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Reviewing an Agreement


The default workflow of an agreement allows for reviews by both internal users as well as the external party, before being signed and executed. These are refereed to as internal reviews and external reviews in ICI.

Certain roles and controls are predefined in ICI for dealing with Agreements:

  • Contract Admin
  • Primary Owner
  • Approver
  • Reviewer
  • Deviation Approver

The team member assigned the role of a reviewer can review that agreement as an Internal Reviewer. Once the agreement is sent for the review using Request Review, you can cancel this request.

This is the process to review an Agreement as an internal reviewer:

1. Click the Tasks tile on My Dashboard page. This opens the User Task Dashboard Page and displays a list of tasks assigned to the user that is currently logged in.


2. Click the link with the agreement name. This opens the Agreement Details Page.

3. Click as appropriate buttons to act on this request to review:

  • Cancel Request: to cancel the request for review.
  • Approve: to approve the request for review.
  • Reject: to reject the request for request.

4. Perform these options to complete your review:

  • Download Document: to download the agreement in PDF format.
  • Upload Document: to upload the reviewed document with comments.
  • Edit: to make changes to the agreement.
  • Send For Approval: to send the agreement for approval after your reviews are complete.
  • Delete: to delete the agreement completely.

Third party reviews are done by the external party. The Third Party user reviewing the agreement may or may not have access to ICI. This is the process to review an Agreement as a Third Party Reviewer:

1. Download the document that you received by e-mail from the primary owner.

2. Review the document and send it back with your comments to the primary owner by e-mail.

3. When primary owners receive the document from the third party, they incorporate the changes and upload the document to ICI again.


Display internal and external reviewer roles based on user type

Reviewer plays a vital role in review and approval processes for each entity related to agreement and suggests the changes wherever necessary. Primary owner can send an agreement for review using Request Review to internal or external users or users groups.

Create user groups

  1. Click User Administration > User Groups > Create User Groups on Dashboard. The Create User Group page opens.
  2. Enter Name. For Example, Only External Reviewers
  3. Click Next. The Users tab opens.
  4. Click Add Users. The window to add users opens.
  5. Select and add users from list. For Example, external users with login privileges.
  6. Verify the details and click Save. The user group Only External Reviewers with external users is created. 

You can create user groups with only internal users, only external users or the mix of internal and external users.

Send the agreement for a review

  1. Click Request Review on the Agreement page.
7.12 Internal External User Role 1.png
The Add User window opens.

7.12 Internal External User Role 2.2.png

      2. Click Internal tab to add internal users or user groups. For example, internal user John Doe.
      3. Click Third Party tab to add external users.
      4. Click Send. The agreement is sent for review.

User roles on the Agreement page

You can see the reviewer’s roles on Team and History tabs on Agreement page.

  • If the user or all the users in the user group are internal users, the role displayed will be Internal Reviewer.
  • If the user or any one user in the user group is an external or third party user, the role displayed will be External Reviewer.
7.12 Internal External User Role 3.3.png

Actions Reassign, Enable, Disable and Remove will work in a similar way as other User Roles for Internal Reviewer and External Reviewer roles.

Note: The Administrator can map specific actions to user roles Internal Reviewer and External Reviewer through Role Action Mapping, User Groups and Security Groups as per ICI existing functionality.


Related Topics: Agreement Management | Managing_Users | Managing_User_Groups