  1. On the Deviations tab, click RTENOTITLE to view the deviation details of a clause.

On the Deviation Details dialog box, you can take the following actions:

  • View the changes done in the Comments box.
  • Review the changes done for clauses, and add a comment for each clause.
    These comments will be visible to Deviation Approvers which will help them decide whether they should approve or reject a clause.
  1. Add Deviation Approvers to the Team.
Note: If the Deviation Approval Rule is defined, deviation approvers are automatically added in the Team tab.


Related Topics:  Add Manual Deviation