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ICM delivers various reports on contracts and all related information. This provides valuable performance insights into all areas of contract.
Using the Reports feature, you can generate the following reports:

  • Agreement Deviation

This report provides the number of agreements that show deviation from the specified clause.

  • Agreement Expiring in The Next 30 Days

This report provides the list of executed agreements that are going to expire in the next 30 days from the date of its creation.

  • Agreements Pending Approval

This reports shows the number of agreements that have the status Waiting For Approval.

  • Agreements Pending execution

This report provides information on the number of agreements that await internal signature and/or the signature from customer.

  • Average Agreement Turn Around Time

This report provide information on the average number of days required for executing an agreement from the date of its creation.

  • Clauses Pending Approval

This report shows the number of clauses that are pending for approval by the Legal team member.

  • Templates Pending Approval

This report shows the number of templates that have the status Waiting For Approval

  • Agreement Clause Report

This report provides the list of agreements that have clauses with Specific Clause Name or Clause Description.

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